What Is the Distance at Which There Is No Net Force Between Two Atoms?

In summary, the potential energy of two atoms separated by a distance r can be written as U(r) = 4Uatomic * [(r0/r)12 - (r0/r)6]. Using Coulomb's Law is not helpful since the charges are unknown. However, by using calculus and the relationship between force and potential energy (F = -dU/dr), the distance at which there is no net force between the atoms can be found. This distance can then be used to find the potential energy at the position where the net force is 0 N.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The potential energy of two atoms separated by a distance r may be written as:

U(r) = 4Uatomic * [(r0/r)12 - (r0/r)6]

>Given r0 = 4.0 Ao and Uatomic = -0.012795 eV, what is the distance at which there is no net force between the atoms? Express your answer in terms of Ao.

>What is the potential energy at the position where the net force is 0 N? Express your answer in terms of eV.

Homework Equations

The above equation.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using Coulomb's Law, but I don't know the charges so it's not very helpful. Finding the total energy is also not relevant since I don't know mass or velocity. I'm pretty stuck here. I know once I find the first part I can find the second part easily, but I feel like I'm overlooking something simple for the first part of the question.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hint: What's the relationship between force and the potential function? (Use calculus.)
  • #3
F = -dU/dr :) I tried it and it worked! Thanks for the hint!

Related to What Is the Distance at Which There Is No Net Force Between Two Atoms?

1. What is potential energy of two atoms?

The potential energy of two atoms is the energy that is stored within the bonds between the two atoms. It is the energy required to either break or form the bond between the atoms.

2. How is the potential energy of two atoms calculated?

The potential energy of two atoms is calculated using the formula: PE = k(Q1Q2)/r, where k is the Coulomb constant, Q1 and Q2 are the charges of the two atoms, and r is the distance between the two atoms.

3. What factors affect the potential energy of two atoms?

The potential energy of two atoms is affected by the distance between the atoms, the charges of the atoms, and the type of bond between the two atoms (ionic, covalent, etc.). Other factors that can affect potential energy include temperature and external forces.

4. How does potential energy change as the distance between two atoms changes?

As the distance between two atoms decreases, the potential energy increases. This is because the atoms are getting closer together, making it more difficult to break or form the bond between them. Conversely, as the distance increases, the potential energy decreases.

5. How does potential energy affect the stability of a molecule?

The potential energy of a molecule affects its stability. If the potential energy is too high, the bond between the atoms may break, causing the molecule to become unstable. However, if the potential energy is at a lower, more stable level, the molecule will remain intact. A stable molecule has a lower potential energy than an unstable molecule.
