What is the Correct Particular Solution for y''-2y'-3y=-3te^-t?

In summary: Then y''= (-2At+ 2A- B)e^{-t}- (At^2+ Bt)e^{-t}= (-At^2+ 2At+ 2A- 2B)e^{-t}y'- (At^2+ Bt)e^{-t}= (-3At^2+ 2At+ B)e^{-t}y= (At^2+ Bt)e^{-t}so y''- 2y'- 3y= (At^2+ 2At+ 2A- 2B- (-3At^2+ 2At+ B)- (2At^2+ 2Bt)e^{-
  • #1

i know that that the general solution to this problem is
yh = c1e^3t + c2e^-t

i am having trouble figuring out what the particular solution is (yp)
i keep getting the yp = 3/4te^-t , but wolfram alpha is telling me that the answer is something else.

how do i get the right particular solution. i am using the form (at+b)e^-t.
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  • #2
What is y'p'-2yp'-3yp?

You need to consider particular solutions of the form
(a t^2+b t)e^-t=(a t+b)t e^-t.

This is easy to see as the minimal equation for the forcing function is
(D+1)^3 (-3te^-t)=0
note that we need not consider e^-t as it is a solution of the homogeneous equation.
  • #3
If [itex]e^{-t}[/itex] were not already a solution to the associated homogeneous equation, then you would try [itex](At+ B)e^{-t}[/itex] as a patricular solution. But because it is, if you do you will get
[tex]y'= Ae^{-t}- (At+ B)e{-t}= (-At+ A- B)e^{-t}[/tex]
[tex]y''= -2Ae^{-t}+ (At+ B)e^{-t}= (At+ B- 2A)e^{-t}[/tex]

[tex]y''- 2y- 3y= (At+ B- 2A-(-2At+ 2A- 2B)- (3At+ 3B)e^{-t}= (A+ 2A- 3A)te^{-t}+ (-2A+ 2A+ B+ 2B- 3B)= 0[/tex]
for all[\b] A, B.

Because [itex]e^{-t}[/itex] is already a solution to the homogeneous equation, we need to multiply by t: try [itex](At^2+ Bt)e^{-t}[/itex]

FAQ: What is the Correct Particular Solution for y''-2y'-3y=-3te^-t?

1. What is the concept of undetermined coefficients?

The method of undetermined coefficients is a technique used in solving non-homogeneous linear differential equations. It involves assuming a general form for the solution and then determining the coefficients by substitution into the original equation.

2. When is the method of undetermined coefficients applicable?

The method of undetermined coefficients is applicable when the non-homogeneous term of the differential equation can be expressed as a linear combination of known functions, such as polynomials, exponential functions, and trigonometric functions.

3. How does the method of undetermined coefficients differ from variation of parameters?

While both methods are used to solve non-homogeneous linear differential equations, the method of undetermined coefficients uses a predetermined form for the solution, whereas variation of parameters allows for a more general form of the solution to be determined.

4. Can the method of undetermined coefficients be applied to higher order differential equations?

Yes, the method of undetermined coefficients can be applied to higher order differential equations. However, the form of the solution may become more complex as the order of the equation increases.

5. What are the limitations of the method of undetermined coefficients?

The method of undetermined coefficients is limited to linear differential equations with constant coefficients and non-homogeneous terms that can be expressed as a linear combination of known functions. It may also fail when the assumed form of the solution overlaps with the homogeneous solution.
