What is the difference between an element and a subset in set theory?

In summary, the textbook is saying that {a}, which is an element of set A, is not always a subset of A, and that there are sets with in sets within sets.
  • #1
I'm attempting to teach myself topology from a textbook. I'm on the first chapter and came into some trouble with some of the set theory.

Here is what the textbook says.

We make a distinction between the object a, which is an elemant of a set A, and the one-element set {a}, which is a subset of A. To illustrate if A is the set {a,b,c}, then the following statements are all correct.

•a is an element of A
•{a} is a subset of A
•{a} is an element of P(A) where P(A) i the power set of A meaning that P(A) is the set of all subsets of A.

However according to the textbook the following statements are not true
•{a} is a member of A
•a is a subset of A

If the set {a}, simply contains a what is the difference between saying a is an "element" of A and a is a "subset" of A? If an object is an element of some set isn't it also a subset of that set? I also am having trouble understanding the idea of a power set. If P(A) is the set of all subsets then doesn't P(A)=A?
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  • #2
the textbook is right

{a} is a subset of A and {a} is a member of the PowerSet(A) since the power set contains all subsets of A including ∅ and A itself.

{a} is NOT a member of A.

a is an element of A and a is NOT a member of P(A) as P(A) contains only subsets of A and not any of its elements.

remember a ≠ {a} this is a crucial distinction.
  • #3
I still don't understand how they are different though. If the only element of {a} is a, then how does a≠{a}?

You also didn't answer my other question. Or maybe you did but I didn't understand it.

The textbook seems to imply that just because a is an element of A doesn't mean a is a subset of A. Could you explain this?
  • #4
Also, aren't all the elements of A also subsets of A? For example of A={1,2,3}, {1} is a subset of A, right? And wouldn't {1} be one of the elements of P(A)? ugh I'm confusing myself.
  • #5
daiviko said:
I still don't understand how they are different though. If the only element of {a} is a, then how does a≠{a}?

You also didn't answer my other question. Or maybe you did but I didn't understand it.

The textbook seems to imply that just because a is an element of A doesn't mean a is a subset of A. Could you explain this?

You can construct sets where the elements are also subset of the set.

consider a set N = { x, {x}, {x, {x} } ... } this is how they sometimes represent natural numbers where x is ∅ the empty set.

sets with in sets within sets. x=0 and {x}=1 and {x,{x}} = 2 ... (see wikipedia: set-theoretic numbers)

but in general the power set contains all possible subsets of A and while members of A could be subsets of A that isn't always true. I mean we could make a set A where some or all of the elements happen to also be subsets of A that's not true in general.
  • #6
daiviko said:
Also, aren't all the elements of A also subsets of A? For example of A={1,2,3}, {1} is a subset of A, right? And wouldn't {1} be one of the elements of P(A)? ugh I'm confusing myself.

okay so start with a={1,2,3}: yes {1} is a subset of A and it is a member of the P(A) because by definition the P(A) contains all subsets of A including A itself and ∅ the empty set.

But what you said earlier is that 1 is an element of A but 1 is not an element of P(A) because 1 is not a set.

what the book is saying when it says they aren't TRUE is that they aren't ALWAYS true and MATH really likes to have statements that are ALWAYS true.
  • #7
[Please don't think I am trying to patronise you here. I still use this kind of explanation to explain university level maths to myself.]

Replace the word 'set' with the word 'bag'.

Now suppose you have 2 bags, one has an apple inside, one has a banana. So you have {a} and {b}.

Now try two experiments:

1) Tip the apple from one bag into the other bag. Now you have a bag with an apple and a banana in it, and an empty bag.

So you have {a, b} and {}.

2) Put one of your bags (which contains an apple) inside the other bag. Now you have one bag which contains a banana and which also contains a bag. And in that second bag there is an apple

So you now have {{a}, b}.

It should be clear from the bag analogy that {a, b} ≠ {{a}, b}.If you understand this, try it with 2 bags and one apple.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that a set, in the most naive sense, is an object which contains other mathematical objects. Thus a set can contain another set because that second set is a mathematical object. (You can't just pretend the bag isn't there)

An element of a set A is an object which is contained in A.

A subset of a set A is a collection (a set (bag) in it's own right) of elements of A.
  • #8
In order to understand power sets you need to understand what a subset is.

I have an exercise for you that may help:

Consider the set {a, b, c, d}.

List all the subsets of {a, b , c, d} you can think of.

[A little note. A book on topology will assume prior knowledge of set theory so the introductory chapter on sets will be quite brief. My suggestion to you is that you first find a book devoted to set theory for a more detailed introduction.]

FAQ: What is the difference between an element and a subset in set theory?

1. What is set theory?

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, which are collections of objects or elements. It provides a foundation for understanding various mathematical concepts and is used in many areas of science, including computer science, statistics, and physics.

2. What are the basic elements of set theory?

The basic elements of set theory are sets, elements, and operations. Sets are collections of objects or elements, which can be numbers, letters, or any other type of object. Elements are the objects that make up a set, and operations are ways to manipulate sets, such as union, intersection, and complement.

3. What is the difference between a set and an element?

A set is a collection of objects, while an element is an individual object that belongs to a set. For example, the set {1, 2, 3} contains the elements 1, 2, and 3.

4. What is a universal set?

A universal set is a set that contains all possible elements. In other words, it is the largest set that can be created with a given set of elements. It is often denoted by the symbol Ω.

5. How do you represent sets in set theory?

Sets can be represented in various ways, such as using braces { } to list the elements, using set-builder notation to describe the elements, or using Venn diagrams to illustrate the relationships between sets. For example, the set of even numbers between 1 and 10 can be written as {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} or as {x | x is an even number between 1 and 10}.
