What is the equation for calculating uncertainties in physics?

In summary, the moment of inertia, or the resistance of an object to a change in its orientation, can be calculated using the following equation: I = mr2 where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass of the object, and r is the radius of the object. The uncertainty associated with this calculation can be determined by multiplying the uncertainty associated with the measurement of the object's mass by the uncertainty associated with the measurement of the object's radius.
  • #1
In my physics class we are constantly taking measurements and calculating uncertainty. Unfortunately my teacher has neglected to teach us how to calculate it and I am at a loss.
Currently I am working on calculating moment of inertia including its uncertainties.

Can anyone walk me through the process of how uncertainties are calculated?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
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  • #2
It's not clear what you are asking. You don't "calculate" the uncertainty (or error) of a measurement, it is part of the measurement itself and depends upon the method of measuring. For example, if you are measuring a distance with a ruler with marks 1 mm apart, then you give the measurement to the "nearest mm" so your error is 1/2 mm and the uncertainty is "plus or minus 1/2 mm".

If you measure two distance as, say, "20 cm plus or minus 1/2 mm" and "33 cm plus or minus 1/2 mm" then that means you distances cannot be more than 20.05 cm and 33.05 cm so their sum cannot be more than 53.1 cm. Similarly the two measurements cannot be less than 19.95 cm and 32.95 cm so their sum cannot be less than 52.9 cm. That is, the sum is "53 cm plus or minus 1 mm".

The product of those same two measurement cannot be less than 662.6525= (20)(33)+ 2.6525 cm nor less than 657.3525= (20)(33)- -2.6475. Those errors are slightly different but can be approximated by "660 plus or minus 2.65".

Notice that the "relative errors" (how large the error may be compared to the mearurement itself) are .05/20= 0.0025 and .05/33= 0.0015 while the relative error in the product is 2.65/660= .0040= .0025+ .0015.

That illustrates two engineering "rules of thumb": When adding (or subtracting) measurements, the errors add. When multiplying (or dividing) measurements, the relative errors add.

And since this is a question and not "Learning Materials", I am moving it to "General Physics"
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  • #3

FAQ: What is the equation for calculating uncertainties in physics?

What is uncertainty?

Uncertainty is the lack of complete knowledge or precision in a measurement or calculation. It is the range of possible values that a quantity could have, due to limitations in measurement tools or human error.

Why is it important to calculate uncertainty?

Calculating uncertainty allows scientists to understand the limitations of their experiments and measurements. It also helps in determining the reliability and accuracy of data, and allows for proper interpretation and communication of results.

How is uncertainty calculated?

Uncertainty is calculated by taking into account the precision of the measurement instrument and the accuracy of the measurement. It is typically expressed as a range of values, such as ±0.1 cm or ±5%. There are various methods for calculating uncertainty, such as error propagation and statistical analysis.

What factors can contribute to uncertainty?

There are several factors that can contribute to uncertainty, including limitations in measurement tools, human error, environmental factors, and the inherent variability of the phenomenon being measured. It is important to identify and minimize these factors in order to reduce uncertainty in scientific experiments.

How can uncertainty be reduced?

Uncertainty can be reduced by using more precise measurement tools, carefully controlling experimental conditions, and repeating measurements multiple times to identify and reduce sources of error. It is also important to accurately document and report the uncertainty associated with a measurement or calculation.

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