What is the equation for a polynomial curve connecting two straight tracks?

In summary, The problem is to connect a railroad track smoothly between two sections of tracks at different levels. A polynomial P(x) of degree 5 is needed to define a function F(x) that will create a smooth transition between the two tracks. The function F(x) will be 0 if x<=1, P(x) if 0<x<1, and 1 if x>=1. In order to ensure a smooth transition, the polynomial must satisfy six equations, including P(0)=0, P(1)=1, P'(0)=0, P'(1)=0, P''(0)=0, and P''(1)=0. Solving these equations results in the coefficients of P(x)
  • #1
"let's consider the problem of connnecting a railroad track to make a smooth transition between sections of straight ttrack. Existing track along the negative x-axis is to be joined smoothly to a track on the line y=1 for x>=1.

find a polynomial P=P(x) of degree 5 such that the following function F is defined by

...0 if x<=1
F(x) =P(x) if 0<x)1
...1 if x>= 1

no idea how to start other than drawing a picture!

                ____________ (y=1)
(y=0)____      ||
        /\     ||
        ||     ||
      (x=0) (x=1)
**ignore all the peroids, they are for spacing as this does not put large amounts of spaces.**

and betwwen those two lines i need an equation for a line that looks kind of like a squished "S" on a 45 degree angle (hard to describe)

how do i go about making that equation? where do i even start?

edit...tried that code thing
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  • #2
Use [ code ] ... [ /code ] around an ASCII picture: it will retain your spaces, and all characters will have an equal width.
  • #3
ok thanks that worked...but I am stuill stuck on the problem! :D
  • #4
So you want a polynomial P(x) of degree 5: P(x)= ax5+ bx4+ cx3+ dx2+ ex+ f such that:
P(0)= 0
P(1)= 1 so the tracks meet!
P'(0)= 0
P'(1)= 0 so there is not a "corner" where they meet.
That much should be obvious from your picture. But's that's only 4 conditions for 6 coefficients. You need two more. In order that the transition be smooth you also need:
P"(0)= 0
p"(1)= 0
That gives you 6 equations to solve for the 6 coefficients.
  • #5
oh that makes sense thanks

but why does p''(0) and p''(1)mean smooth?
  • #6
so i get
b= -15

that looks right to me?

so my equation is 6ax^5 -15x^4+10x^3=P(x)?

PS: how do u make the ^2 appear normal? (IE without using a ^)

FAQ: What is the equation for a polynomial curve connecting two straight tracks?

What is a polynomial curve problem?

A polynomial curve problem is a type of mathematical problem where the goal is to find the equation of a curve that best fits a set of data points. This equation is usually in the form of a polynomial function, hence the name "polynomial curve problem".

How do you solve a polynomial curve problem?

The most common method for solving a polynomial curve problem is by using a technique called "least squares regression". This involves finding the coefficients of a polynomial function that minimizes the sum of the squared vertical distances between the data points and the curve.

What are the applications of polynomial curve problems?

Polynomial curve problems are commonly used in fields such as statistics, economics, engineering, and physics. They can be used to model and predict trends in data, analyze experimental results, and make predictions based on existing data.

What are the limitations of polynomial curve problems?

One limitation of polynomial curve problems is that they can only be used to fit data that follows a specific trend, such as a curve or a line. They may not be suitable for data that does not follow a specific pattern. Additionally, polynomial curve problems may not be able to accurately predict future data points if the underlying trend changes.

Are there alternative methods for solving polynomial curve problems?

Yes, there are several alternative methods for solving polynomial curve problems, such as spline interpolation and cubic splines. These methods may be more suitable for certain types of data or may provide more accurate results in certain situations.
