What is the definition of dividing vectors in R^2 using points P, Q, R, and S?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Poirot1
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In summary, the conversation discusses the definition and use of the dot product of two vectors, the concept of an inverse vector, and the application of Menelaus' theorem in finding ratios of directed lengths. It also addresses a potential misunderstanding of notation and suggests a different notation for clarification.
  • #1
If P,Q,R,S are 4 points in R^2 then we have the lines PQ and RS. How do we define $\frac{PQ}{RS}$ ?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Poirot said:
If P,Q,R,S are 4 points in R^2 then we have the lines PQ and RS. How do we define $\frac{PQ}{RS}$ ?

It is well known that there are two different vector products: the scalar product and the vectorial product. If we hypothise to define a sort of 'inverse vector' we must distinguish between 'scalar inverse' and 'vectorial inverse'. The scalar inverse seems to be reasonably comfortable to manage... the vectorial inverse probably is a little problematic to manage...Kind regards $\chi$ $\sigma$
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  • #3
The dot product of two vectors X and Y is defined as...

$\displaystyle X \cdot Y = |X|\ |Y|\ \cos \theta$ (1)

... where $\theta$ is the angle between vectors and |*| is the norm. Let's suppose that the 'scalar inverse' of a vector X can be defined as a vector $X^{-1}$ so that is...

$\displaystyle X \cdot X^{-1} = 1$ (2)

It is almost immediate that $X^{-1}$ in that case is not univocally defined because different combinations of $|X^{-1}|$ and $\theta$ can satisfy (2)... it seems that we are not on the right way! (Malthe)...

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #4
look up ceva's theorem on wikipedia. That's what I'm on about.
  • #5
Poirot said:
look up ceva's theorem on wikipedia. That's what I'm on about.
Wikipedia says the following about Menelaus' theorem, which is similar.
This equation uses signed lengths of segments, in other words the length AB is taken to be positive or negative according to whether A is to the left or right of B in some fixed orientation of the line. For example, AF/FB is defined as having positive value when F is between A and B and negative otherwise.
So, it involves ratios of signed segment lengths.
  • #6
Poirot said:
If P,Q,R,S are 4 points in R^2 then we have the lines PQ and RS. How do we define $\frac{PQ}{RS}$ ?

Maybe I'm missing something here, but it looks to me like $PQ$ is the length of the vector from point $P$ to point $Q$, and $RS$ is the length of the vector from point $R$ to point $S$. Then the fraction $(PQ)/(RS)$ is normal real division: one length divided by another. $PQ$ is a common, though not, to my mind, the best, notation for the length of that line segment.

Is there more context to the problem?
  • #7
In Menelaus' theorem, the product of ratios is -1, so these are directed lengths, not simple lengths.
  • #8
Yes this is a simple misunderstanding of notation.
  • #9
Poirot said:
Yes this is a simple misunderstanding of notation.

If you mean I'm misunderstanding the notation, then I would claim the notation is atrocious. I know for a fact that I have seen this notation used for the simple length of a line segment.

Perhaps you could use something like $\overset{\pm}{\overline{PQ}}$?
  • #10
You are misunderstanding now, I was referring to myself.

FAQ: What is the definition of dividing vectors in R^2 using points P, Q, R, and S?

1. What is the definition of vector division?

Vector division is a mathematical operation that involves dividing one vector by another. It results in a new vector that is the quotient of the original vectors.

2. How is vector division different from scalar division?

Vector division is different from scalar division because it involves dividing two vectors, which are quantities that have both magnitude and direction, whereas scalar division only involves dividing a single quantity.

3. Can any two vectors be divided?

No, not all vectors can be divided. Vector division is only defined for vectors of the same dimension. This means that both vectors must have the same number of components.

4. What is the result of dividing a vector by itself?

When a vector is divided by itself, the result is a unit vector with a magnitude of 1 and the same direction as the original vector. This is because any vector divided by itself is equal to 1.

5. What are some real-world applications of vector division?

Vector division has various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It can be used to determine the direction and magnitude of forces, calculate velocities and accelerations, and perform geometric transformations in computer graphics.

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