What is the equation of a line passing through (5,4) and (5,-6)?

In summary, to find the equation of a line with a slope of 0 and passing through the point (5,4), the equation will be y=4. For a line with an undefined slope and passing through the point (-2,4), the equation will be x=-2. To find the equation of a line passing through the points (9,-5) and (3,-5), the slope is 0/-6 which makes it undefined and the equation will be y=-5. And finally, for a line passing through the points (2,3) and (2,-6), the slope is -9/0 which is undefined and the equation will be x=2.
  • #1
Write an equation of a line with a slope of 0 and passing through the point (5,4).

Write an equation of a line with an undefined slope and passing through the point (-2,4).

I know how to do this type of thing but these two questions have stumped me.

If the slope of the first one is zero, it'll be a horizontal line. That means the equation will look something like this: y= some number right?

If so, what do I do with the (5, 4)? Do I just graph that point and see where it is as far as y goes? If that's what I'm to do...*Looks at a graph* y= 4? Now that I think about it, I didn't need the graph so that either means it's really easy or really wrong.:smile:

As for the second one, if the slope is undefined it would be vertical and would look like this: x= some number. Would it be the same way, again, assuming I did the first one right? x= -2?

EDIT: Write an equation of a line that passes through (9,-5) and (3,-5).

The slope is 0/-6, right? Does that make it undefined or 0? I can't tell the difference. What if the answer was -6/0? Which would that be?

As for writing the equation, it would be x or y, whichever it is according to whether it's undefined or zero...y/x = Aw, geez, I don't even know how to go about this one...

Write an equation of a line that passes through the points (2,3) and (2,-6).

slope = -9/0

I have two points...so, what I would do is...hm, would graphing them help me or not?
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  • #2
Your answers are correct. So maths can be simple...
  • #3

I suppose I was a bit late with my edit...:smile:

Write an equation of a line that passes through (9,-5) and (3,-5).

The slope is 0/-6, right? Does that make it undefined or 0? I can't tell the difference. What if the answer was -6/0? Which would that be?

As for writing the equation, it would be x or y, whichever it is according to whether it's undefined or zero...y/x = Aw, geez, I don't even know how to go about this one...*Pulls out her notes* I can't find anything referring to this type of problem...Method 1: If you are given the equation of the line, put the equation in slope intercept form. Nope, that's not it. Method 2: If you are given the graph of the equation, count the change in y and the change in x on the graph paper to determine the slope. Nope, not right either. Method 3: Nope, that only shows how to find the slope (I used method three for this one...) but it doesn't show what to do next...

Write an equation of a line that passes through the points (2,3) and (2,-6).

slope = -9/0

I have two points...so, what I would do is...hm, would graphing them help me or not?
  • #4
Look at the points. What do you see?
  • #5
I don't know...I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing. I've looked at them already so if I wasn't seeing it before I'm not seeing it now.:shy: :smile:
  • #6
Never mind, got it. ^_^

Related to What is the equation of a line passing through (5,4) and (5,-6)?

What is slope and how is it calculated?

Slope is a measure of the steepness of a line. It is calculated by dividing the change in the y-coordinate (vertical change) by the change in the x-coordinate (horizontal change) between two points on the line.

What does a positive slope indicate?

A positive slope indicates that the line is increasing from left to right, meaning that the y-coordinate increases as the x-coordinate increases.

What does a negative slope indicate?

A negative slope indicates that the line is decreasing from left to right, meaning that the y-coordinate decreases as the x-coordinate increases.

What is a horizontal line and what is its slope?

A horizontal line has a slope of 0 and is parallel to the x-axis. This means that there is no change in the y-coordinate as the x-coordinate increases.

What is a vertical line and what is its slope?

A vertical line has an undefined slope and is parallel to the y-axis. This means that there is no change in the x-coordinate as the y-coordinate increases.

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