What Is the Direction of Induced Current in Copper and Glass Tubes?

The induced current in the copper tube is clockwise due to the direction of the magnetic field, and there is no induced current in the glass tube. In summary, the direction of the induced current is clockwise in the copper tube and there is no induced current in the glass tube.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A magnet is dropped down each the copper and glass tube. What direction is the induced current in the copper and glass tube respectively?


a)clockwise, clockwise
b)clockwise, no induced current
c)counter clockwise, clockwise
d)counter clockwise, no induced current

Homework Equations

None are necessary.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the answer is b) clockwise, no induced current. Using the left hand rule the direction of the magnetic field in the copper tube is upwards and the direction of the current is clockwise. Current cannot be induced in a glass tube. Am I right?
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  • #2
Your answer is correct.
  • #3

Yes, you are correct. The answer is b) clockwise, no induced current. When a magnet is dropped down a copper tube, the changing magnetic field induces a current in the copper tube, creating a magnetic field that opposes the initial field. This current flows in a clockwise direction. However, in a glass tube, there is no conducting material for the induced current to flow through, so no current is induced.

FAQ: What Is the Direction of Induced Current in Copper and Glass Tubes?

What is an induced current problem?

An induced current problem is a type of problem that involves the generation of an electric current in a conductor due to a changing magnetic field. This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction and is governed by Faraday's law.

How is an induced current problem solved?

To solve an induced current problem, one must determine the direction and magnitude of the induced current. This can be done by applying Lenz's law, which states that the induced current will flow in a direction that opposes the change in the magnetic field that produced it.

What factors affect the magnitude of the induced current?

The magnitude of the induced current depends on the rate of change of the magnetic field, the number of turns in the conductor, and the strength of the magnetic field.

What are some real-life applications of induced current?

Induced current has many practical applications, such as in generators, transformers, and electric motors. It is also used in devices such as metal detectors and induction cooktops.

How does the concept of induced current relate to electricity and magnetism?

Induced current is a direct result of the relationship between electricity and magnetism. The changing magnetic field induces an electric field, which in turn causes an electric current to flow in a conductor. This phenomenon is a fundamental principle in the study of electromagnetism.
