What Is the Correct Direction Vector Normal to a Plane in a Cubic Lattice?

In summary, the direction vector normal to the plane with Miller indices (!2 2 1) in a cubic crystal lattice is [210]. This is due to the fact that the direction vector is defined as the vector that is perpendicular to the plane and has projections of 2a, a, and 0 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. This also holds true for cubic lattices where the value of a is the same for all three axes. The Miller indices of a plane are defined as the reciprocals of the intercepts of the plane on the three crystallographic axes, and in this case, the plane has intercepts of -1, 1, and 2 along the x,
  • #1

Homework Statement

For a cubic crystal lattice:

The intercepts of a plane are -1, 1, and 2 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. The Miller index is (!2 2 1). Find the direction vector normal to the plane.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

In my book it states that a cubic lattice will have the same value for the direction vector if the crystal is cubic. "a plane and the direction normal to the plane have precisely the same indices" I would then be lead to believe that the direction normal should be [ !2 2 1]

However, according to the book, "The direction vector has projections of 2a, a, and 0 along the x, y, and z coordinate axes, respectively. The Miller indices for the direction are then [210].

This is an example problem but it makes no sense to me. Can anyone clear up this discrepancy? It seems to me like this may be a typo, but I don't have enough knowledge to say one way or the other.
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  • #2


Thank you for your question. The direction vector normal to the plane with Miller indices (!2 2 1) in a cubic crystal lattice is not [!2 2 1], but rather [210]. This is due to the fact that the direction vector is defined as the vector that is perpendicular to the plane, and has projections of 2a, a, and 0 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. In a cubic lattice, the value of a is the same for all three axes, hence the direction vector will have the same Miller indices as the plane.

To further clarify, the Miller indices of a plane are defined as the reciprocals of the intercepts of the plane on the three crystallographic axes. In this case, the plane has intercepts of -1, 1, and 2 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. Therefore, the Miller indices are calculated as [1/-1, 1/1, 1/2] which simplifies to [!1, 1, 1/2]. The direction vector, on the other hand, is defined as the vector that is perpendicular to the plane and has projections of 2a, a, and 0 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. In this case, the vector will have projections of 2a, a, and 0 along the x, y, and z axes, respectively, which simplifies to [2a, a, 0]. Since the value of a is the same for all three axes in a cubic lattice, the direction vector will have the same Miller indices as the plane, which is [210].

I hope this explanation helps clarify the discrepancy. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  • #3

I can provide a response to this content by clarifying the concept of direction vectors for cubic crystal lattices.

Firstly, it is important to understand that Miller indices represent the orientation of a plane within a crystal lattice, while direction vectors represent the orientation of a line or direction within the lattice. Therefore, they are not the same and cannot be directly compared.

In the given example, the Miller indices of the plane are [!2 2 1], which means that the plane is parallel to the x-axis, cuts the y-axis at 1/2 and the z-axis at 1. This information does not provide any information about the direction vector normal to this plane.

To find the direction vector normal to this plane, we need to consider the intercepts of the plane along the x, y, and z axes. In this case, the intercepts are -1, 1, and 2, respectively. These values represent the projections of the direction vector along the x, y, and z axes, respectively.

Therefore, the direction vector normal to the given plane can be represented as [!1 1 2]. This is obtained by taking the reciprocals of the intercepts and then multiplying by the smallest integer that will give us whole numbers, which in this case is 1.

In summary, the direction vector normal to the given plane is [!1 1 2], while the Miller indices of the plane are [!2 2 1]. These two values cannot be compared as they represent different concepts within the crystal lattice.

FAQ: What Is the Correct Direction Vector Normal to a Plane in a Cubic Lattice?

What is a direction vector for lattices?

A direction vector for lattices is a vector that represents a specific direction within a lattice structure. It is typically defined by three integers, which correspond to the number of lattice points crossed in each of the three directions.

How is a direction vector for lattices calculated?

A direction vector for lattices is calculated by determining the difference between two lattice points in each direction and then reducing the resulting vector to its simplest form.

Why are direction vectors important in lattice structures?

Direction vectors are important in lattice structures because they allow for the precise description and understanding of the arrangement and orientation of lattice points. They also play a crucial role in determining the properties and behavior of the lattice.

Can a direction vector for lattices be negative?

Yes, a direction vector for lattices can be negative. The sign of the integers in the vector indicates the direction and orientation of the vector within the lattice structure.

Are direction vectors unique for each lattice structure?

Direction vectors are not unique for each lattice structure. Different lattices can have the same direction vectors, as long as they have the same arrangement and orientation of lattice points within the structure.

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