What is the Electric Field and Spring Constant for Two Charges on a Spring?

In summary, the problem involves two charges, Qa = 3 µC and Qb = -2 µC, placed on the x-axis with a separation of a = 25 cm. The net electric field at a point P, located d = 7 cm to the left of charge Qa, needs to be found. Additionally, the force on Qb due to Qa and the spring constant of a spring attached to the charges are also requested to be calculated. To solve for the electric field, an equation for the electric field due to a charge q at a distance r needs to be used. For the spring constant, the compression of the spring and the equal forces from the spring and electric charges can be used to solve
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two charges Qa = 3 µC and Qb = -2 µC are placed on the x-axis with a separation of a = 25 cm.

(a) Find the net electric field at point P, a distance d = 7 cm to the left of charge Qa.
(b) Find the force on Qb due to Qa .
The charges Qa and Qb are now attached to the ends of a spring whose unstretched length is s0 = 25 cm. With the charges attached, the spring compresses to an equilibrium length s1 = 10 cm.

(c) Calculate the spring constant ks of the spring.

Homework Equations

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  • #2
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What have you done so far on this problem?
  • #3
I am confused from the start. I am unsure on how to find the EF for point P without its Charge, and unsure how to approach it.
Also I am horrible when working to find the spring constant. Any suggestions on how to start, besides a FBD.
Thank you
  • #4
jdmarquardt said:
I am confused from the start. I am unsure on how to find the EF for point P without its Charge, and unsure how to approach it.

The word in bold above indicates that you have a misunderstanding. There does not need to be a charge at point P in order for there to be an electric field there. The electric field you are looking for is the field due to the other charges. The electric fields of Qa and Qb extend throughout space, including to point P. Basically you can think of the electric field as "map" of how an electric charge influences its surroundings. Does that make sense?

You're missing an equation for the electric field of a charge q that tells you how strong it is at a distance r away from that charge. You need to find this equation so that you can use it to compute the strength of charge a and charge b's field at point P.

jdmarquardt said:
Also I am horrible when working to find the spring constant. Any suggestions on how to start, besides a FBD.
Thank you

Since the charges have opposite signs, they are attracted towards each other. However, since they are at opposite ends of the spring, the spring gets compressed as the charges move towards each other. However, as you know, the spring fights back with a restoring force that gets bigger the more you compress the spring. When the outward force from the spring is equal to the inward force from the electric charges, the compression will stop. So, the problem is telling you that, when the spring is compressed down to s = 10 cm, the spring force and the electric force are equal to each other. That means you know the spring force and you know the amount of compression. So how would you solve for k?
  • #5


The net electric field at point P is the vector sum of the electric fields due to each charge. Using the equation E=F/q, we can calculate the electric field due to each charge separately.

(a) Electric field due to Qa:
Ea = kQa/d^2 = (9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2)(3x10^-6 C)/(0.07 m)^2 = 6.12x10^6 N/C

Electric field due to Qb:
Eb = kQb/(a-d)^2 = (9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2)(-2x10^-6 C)/(0.18 m)^2 = -1.23x10^6 N/C

Net electric field at P:
E = Ea + Eb = (6.12x10^6 N/C) + (-1.23x10^6 N/C) = 4.89x10^6 N/C

(b) The force on Qb due to Qa can be calculated using the equation F=kq1q2/r^2.
F = (9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2)(3x10^-6 C)(-2x10^-6 C)/(0.18 m)^2 = -1.23x10^-2 N

(c) The force exerted by the spring is equal and opposite to the force calculated in part (b). Therefore, we can use the equation F=-kx to solve for the spring constant.
-kx = -1.23x10^-2 N
-k(0.1 m) = -1.23x10^-2 N
k = 1.23x10^-1 N/m

Therefore, the spring constant ks is 1.23x10^-1 N/m.

Related to What is the Electric Field and Spring Constant for Two Charges on a Spring?

1. What is "Two Charges on a Spring"?

"Two Charges on a Spring" is a model used to study the behavior of two charged particles connected by a spring. This model is often used in physics to understand the interactions between charged particles.

2. How does the spring affect the charges in this model?

The spring in this model provides a restoring force that pulls the particles back to their equilibrium position. This force is proportional to the displacement of the particles from their equilibrium position and acts in the opposite direction of the displacement.

3. What is the equation of motion for the charges in this model?

The equation of motion for the charges in this model is given by Newton's second law, F = ma, where F is the net force on the charges, m is the mass of the charges, and a is the acceleration of the charges. The net force is the sum of the spring force and the electrostatic force between the charges.

4. What factors affect the behavior of the charges in this model?

The behavior of the charges in this model is affected by the spring constant, the charges of the particles, the distance between the particles, and the masses of the particles. These factors determine the strength of the forces acting on the particles and therefore, their motion.

5. What applications does "Two Charges on a Spring" have?

This model is used in various fields of study, such as electromagnetism, condensed matter physics, and molecular dynamics, to understand the behavior of charged particles in different systems. It is also used to study the properties of springs and their effect on the behavior of particles.

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