What is the correct value for the mass-energy equivalence of an alpha particle?

In summary, the energy equivalent of an alpha particle is 3727.411 MeV, calculated from the mass of an alpha particle (4.00150618 u) and the conversion factor 931.494061 MeV/c2. However, when considering the uncertainties in the values used, the energy equivalent can also be expressed as 3727.379 MeV, showing that the accuracy and precision of the calculation can vary depending on the values used. It is important to take into account the uncertainties and correlations between values when performing calculations in physics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the energy equivalent of the mass of an alpha particle.

alpha particle (amu) = 4.00150618 u
1 amu = 1.660566*10-27 kg
1 amu = 931.5020 MeV
alpha particle (kg) = 6.64465675 * 10-27 kg

Homework Equations

e = mc2

The Attempt at a Solution

931.5020 MeV * 4.00150618 u
= 3727.41100968 MeV (i)
= 3727.411
(correct to 7 significant figures because 931.5020 MeV has 7 significant figures)

6.64465675 * 10-27 kg * ((2.99792458 * 108 m/s)2) = 5.97191966 * 10-10 Joules

1 eV = 1.602189 * 10-19 J

5.97191966 * 10-10 Joules / 1.602189 * 10-19 Joules

= 3727350306.36 eV
= 3727.35031 MeV
= 3727.350 MeV (correct to 7 significant figures because 1.660566*10-27 kg has 7 significant figures)

I don't understand which answer is correct. I know how to calculate the mass-energy equivalence but I'm stumped on precision & accuracy.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi there,

Strange, since a simple google shows for the alpha particle

6.64465675(29)×10−27 kg[1]
4.001506179125(62) u
3.727379240(82) GeV/c2​

and for your conversion factors the claims also don't hold (e.g. pdg or nist):

u = 931.494061(21) MeV/c2
u = 1.660538921(73) × 10−27 kg
numbers between brackets are uncertainties. If you want to dive really deep, you have to take into account that these uncertainties are correlated and you have to go back to the (84 page) original article . Wouldn't do that. Just keep in mind that not all physical constants are known to arbitrary precision.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply, BvU.

My question is more about significant figures, accuracy and precision though.

1 amu = 931.5020 MeV
alpha particle = 4.00150618 u

energy equivalent of alpha particle = 3727.41100968 MeV

931.5020 only has 7 significant figures though, so doesn't that mean the energy equivalent = 3727.411 MeV?

If this is the case, then what about the other calculation I did?

6.64465675 * 10-27 kg * ((2.99792458 * 108 m/s)2) = 5.97191966 * 10-10 Joules

5.97191966 * 10-10 Joules = energy equivalent of alpha particle (in Joules)

1 eV = 1.602189 * 10-19 J

5.97191966 * 10-10 Joules / 1.602189 * 10-19 Joules

= 3727350306.36 eV
= 3727.35031 MeV
= 3727.350 MeV (correct to 7 significant figures because 1.660566*10-27 kg has 7 significant figures)

I don't know which starting value I should base my significant figures in the final answer on.
  • #4
says said:
My question is more about significant figures, accuracy and precision though.

1 amu = 931.5020 MeV
alpha particle = 4.00150618
So is my answer.

I'm telling you 1 amu = 931.494061(21) MeV/c2 and I give you the reference where it comes from.

How can you say your 931.5020 value is accurate to 7 digits ? Says who ? Where does it come from ?

4.001506179125 * 931.494061 = 3727.379241
4.00150618 * 931.4940610 = 3727.3792417​

both well within the range of 3727.379240(82) MeV/c2

4.00150618 * 931.5020000 = 3727.4110097​

is "way off" when considering the 82 eV uncertainty in the pdg value..

And the same for the other path:

6.64465675(29) 10-27 is what I found too
2.99792458 108 is exact, so
5.971919665 10-10 is what I found too , but
1.602176565(35) 10-19 is what I found for e -- so you are off by a factor 1 + 7.8 10-6
Where does your 1.602189 come from ?

1.602176565 gives 3727.379239
again well within the range of 3727.379240(82) MeV/c2

1.602189 gives 3727.350309​

and that is again "well off".

Fitting the fundamental physical 'constants' is an elaborate business: they have to evaluate a huge load of experimental results and then do a least squares fit.
Out comes a set of values (and corrleated sigmas) with maximal self-consistency. See the CODATA paper.

Could it be that in your case data from an old set is compared to results that are based on the newest values ?
You'd have to dive into the archives.


There is something else that doesn't match. You say
4.00150618 * 1.660566 = 6.64465675

but it's not. It's 6.64476511
so that is off too. And the 7 digit accuracy of the u in kg has nothing to do with the deviation; it's all due to the "wrong" e.
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FAQ: What is the correct value for the mass-energy equivalence of an alpha particle?

1. What is mass-energy equivalence?

Mass-energy equivalence is the principle that states that mass and energy are two forms of the same thing. It was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his famous equation E=mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light. This equation shows that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

2. How does mass-energy equivalence impact our understanding of the universe?

Mass-energy equivalence has had a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It has helped us understand the relationship between matter and energy, and how they interact with each other. It has also played a crucial role in the development of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.

3. Can mass and energy be created or destroyed?

According to the law of conservation of mass-energy, mass and energy cannot be created or destroyed. They can only be converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of mass and energy in the universe remains constant.

4. How is mass-energy equivalence used in practical applications?

Mass-energy equivalence has many practical applications. It is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity, in medical imaging technologies like PET scans, and in nuclear weapons. It also plays a role in the development of new technologies, such as fusion energy.

5. Is mass-energy equivalence a proven theory?

Yes, mass-energy equivalence is a well-established and proven theory. It has been tested and verified through numerous experiments and observations. The most famous example is the conversion of mass into energy in nuclear reactions, which is a direct demonstration of the principle.

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