What is the equation for calculating terminal velocity?

In summary, there are two common models for calculating terminal velocity: one where the air resistance is proportional to the speed, resulting in a linear differential equation, and one where the resistance is proportional to the square of the speed, resulting in a non-linear differential equation. Both models can be used to determine the terminal velocity of a falling object, taking into account factors such as drag coefficient, air density, and frontal area. It should be noted that in both models, the terminal velocity is dependent on the mass of the object.
  • #1
i'm looking for an equation to calculate terminal velocity. Does anyone know it? and can u please post in here please. :smile:
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  • #2
That would depend upon how you choose to model the air/fluid resistance.
  • #3
One common model is that the resistance force is proportional to the speed.
Under that model, an object falling, under gravity has acceleration -g+ kv (k is the proportionality constant, v the speed. Since that is a function of v, it give the linear differential equation mdv/dt= -mg+ kv. The general solution to that is v(t)= Ce-kt/m-mg/k. For very large t, that exponential (with negative exponent) goes to 0 and the "terminal velocity" is -mg/k.

Another common model is to set the resistance force proportional to the square of the speed. That means the net force is -g+ kv2 and v satisfies the differential equation mdv/dt= -g+ kv2. That's a non-linear differential equation but is separable and first order. We can integrate it by writing
dv/(kv2-g)/m= (-1/2√(g))(1/(√(k)v+√(g))dv/m+(1/2√(g))(√(k)v-&radic(g))dv/m= dt.
Integrating both sides, we get (1/2√(kg))ln((√(k)v-√(g))/(√(k)v+√(g))= mt+ C. For large t, the denominator on the left must go to 0: the terminal velocity is -√(g/k) which, you will notice, is independent of m. This model is typically used for very light objects falling through air or objects falling through water.
  • #4
A falling object on Earth is subjected to a downward force [itex]F_g=mg[/itex], while it's air resitance constitutes an upward force often modeled by

[tex]F_w=\frac{1}{2}C_D \rho A_F v^2[/tex].

With [itex]C_D[/itex] a constant (drag coefficient) that models how aerodynamic the object is, for most object of the order 1 (for a raindrop for example ~0,5), [itex]\rho[/itex] the air density, [itex]A_F[/itex] the frontal area of the object (perpendicular to the direction of motion), and [itex]v[/itex] the velocity of the object.

At terminal velocity the force on the object is zero (otherwise the object would accellerate!) so you can equate both force-equations yielding:

[tex]mg=\frac{1}{2}C_D \rho A_F v^2[/tex]
[tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{2mg}{C_D \rho A_F}}[/tex]
  • #5
Error in post 3

Indeed, terminal velocity depends on mass. You forgot the FORCE due to gravity is mg, not g.

FAQ: What is the equation for calculating terminal velocity?

What is the Terminal Velocity Equation?

The Terminal Velocity Equation is a formula used to calculate the maximum velocity that an object can reach when falling through a fluid, such as air or water. It takes into account the object's mass, the gravitational force, and the drag force acting on the object.

How is the Terminal Velocity Equation derived?

The Terminal Velocity Equation is derived from the balance of forces acting on an object falling through a fluid. The gravitational force pulling the object downwards is equal to the drag force pushing upwards. As the object accelerates, the drag force increases until it becomes equal to the gravitational force, resulting in a constant velocity known as the terminal velocity.

What factors affect the Terminal Velocity of an object?

The Terminal Velocity of an object is affected by several factors, including the object's mass, size, shape, and surface area. Objects with a larger surface area or higher density will experience a greater drag force, resulting in a lower terminal velocity. Additionally, the density and viscosity of the fluid through which the object is falling can also impact the terminal velocity.

Why is the Terminal Velocity Equation important in physics?

The Terminal Velocity Equation is important in physics because it helps us understand the motion of objects in a fluid. It can be applied to various real-life situations, such as skydiving, parachuting, and the flight of birds and insects. It also helps us study the effects of air resistance on different objects and how it can be minimized or maximized.

Can the Terminal Velocity Equation be applied to objects falling in a vacuum?

No, the Terminal Velocity Equation cannot be applied to objects falling in a vacuum because there is no fluid present to create a drag force. In a vacuum, objects will continue to accelerate until they reach their maximum potential velocity, known as the escape velocity, which is determined by the object's mass and the strength of the gravitational force.

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