What is the evidence for particulate matter in both liquids and solids?

  • Thread starter Elsa1234
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of matter being particulate and how it can be proven through various experiments and observations. The example of dissolving a sugar cube in water is used to demonstrate the particulate nature of both water and solids. The conversation also delves into the idea of singularities and whether all matter is fundamentally particulate. Additionally, the properties of light and its particulate nature are briefly discussed.
  • #1
Teachers teach us that matter is particulate because on dissolving a sugar cube into water it dissolves completely without raising the level of water. The level does not rise because water has spaces between itself. This proves that water or simply a liquid is particulate. But how do we prove that the solute or a solid is particulate as well?
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  • #2
With other experiments like stoichiometry in reactions. It is not a real proof anyway, just a good argument. Physics has more powerful tools for that.
  • #3
mfb said:
With other experiments like stoichiometry in reactions. It is not a real proof anyway, just a good argument. Physics has more powerful tools for that.
Could you give me some real proofs?
  • #5
Seems to me that dissolving a sugar cube in a cup of coffee may not increase the volume but it certainly increases the mass (and flavor) of the coffee.
But drop a cup of sugar in a full cup of coffee, I guarantee the coffee will spill over the rim I believe the term is *saturation* which limits the ability to absorb.
  • #6
write4u said:
Seems to me that dissolving a sugar cube in a cup of coffee may not increase the volume but it certainly increases the mass (and flavor) of the coffee.
But drop a cup of sugar in a full cup of coffee, I guarantee the coffee will spill over the rim I believe the term is *saturation* which limits the ability to absorb.
All true. What's your point?
  • #7
phinds said:
All true. What's your point?
I just wanted to address the example of a sugar cube in the coffee, which I believe to be incorrect or at least misleading as it deals with ability to absorb until saturated. But even then, a saturated medium is still particulate.

Perhaps I misunderstood the OP question, but it seems to me that everything is fundamentally particulate down to Planck scale. Is there any state of matter that is not particulate? A singularity?
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  • #8
write4u said:
I just wanted to address the example of a sugar cube in the coffee, which I believe to be incorrect or at least incomplete.

Perhaps I misunderstood the OP question, but it seems to me that everything is fundamentally particulate down to Planck scale. Is there any state of matter that is not particulate? A singularity?
A light beam isn't particulate. It has "photons" but they are really only exhibited when the beam hits something. Also, you need to be careful about "particulate" since electrons, for example, are particles but "point particles" not little tiny pool balls which is what I always think of with "particulate"
  • #9
I tried to answer in context of solutes or solids, and I did consider the properties of elementary particles such as photons or bosons.
But I have a few questions in regards to light which is not a solid or a liquid, but it does consist of photons with different frequencies. Would that make it particulate in principle? Then bosons (Higgs) are the glue that holds everything together and must be a particle existing in all things, which would make everything particulate, IMHO.

A triangular prism dispersing a beam of white light. The longer wavelengths (red) and the shorter wavelengths (blue) get separated
Does that qualify white light as being particulate in and of itself?

This is why I closed my response with the question about singularities, like a single photon or a single boson. I may be way off track here in my interpretation of the terms *particulate* and *singularity*
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  • #10
write4u said:
I just wanted to address the example of a sugar cube in the coffee, which I believe to be incorrect or at least misleading as it deals with ability to absorb until saturated. But even then, a saturated medium is still particulate.
A=>B does not imply B=>A.
"X shows us Y" does not mean that "not X shows Y cannot be true".

You can have an experiment where the argument cannot be used, but as long as you have an experiment where it works the argument works.
write4u said:
But I have a few questions in regards to light
Please open a separate thread for them, this thread is not about light.
write4u said:
I may be way off track here in my interpretation of the terms *particulate* and *singularity*
You are.

Related to What is the evidence for particulate matter in both liquids and solids?

Why particulate matter?

1. What is particulate matter and why is it important to study?

Particulate matter refers to tiny particles found in the air, such as dust, dirt, soot, and smoke. These particles can have negative effects on human health and the environment. It is important to study particulate matter in order to understand its sources, behavior, and potential impacts.

2. How does particulate matter affect human health?

Exposure to particulate matter can cause a variety of health issues, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and even premature death. These particles can also worsen existing conditions such as asthma and allergies. Fine particles, in particular, can penetrate deep into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream, causing systemic effects.

3. What are the main sources of particulate matter?

Particulate matter can come from both natural and human-made sources. Natural sources include dust storms, wildfires, and sea salt. Human-made sources include emissions from transportation, power plants, industrial processes, and construction activities.

4. How does particulate matter impact the environment?

In addition to human health, particulate matter can also have negative effects on the environment. It can contribute to acid rain, decrease visibility, and harm plant and animal life. Particulate matter can also deposit on surfaces, causing damage and corrosion.

5. What are the measures being taken to reduce particulate matter pollution?

Governments and organizations around the world are taking measures to reduce particulate matter pollution. This includes implementing regulations on emissions from industries and vehicles, promoting the use of cleaner energy sources, and improving air quality monitoring. Individuals can also help by using public transportation, carpooling, and reducing energy consumption.

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