What is the dimension of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT)?

In summary, Rovelli's model is a generalized TQFT, which is strongly inspired by the current quantum groups work. It seems that LQG should in fact be a 5D TQFT with 4D gravity emerging on the boundary, but the naive argument would still be that spin foams should come not from a 4D TQFT, but from a 5D one.
  • #1
Science Advisor
In http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.1939 Rovelli describes his present model as a generalized TQFT. The current quantum groups stuff is also strongly TQFT inspired (as spin foams in general are). This makes me wonder whether LQG should not in fact be "higher dimensional". The reason is that I've often read in Baez's TWF that the boundary theory of a TQFT has local degrees of freedom, even though there are none in the bulk. In which case, shouldn't LQG be a TQFT in 5D with 4D gravity emerging on the boundary?

I suppose the more general idea is that the boundary is a constraint, and so all we need is that LQG should be a TQFT with constraints, which is indeed the idea behind the current spin foam models. Nonetheless, the naive argument would still be that spin foams should come not from a 4D TQFT, but from a 5D one. Does anyone know what the "dimension" of Rovelli's generalized TQFT is, if there is such a thing?
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  • #2
atyy said:
In http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.1939 Rovelli describes his present model as a generalized TQFT. The current quantum groups stuff is also strongly TQFT inspired (as spin foams in general are). This makes me wonder whether LQG should not in fact be "higher dimensional". The reason is that I've often read in Baez's TWF that the boundary theory of a TQFT has local degrees of freedom, even though there are none in the bulk. In which case, shouldn't LQG be a TQFT in 5D with 4D gravity emerging on the boundary?

I suppose the more general idea is that the boundary is a constraint, and so all we need is that LQG should be a TQFT with constraints, which is indeed the idea behind the current spin foam models. Nonetheless, the naive argument would still be that spin foams should come not from a 4D TQFT, but from a 5D one. Does anyone know what the "dimension" of Rovelli's generalized TQFT is, if there is such a thing?

http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.4707 is the standard wide-audience review at this point. There is a section on page 14:
"Loop gravity as a generalized TQFT"
Look at second paragraph of right column on page 14.

...Therefore loop gravity is essentially a TQFT in the sense of Atiyah, where the cobordism between 3 and 4d manifold is replaced by the cobordism between graphs and foams...
  • #3
atyy said:
In http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.1939 Rovelli describes his present model as a generalized TQFT. ...

Atyy, I looked back at that October paper you pointed to and it said the same thing, on page 2, about dimensionality:


Atiyah has provided a compelling definition of a general covariant QFT, by giving axioms for topological quantum field theory (TQFT) [22, 23]. In Atiyah scheme, a 4d TQFT is defined by the cobordisms between 3d manifolds...
The model defined by (4) belongs to a simple generalization of Atiyah’s TQFT, where: (i) boundary Hilbert spaces are not necessarily finite dimensional; (ii) 4d manifolds are replaced by two-complexes; (iii) 3d manifolds are replaced by graphs [24–26]. Graphs bound two-complexes in the same manner in which 3d manifolds bound 4d manifolds.

I'm puzzled by your post because I see no suggestion either place of anything that would elevate the dimensionality to 5D. Is there something I'm missing?
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  • #4
marcus said:
I'm puzzled by your post because I see no suggestion either place of anything that would elevate the dimensionality to 5D. Is there something I'm missing?

Well, I think I know what my confusion was. First, since a TQFT doesn't have local degrees of freedom, but its boundary theory does, I had thought that since one wanted a 4D theory with local degrees of freedom, one should start with a 5D TQFT and look at its 4D boundary theory. However, it seems that in the 3D Chern-Simons case, the boundary theory is a CFT, which isn't background independent. So I guess the lesson of AdS/CFT and the 3D TQFT/2D CFT correspondences are the same: a boundary CFT can produce a background independent bulk theory.

Related to What is the dimension of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT)?

1. What is LQG and how does it relate to Rovelli's TQFT?

LQG stands for Loop Quantum Gravity, which is a theory that attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity by describing spacetime as a network of interconnected loops. Rovelli's TQFT, or Topological Quantum Field Theory, is a mathematical framework that describes the topological properties of space and time. LQG is a type of TQFT that focuses on the geometry of spacetime at the quantum level.

2. What is the dimension of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT)?

The dimension of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT) is not a fixed value, as it can vary depending on the specific mathematical formulation used. However, in general, it is believed to be a higher dimensional theory, with spacetime being described as a network of interconnected loops in a higher-dimensional space.

3. How is LQG (Rovelli's TQFT) different from other theories of quantum gravity?

LQG (Rovelli's TQFT) is different from other theories of quantum gravity, such as String Theory, in that it does not require the existence of extra dimensions or new particles. Instead, it focuses on the fundamental building blocks of spacetime and how they interact at the quantum level. It also offers a different approach to quantizing gravity, by using a discrete structure rather than a continuous one.

4. What are the current challenges and limitations of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT)?

One of the main challenges of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT) is its mathematical complexity, which makes it difficult to make precise predictions or testable experiments. Another limitation is that it currently does not incorporate other fundamental forces, such as the strong and weak nuclear forces, which are crucial to our understanding of the universe.

5. What are some potential applications or implications of LQG (Rovelli's TQFT)?

LQG (Rovelli's TQFT) has the potential to provide a deeper understanding of the nature of spacetime and the fundamental laws of the universe. It may also have implications for cosmology, as it offers a different perspective on the origin and evolution of the universe. Additionally, it has potential applications in the development of quantum computers and technologies. However, more research and development are needed before these applications can be realized.

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