What Is the Direction of a Glass's Velocity as It Hits the Ground?

In summary, the glass slid across a table and fell to the floor, with a table height of 0.860m and a landing distance of 1.53m from the edge. The initial velocity of the glass was calculated to be vxi=3.65 and the correct direction of the glass's velocity as it hit the ground is 48.3 degrees clockwise from the horizontal.
  • #1
A glass is slid across a table, goes off the edge and falls to the floor. The table is 0.860m high and the glass lands 1.53m from the edge.
a) With what velocity did the glass leave the table?

I found this to be vxi=3.65

b)What was the directionof the glass's velocity (degrees clockwise from the horizontal) as it hit the ground?

I used the equation t-1(0.860/1.53) =29.3 but the correct answer is 48.3

What did I do wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You need to find the x and y components of the velocity just before the glass hots the floor and calculate the angle from that.
  • #3

It seems like you may have made a mistake in your calculation. The correct equation to use would be t-1(0.860/1.53) = tanθ, where θ is the angle of the velocity vector with respect to the horizontal. Solving for θ, we get θ = 48.3 degrees. It is possible that you may have used the wrong value for the height of the table or the distance the glass traveled. Additionally, make sure you are using the correct units for your calculations. Double check your work and try again.

FAQ: What Is the Direction of a Glass's Velocity as It Hits the Ground?

What is the direction of velocity?

The direction of velocity is the direction in which an object is moving. It can be described using cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) or angles (such as 45 degrees east of north).

How is direction of velocity different from speed?

Direction of velocity and speed are two different concepts. While speed only measures the rate at which an object is moving, direction of velocity also takes into account the direction in which the object is moving.

Can an object have a negative direction of velocity?

Yes, an object can have a negative direction of velocity. This means that the object is moving in the opposite direction of its initial motion. For example, if an object initially moved east but then changed direction and started moving west, its direction of velocity would be negative.

How is direction of velocity calculated?

Direction of velocity is calculated by finding the angle between the object's initial position and its final position. This angle can be measured using a protractor or calculated using trigonometry.

Does direction of velocity affect an object's acceleration?

Yes, direction of velocity does affect an object's acceleration. The direction of the object's velocity determines the direction of the net force acting on the object, which in turn affects its acceleration. An object can accelerate in the same direction as its velocity, in the opposite direction, or at an angle to its velocity.
