What is the difference between the B and H fields?

In summary: To follow your path and see it develop from there would be quite the experience.In summary, the difference between the B and H fields is that H is the portion of the total B field that is solely due to free currents.
  • #1
Maxwell's Beard
Hello all,

I have recently taken up the study of electromagnetism because I found that I lacked severely in this area. This became apparent when I attempted to build a real motor from scratch. Sure I've built motors before, just the old high school coil suspended on two paper clips hooked to a battery etc.

This time, I tried to build a real motor which could do real work. So I figure I know the basic function, as far as how it is supposed to work, attraction and repulsion. When it came to actually making it work... nothing. I got enough torque to set the poles of the armature parallel to the field poles, then no more. I did eventually, by trial and error, get it to function. And it now powers a small scroll saw (which I also built), but mostly for novelty purposes.

With these failures I figure I must not know what I think I know and I start studying some old books (and I mean old, Hawkins Electrical Guide, 1914). Now these books really have a lot of info.

My question, right now is this:

What is the difference between the B and H fields? Because their ratio is dimensionless, doesn't that mean they have the same units, so why are they described differently in my texts?

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  • #2
Their ratio is certainly not dimensionless, as they're related by a permeability.
  • #4
genneth said:
Their ratio is certainly not dimensionless, as they're related by a permeability.

"The ratio of the number of lines B passing through a unit cross section of a solenoid core to the number of lines H passing through a unit cross section of the same solenoid with an air core"

Is more or less how the Hawkins guide states it. And with the help from the "hyperphysics" link I think I see it clearly now>

Thank you all.
  • #5
You can think of H as the portion of the total B field that is solely due to free currents.

  • #6
Claude Bile said:
You can think of H as the portion of the total B field that is solely due to free currents.


Oh, I get it! Why can't they just say that? I think I lost myself between the definitions of "magnetization", "magnetizing force", "magne-whatever".

So, then, the "magnetizing force" H is just the externally generated field? And the "magnetic induction" B is the total (H + internal) fields?
  • #7
Actually, they do say that, but not in the type of books you are reading. If you want to progress beyond building simple prototype motors, then I suggest you read Griffth's Introduction to Electrodynamics in order to have an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals. If that seems too mathy for you, try Purcell's Electromagnetism.

  • #8
Maxwell's Beard said:
Oh, I get it! Why can't they just say that? I think I lost myself between the definitions of "magnetization", "magnetizing force", "magne-whatever".

So, then, the "magnetizing force" H is just the externally generated field? And the "magnetic induction" B is the total (H + internal) fields?
Yes, H is the total B-field with the internal response of the material removed, B is the total field with the response of the material included.

  • #9
loom91 said:
Actually, they do say that, but not in the type of books you are reading. If you want to progress beyond building simple prototype motors, then I suggest you read Griffth's Introduction to Electrodynamics in order to have an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals. If that seems too mathy for you, try Purcell's Electromagnetism.


I do have a modern text, I just wanted to start at the beginning and watch it evolve into what it is today. Seems like the guys who figured out the key characteristics of electromagnetism had a pretty firm grasp on how it worked, even if they had no idea of the quantum nature of matter. I have been studying these old texts by Steinmetz, Heaviside, the Hawkins Guide, and several dynamo and generator books from the turn of the 20th Century. I want to see it as they seen and calculated it, even in the old CGS electromagnetic units first, then move on to how we see it today.

Just judging from a brief review of the two modern books I have, the classical view of the field seems unchanged from the old texts, except in the units used. Looking at it now from what I have learned just from the question I posed here, the descriptions of the B and H fields in the old texts make sense now, I guess it was just my lack of understanding how they worded it.

I don't really see this as a bad approach to the subject. I think it will be quite enlightening

FAQ: What is the difference between the B and H fields?

What is the difference between the B and H fields?

The B and H fields are two components of the electromagnetic field that describe the behavior of magnetic materials. They are often confused with each other, but they have distinct differences.

What is the origin of the B and H fields?

The B field, also known as the magnetic flux density, represents the magnetic field produced by electric currents or moving charges. The H field, also known as the magnetic field strength, represents the magnetic field produced by magnetic materials such as magnets or ferromagnetic materials.

What are the units of measurement for B and H fields?

The unit of measurement for the B field is Tesla (T), while the unit for the H field is Ampere per meter (A/m). This is because the B field is a vector quantity, while the H field is a scalar quantity.

How do B and H fields interact with each other?

The B and H fields are related to each other through a mathematical equation known as the magnetic permeability. This relationship describes how the magnetic field strength (H) is affected by the presence of magnetic materials, which affects the magnetic flux density (B).

What are some practical applications of B and H fields?

The B and H fields have various practical applications, such as in the design of electric motors, generators, and transformers. They are also used in technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic levitation. Additionally, the B and H fields are important in understanding the Earth's magnetic field and its impact on our planet.

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