What is the Exact Meaning of F=dp/dt?

In summary, the concept of force has been debated since its introduction by Newton. The second law of motion, F=dp/dt, is part of the definition of force, but it is not the only aspect. Force is also defined by separate force laws, such as gravity, and it is circularly defined with momentum. The original formula for force was F=mdv/dt, but in cases where mass is not constant, the formula must be adjusted. Ultimately, force is a purely empirical concept and its definition can vary depending on the chosen units and force laws.
  • #1

Force was introduced to me as "what a force meter in an inertial frame measures". I'm a bit confused about the interpretation of Newton's second law$$F=\frac{dp}{dt}\enspace.$$
Is it a definition? Is it an empirical finding? Can it be derived theoretically?

Or do we need to make the "definition" "what a force meter in an inertial frame measures" more rigorous? How could we formulate this more mathematically?
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  • #2
F=ma, like the concept of frames, is purely empirical from the beginning. Force and momentum are circularly defined.
  • #3
greypilgrim said:
Is it a definition?

It is part of a definition. All three laws of motion together define force.
  • #4
I think the original formula was [itex]F=\frac{d}{dt}(mv) [/itex]. As long as the mass is constant, this reduces to [itex] F=m\frac{dv}{dt}=m\cdot a[/itex]. In a rocket, where an appreciable amount of mass is fuel which is used up during the flight, the formula becomes [itex]F=m\frac{dv}{dt}+\frac{dm}{dt}v=m\cdot a+\frac{dm}{dt}v [/itex].
  • #5
The second law states that the force on a body is proportional to the rate of change of linear momentum. We work in units where the proportionality constant is 1. You could in principle, define force to be that quantity which is say, twice the rate of change of linear momentum. You would ofcourse, accordingly have to change your other definitions such as work done, energy.
  • #6
According to the authors in Knudsen & Hjorth, Elements of Newtonian Mechanics, 3rd ed., section 2.1:

"The whole concept of force has been the subject of much debate since it was introduced by Newton. Let us here note the following: the second law [ref. to eq. for 2nd law] should not be considered as the definition of the concept of force. An essential feature of the law is that the force acting on the particle is supplied by a force law separate from [ref. to eq. for 2nd law]. One example of such a force law is the law of gravity. (...)"

FAQ: What is the Exact Meaning of F=dp/dt?

FAQs about the Exact Meaning of F=dp/dt

1. What does the symbol "F" represent in the equation F=dp/dt?

In this equation, "F" represents the force applied to an object.

2. What is the significance of the "dp/dt" in the equation F=dp/dt?

The "dp/dt" represents the change in momentum over time, also known as the rate of change of momentum.

3. How is the equation F=dp/dt related to Newton's Second Law of Motion?

The equation F=dp/dt is essentially a mathematical representation of Newton's Second Law, which states that the net force on an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration.

4. Can the equation F=dp/dt be used for all types of motion?

Yes, this equation can be used to describe the motion of an object in any direction, as long as the force acting on the object is constant.

5. Is the equation F=dp/dt only applicable to point particles?

No, this equation can also be applied to extended objects, as long as the force and momentum are calculated for the whole object rather than just a single point.
