What is the difference between a vector space and a group?

In summary, a group and a vector space are not the same thing. While they share some axioms, they also have some key differences. A vector space requires its scalars to form a field, whereas a group only requires a ring. Additionally, a vector space has more specific axioms for addition and scalar multiplication, while a group has more general axioms. While a vector space can be seen as a specific type of module, modules (and thus Abelian groups) can be more complex and do not always have the simplicity of vector spaces in terms of linear algebra.
  • #1
I've taken a course in Linear Algebra, so I'm used to working with vector spaces. But now, I'm reading Griffith's Introduction to Elementary Particles, and it talks about groups having closure, an identity, an inverse, and being associative.

With the exception of commutativity (unless the group is abelian), and scalar multiplication, is a group the same thing as a vector space? If not, what's the difference?
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  • #2
A group has axioms:

1. Closure
2. Associativity
3. An identity element
4. An inverse element

A vector space has axioms:

1. Associativity of addition u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w
2. Commutativity of addition v + w = w + v
3. Identity element of addition, v + 0 = v for all v ∈ V.
4. Inverse elements of addition w ∈ V, v + w = 0.

5. Distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to vector addition a (v + w) = a v + a w
6. Distributivity of scalar multiplication with respect to field addition (a + b) v = a v + b v
7. Compatibility of scalar multiplication with field multiplication a (b v) = (ab) v [nb 3]

8. Identity element of scalar multiplication 1v = v, where 1 is the multiplicative identity in F
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  • #3
Axiom 4 on groups, clarification:

There exists ONE inverse element for EACH group element.

And one has:
The group multiplication can be "anything", e.g. number addition, number multiplication, matrix multiplication etc etc.
  • #4
There is an algebraic structure called a module. It has the same axioms as a vector space, except for one: a vector space requires that it's scalars form a field, whereas a module merely requires a ring. The definitional difference between the two is that fields have division, but rings don't. (e.g. the rational numbers are a field, but the integers are only a ring)

It turns out that every Abelian group is an integer module if you define multiplication by an integer in the obvious way:
0 * g = 0
(n+1) * g = (n * g) + g
(-n) * g = -(n * g)​

One can still do linear algebra with modules (and thus with Abelian groups), but it's more complex -- things aren't always as simple as with vector spaces.

FAQ: What is the difference between a vector space and a group?

1. What is the difference between a vector space and a group?

While both vector spaces and groups are mathematical structures, they have different properties and serve different purposes. A vector space is a set of objects (vectors) that can be added together and multiplied by scalars (numbers) to produce new vectors. A group, on the other hand, is a set of elements that can be combined using a single operation (e.g. addition, multiplication) and follow certain rules (e.g. closure, associativity) to produce a unique result.

2. Can a group be considered a subset of a vector space?

No, a group cannot be considered a subset of a vector space. While a vector space is a set of objects that can be added and multiplied by scalars, a group is a set of elements that can only be combined using one operation and do not involve scalar multiplication.

3. What are some real-world examples of vector spaces and groups?

Vector spaces can be seen in various physical quantities such as velocity, force, and electric fields, while groups can be found in symmetries of geometric shapes, rotations in 3D space, and permutation groups in combinatorics.

4. How do vector spaces and groups relate to each other?

Vector spaces can be thought of as a generalization of groups, as they both involve the concept of combining elements to produce new objects. In fact, the set of all vectors in a vector space can form a group when a specific operation, such as vector addition, is defined on them.

5. Are there any similarities between the axioms of vector spaces and groups?

Yes, there are a few similarities between the axioms of vector spaces and groups. Both involve closure (the result of combining elements is within the set), associativity (the order of operations does not matter), and the existence of an identity element (a vector or element that does not change the result when combined with another). However, the axioms for vector spaces also include the concept of scalar multiplication and the existence of inverses for all elements, which are not present in group axioms.
