What is the equation for temperature of water over time?

In summary, the Temperature vs. Time graph for heating water from room temperature to 100 degrees Celsius with a constant power heating element is expected to be linear for low temperatures, but becomes more exponential as it asymptotically approaches the boiling point due to factors such as Newton's law of cooling and water vapor loss. The equation T = 100 - Ae^-kt does not fit the data well, and other equations such as the Fourier heat equation may be more suitable for modeling heating without stirring. Additionally, the formation of steam bubbles on the heating element can greatly reduce the heat transfer rate as the water approaches boiling point.
  • #1
Imagine I am trying to heat water from room temperature to 100 degrees Celsius, with a heating element of constant power.

One would expect that for low temperatures, Temperature vs. Time graph to be linear. When I did the experiment, the result however was linear up to about 60 degrees, but then it started to look more exponential. I expect this is due to Newton's law of cooling between the water and the surroundings, and more complicated factors as the water asymptotic to 100 degrees at boiling point.

How should I model heating water to the boil. Using T = 100 - Ae^-kt, did not fit my data well. What equations can used to model this phenomenon from 0 to 100 degrees.

PS. If you need to use multiple equations for different portions of the curve, that's fine by me.
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  • #2
So you are interested in curve fitting? Or are you thinking about the theory behind that? I mean what is a "heating element"? There is a big difference between a system which is slowly warmed up (dT/dt << 1) and say a immersion heater or a nuclear bomb - and this system depends from some factors.
  • #3
Is the water being stirred?
  • #4
chrisphd said:
Imagine I am trying to heat water from room temperature to 100 degrees Celsius, with a heating element of constant power.

One would expect that for low temperatures, Temperature vs. Time graph to be linear. When I did the experiment, the result however was linear up to about 60 degrees, but then it started to look more exponential. I expect this is due to Newton's law of cooling between the water and the surroundings, and more complicated factors as the water asymptotic to 100 degrees at boiling point.

How should I model heating water to the boil. Using T = 100 - Ae^-kt, did not fit my data well. What equations can used to model this phenomenon from 0 to 100 degrees.

PS. If you need to use multiple equations for different portions of the curve, that's fine by me.
The relation ##Q=mc\Delta T## only gets you so far sometimes in the real world. If it is at constant power, P, we know that ##P_{heating}=\frac{dE_{heating}}{dt}=\beta##, for some constant ##\beta##, implying that ##Q=E_{heat}=\beta\cdot x##. However, the relation assumes that c is constant and that no water leaves the system. If you are not mixing, then the water might heat unevenly, causing some water to be lost in the form of water vapor while other parts are left at a lower temperature. As a fun little aside, if we wanted to model heating without stirring, that would cause temperature to be a function of time AND position. Thus, we can use the Fourier heat equation, given by ##\frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\alpha\nabla^2T##. Looks pretty simple, right? :biggrin:

Since specific heat of water doesn't change much between 20°C and 100°C, my thought is that as time is passing, your water is losing mass, thus causing the rate of heat change to increase drastically. Remembering that temperature of a substance is related to the speed of its particles and that higher mass implies higher inertia, this kind of makes sense.
  • #5
How are you heating the water? As you approach the boiling point, steam bubbles can form on the surface of the heating element, insulating the heater from the water and vastly reducing the heat transfer rate. This phenomenon is called nucleate boiling.


Related to What is the equation for temperature of water over time?

1. What is the equation for temperature of water over time?

The equation for temperature of water over time is T(t) = T0 + (Tf - T0)e-kt, where T(t) is the temperature at a given time, T0 is the initial temperature, Tf is the final temperature, and k is a constant representing the rate of change of temperature.

2. How is the equation for temperature of water over time derived?

The equation is derived using Newton's Law of Cooling, which states that the rate of change of temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its current temperature and the temperature of its surroundings. This can be represented mathematically as dT/dt = -k(T - Ts), where dT/dt is the rate of change of temperature, T is the temperature of the object, and Ts is the temperature of its surroundings.

3. What factors affect the temperature of water over time?

The temperature of water over time can be affected by various factors such as initial temperature, surrounding temperature, insulation, volume of water, and surface area of the container. Other factors such as pressure, salinity, and impurities can also play a role in the temperature change of water over time.

4. Can the equation for temperature of water over time be used for any type of water?

The equation can be used for most types of water, including freshwater and saltwater. However, the specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of different types of water may vary, which can affect the rate of temperature change. In such cases, the equation may need to be adjusted to account for these differences.

5. How accurate is the equation for temperature of water over time?

The accuracy of the equation depends on various factors such as the accuracy of the initial and final temperature measurements, the precision of the constant k, and the assumption that the rate of change of temperature remains constant over time. In real-world scenarios, other factors such as external heat sources or changes in the surrounding temperature may also affect the accuracy of the equation.

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