What is the distance to the nearest star?

  • Thread starter MightyMeanie
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In summary, the distance to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is approximately 4.3 light years away. The distance across a galaxy and the size of the observable universe can vary, with estimates ranging from 46 billion light years to 78 billion light years. Wikipedia is a useful resource for information on these topics.
  • #1
What is the distance to the nearest star? Is the nearst star Proxima Centauri (and it being 4.3 lightyearsaway)? Whats the Distance across a galaxy and the size of te observable Universe? :bugeye:
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
MightyMeanie said:
What is the distance to the nearest star? Is the nearst star Proxima Centauri (and it being 4.3 lightyearsaway)? Whats the Distance across a galaxy and the size of te observable Universe? :bugeye:
The first part of you question is answered here:

  • #3
en.wikipedia.org is often a good reference for lots of things. I entered "observable universe" into its search function, and it gives this page:

  • #4
Hurkyl said:
en.wikipedia.org is often a good reference for lots of things. I entered "observable universe" into its search function, and it gives this page:


thanks, i didnt know about wikipedia :approve: I've added it to my favourites thanks x
  • #5
From wikipedia:
The present distance (comoving distance) to the edge of the observable universe is larger, since the universe has been expanding; it is estimated to be about 78 billion light years
This is wrong. In the current cosmological model the edge of the observable universe would be located at about 46 billion lightyears.
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  • #6
I was reading a book today which mentioned 78 billion light years.
  • #8
To paraphrase Asimov, differences of less than a factor of ten are rarely important, except in the matter of salaries where factors of two matter.

FAQ: What is the distance to the nearest star?

What is the distance to the nearest star?

The distance to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is approximately 4.24 light years. This equates to about 25 trillion miles or 40 trillion kilometers.

How do scientists measure the distance to stars?

Scientists use a variety of methods to measure the distance to stars, including parallax, spectroscopy, and variable stars. Parallax involves measuring the slight shift in a star's position as the Earth orbits the Sun. Spectroscopy looks at the light spectrum of a star to determine its luminosity and distance. Variable stars, which change in brightness, have a known relationship between their period and luminosity that can be used to calculate distance.

Can we see other stars with the naked eye?

Yes, we can see thousands of stars with the naked eye in a clear and dark sky. However, the vast majority of stars in our galaxy and the universe are too far away to be seen without the aid of telescopes.

What is the closest star to Earth?

The closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, which is part of the Alpha Centauri star system. It is located about 4.24 light years away in the constellation Centaurus.

What is the farthest star that can be seen from Earth?

The farthest star that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye is V762 Cassiopeiae, which is located in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is approximately 16,308 light years away from Earth.

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