What is the difference between these two problems?

  • Thread starter oahsen
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In summary: Well, that was the idea of what I just sent you. If I write a parametric equation for the circle (like x=cos(2*t), y=sin(2*t)) then you can find the direction vector by differentiating in the same way as you did the first...
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a problem from thomas' calculus. the topic is Tangent planes and diffrentials. The problem is as follows: the celcus temparature in a region in space is given by T(x,y,z)= 2*x^2-xyz; a particle is moving in the region and it's position at time t is given by x=2*t^t ; y=3*t; z=-t^2, where time is measured in seconds and distance in meters. then how fast is the temparature experienced by the particle changing in degrees per meter when the particle is at the point P(8,6,-4)?

ther was another problem just above this problem. there says ; suppose that the celcius temparature at the point (x,y) in the xy-plane is T(x,y)=x-sin(2y) and the distance is in meters. a particle is moving clockwise aroun the circle of radius 1m centered at te origin at the constant rate of 2m/sec.
and it asks : how fast is the temparature experienced by the particle changing in degrees per meter when the particle is at the point
P(1/2,sqrt(3)/2) ?
I have sold the second question as folows. I find the direction of the particle when iti s at the poin P. then I took he directional derivative at this point. However, in the first question how can ı find the direction o the particle?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You could take the directional derivative along the tangent vector to the curve (x',y',z'). But why bother? If you put x, y and z into the expression for T, you can get T as a function of t. Then just take the derivative.
  • #3
" You could take the directional derivative along the tangent vector to the curve (x',y',z'). "
how can I do that? I mean how can ı find a directon ,from the given equations, that is like xi+yj+zk ?
  • #4
The tangent vector is i*dx/dt+j*dy/dt+k*dz/dt. The length of the tangent vector is the speed. A direction vector pointing in that direction is tangent/speed. But as I said, you could also do it as dT/dt/speed. Your choice. Does that help?
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  • #5
Dick said:
The tangent direction is i*dx/dt+j*dy/dt+k*dz/dt. Its length is the speed. A direction vector pointing in that direction is tangent/speed. But as I said, you could also do it as dT/dt/speed. Your choice. Does that help?

yes, it helped a lot. thank you very much.
  • #6
This is more a "chain rule" problem than "tangents and differentials".

You are asked to find
[tex]\frac{dT}{dt}= \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\frac{dx}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\frac{dz}{dt}[/tex]
  • #7
HallsofIvy said:
This is more a "chain rule" problem than "tangents and differentials".

You are asked to find
[tex]\frac{dT}{dt}= \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\frac{dx}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\frac{dz}{dt}[/tex]

He's not actually looking for dT/dt. He's looking for dT/ds, where s is arclength along the curve.
  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
This is more a "chain rule" problem than "tangents and differentials".

You are asked to find
[tex]\frac{dT}{dt}= \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\frac{dx}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\frac{dy}{dt}+ \frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\frac{dz}{dt}[/tex]

yes you make a good point. And this is actually my question? If you look to the two problems, which I wrote on the top of the page, they are same(at least i tink so). However, in the first part we have to take a directional derivative. then why do we here have to take a derivative with respect to t? I mean what is te diffference between these two problems_
  • #9
There is no real difference between the problems. If they had given you a particle moving along x=cos(2*t), y=sin(2*t) and asked for the rate at t=pi/6 in the second problem, they would look even more alike. But you would have gotten the same answer.
  • #10
Dick said:
There is no real difference between the problems. If they had given you a particle moving along x=cos(2*t), y=sin(2*t) and asked for the rate at t=pi/6 in the second problem, they would look even more alike. But you would have gotten the same answer.

last question. In the first question i find the direction vector in a geometric way (I draw a circle with radius 1...) . Is there a algebratic way to obtain the position vector which is there sqrt(3)i - j .
  • #11
oahsen said:
last question. In the first question i find the direction vector in a geometric way (I draw a circle with radius 1...) . Is there a algebratic way to obtain the position vector which is there sqrt(3)i - j .

Well, that was the idea of what I just sent you. If I write a parametric equation for the circle (like x=cos(2*t), y=sin(2*t)) then you can find the direction vector by differentiating in the same way as you did the first problem.
  • #12
Dick said:
Well, that was the idea of what I just sent you. If I write a parametric equation for the circle (like x=cos(2*t), y=sin(2*t)) then you can find the direction vector by differentiating in the same way as you did the first problem.

ok, i think ı understood you. when we take the dot product of the gradient f and the directional vector (which is 4ti+3j-2tk in this case) we obtain the change per meter. However in the second part of the question it asks the changing in degrees celcius per second. Since I do not know the velocity of the particle (or do ı know it?) how can ı solve this part?
  • #13
ok i understood now. As you stated before "the length of the tangent vector is the speed" then in our case the speed is sqrt(89). And then the answer is velocity(Celcius per meter)* sqrt(89).
Soory for bothering you. you have helped me to understand the concept of the partial derivatives. thanks again...

FAQ: What is the difference between these two problems?

What is the difference between these two problems?

The difference between two problems can vary depending on the specific context and subject matter. However, some common factors that may differentiate two problems include their underlying causes, the impact they have on individuals or systems, the available solutions or approaches, and the desired outcomes or goals.

How can I determine which problem is more pressing or important?

Evaluating the urgency or importance of a problem can be subjective and may depend on personal or societal values. As a scientist, you can use research and data to assess the potential consequences and impact of each problem. Additionally, considering the potential solutions and their feasibility can also help determine the urgency or importance of a problem.

What is the role of science in addressing these problems?

The role of science in addressing problems is to use evidence-based methods, theories, and experiments to understand the root causes of a problem and develop effective solutions. Scientists also play a crucial role in communicating their findings and recommendations to policymakers and the public to inform decision-making and promote positive change.

Can the same problem have different solutions?

Yes, the same problem can have different solutions depending on various factors such as the context, available resources, and individual perspectives. As a scientist, it is important to consider multiple solutions and their potential effectiveness in addressing the problem at hand.

How can we prevent these problems from occurring in the future?

Preventing future problems often involves addressing the underlying causes and implementing proactive measures. As a scientist, you can contribute to prevention efforts by conducting research and providing evidence-based recommendations for policy changes and individual actions that can help mitigate or eliminate the problem.
