What is the difference between an android cell phone & non-android?

In summary, the difference between an android cell phone and a non-android cell phone is that an android cell phone uses the Android operating system, while a non-android cell phone uses another operating system to interface with the hardware.
  • #1
What is the difference between an android cell phone and a non-android cell phone?
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  • #3
Almost all still share a common thread of being based on a flavor of Unix. Even Apple's IOS7. So at the core of it, the only major difference is the interface.
  • #4
Ummmm. What?

One has android and the other has another operating system to interface with the hardware. I don't think there's much to this question. And if it were to be answered by going into specifics of how different OSes handle the hardware it would be a too broad answer.

I'm a little confused... :rolleyes:
  • #5
Psinter said:
Ummmm. What?

One has android and the other has another operating system to interface with the hardware. I don't think there's much to this question. And if it were to be answered by going into specifics of how different OSes handle the hardware it would be a too broad answer.

I'm a little confused... :rolleyes:

I don't think think it's that unsound of a question. With the variety of cellular phones on the market, it's perfectly valid.
  • #6
Simply stated, an android cell phone uses the Android operating system.
There are phones that run other (non-android) operating systems like Windows Phone OS, Blackberry OS, iOS, Bada etc.

Note that phones that use these operating systems are generally called Smart Phones. Of course before the smart phone era, mobile phones also had OS but those operating systems differ from smart phone operating systems by their low capability and less programability.
(At present many low end phones still use not-smartphone OS.)
  • #7
Android: Very customizable. Open source operating system is easily changed, hacked, manipulated, and molded to fit whatever functionality you had in mind. Your friend definitely has one to try. Found on all platforms for all prices depending on what hardware and software version you are interested in. Second largest app store. The battery is usually replaceable.

iPhone: The first smartphone that was actually smart. Always turns on and always works. Same operating experience on all iPhones. The screen has the most pixel density. Hardware is made for Apple to Apple specs and cannot be changed. Has the largest app store. Most phone accessories are made for iPhone ranging from alarm clock docking stations and credit card scanners to stun guns.

That is the difference..
  • #8
WallaceCox said:
Android: Very customizable. Open source operating system is easily changed, hacked, manipulated, and molded to fit whatever functionality you had in mind. Your friend definitely has one to try. Found on all platforms for all prices depending on what hardware and software version you are interested in. Second largest app store. The battery is usually replaceable.

iPhone: The first smartphone that was actually smart. Always turns on and always works. Same operating experience on all iPhones. The screen has the most pixel density. Hardware is made for Apple to Apple specs and cannot be changed. Has the largest app store. Most phone accessories are made for iPhone ranging from alarm clock docking stations and credit card scanners to stun guns.

That is the difference..

I doubt the screen has the most pixel density. There are Android phones out there with better than 1080p resolution and 2400p phones are expected soon.

Meanwhile, the latest iPhone is 640p.

For instance, on my Samsung Galaxy S4, which is only a 1080p screen, it is true "retina" resolution (at least for me) because the pixels are so small that my eye cannot resolve them without putting it too close to the screen to focus.

On the other hand, the iPhone 5 is not a retina screen for me because if I put my eyes right up to the point where I start to lose focus, I can barely make out the pixels (i5 326 ppi versus 441 for the S4 and 538 for the LG G3).

At least from my perspective, that means that 1080p is pretty much the highest useful resolution in a screen that size.

Related to What is the difference between an android cell phone & non-android?

1. What is an android cell phone?

An android cell phone is a type of mobile phone that runs on the Android operating system, which was developed by Google. It is an open-source platform that allows for customization and a wide range of features and apps.

2. How is an android cell phone different from a non-android cell phone?

An android cell phone is different from a non-android cell phone in terms of the operating system. While android phones use the Android OS, non-android phones may use different operating systems, such as iOS (for iPhones) or Windows (for Windows phones).

3. What are the main features of an android cell phone?

Some of the main features of an android cell phone include a customizable home screen, access to the Google Play Store for downloading apps, integration with Google services, and the ability to use widgets for quick access to information.

4. What are the advantages of using an android cell phone?

One of the main advantages of using an android cell phone is its flexibility and customization options. It also has a wide range of apps available on the Google Play Store and can easily sync with other Google services. Additionally, android phones are available in a variety of price ranges, making them accessible to a larger population.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using an android cell phone?

One potential disadvantage of using an android cell phone is the risk of malware and security threats. As an open-source platform, android may be more vulnerable to these types of attacks. Additionally, some users may find the level of customization overwhelming and confusing.

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