What is the Exact Value of j^j?

In summary, the complex exponential function can be represented as r*exp(jt), where r is in the real world and j is a complex number. The attempt at a solution is to use the properties of the exponential function and substitution to solve for j^j. j^j does not equal -1, and the answer is -1/24.
  • #1
good evening all!

Homework Statement

Determine the exact values of

Homework Equations

j = sauare root of -1

The Attempt at a Solution

stuck :cry: :cry: :cry:
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  • #2
What do you know about the complex exponential function? Surely your text has some information you can apply.
  • #3
  • #4
Integral said:
What do you know about the complex exponential function? Surely your text has some information you can apply.

i'm still stuck
  • #5
okay this is what i did:


i know this looks crazy but i still don't know how to use latex properly :redface: ...if you copy it out on a paper you'll understand what I'm trying to write...then i multiplied -1 with the 1/2...i can do that right?
  • #6
YOu won't get the answer that way (since it doesn't deal with branches properly).

Complex numbers have representations as r*exp(jt) for r, j in R. Use it.
  • #7
does exp(-2pi) = -1
  • #8
sara_87 said:
does exp(-2pi) = -1

no it doesn't

wait no one give me any tips i think i can solve it
  • #9
No. If you must, put it in your calculator, but e^{-2pi} is obviously a positive real number, and something in the region of 1/2^64.
  • #10
sara_87 said:
no it doesn't

wait no one give me any tips i think i can solve it

solve what? exp(-2pi) is right. It just isn't anything nicer than that.
  • #11
okay...i was about to say I'm stuck again but now i know that my teacher is crazy...but just to make sure [tex]j^j[/tex] doesn't equal -1...does it?

( [tex]j^j[/tex] <--that is almost the only thing i can write in latex form)
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  • #12
yes it does
  • #13
no it doesn't. j (or i) is exp(j*pi/2) so j^j is... You can even google the phrase

i to the i



and you'll be given the answer by google calculator.

Interesting googling j^j doesn't yield the answer. Google obviously doesn't employ engineering grads.
  • #14
my teacher is very very clever man and he said that the answer is -1 but he didn't use any of the complex number rules...he did something else! and he got -1

sorry i used this formula to show that it does equal -1:

r[cos(O) + jsin(O)] = rexp(jO)

and in my desperate want to get this question right i didn't see the j next to the O, and so after i substituted the numbers I'm obviously going to get -1...never mind!

( O = theta)

using your advice i went on google and thank god for wikipedia i got the answer...and i understand this time (for a change)

you know I'm still stuck on that bernoulli number question...for B_3 you're supposed to get zero i actually got a number
  • #15
Well keep trying 'til you do get zero. x/(e^x-1) differentiate it three times... eugh, no thanks. Do it the smarter way - sub in e^x first, then do the 1/(1-s) expansion. collect terms and you get

-1/4! + 2/2!3! - (1/2!)^3 = -1/24+1/6-1/8=0(and when did 0 cease to be a number?)
  • #16

[tex]j^j=e^{j\cdot jx}=e^{-x}[/tex]

so what should be the answer? (certainly not -1)
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  • #17
i took your advice ( i kinda knew it anyway) but I'm going to write out in full what i did:

[tex]e^x[/tex] = 1 + x + [tex]x^2[/tex]/2! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/3! + ...

[tex]e^x[/tex] - 1 = x + [tex]x^2[/tex]/2! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/3! + ...

x/([tex]e^x[/tex] - 1) = x/(x + [tex]x^2[/tex]/2! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/3! + ...)

divid top and bottom by x => 1/(1 + x/2! + [tex]x^2[/tex]/3! + ...)

(1+ x/2! + [tex]x^2[/tex]/3! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/4! +...)^(-1)

let x/2! + [tex]x^2[/tex]/3! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/4! +.. = X

(1 + X)^(-1) = 1- X + [((-1)(-2))/2!] [tex]X^2[/tex] +...

so (1+ x/2! + [tex]x^2[/tex]/3! + [tex]x^3[/tex]/4! +...)^(-1) = 1 - x/2! - [tex]x^2[/tex]/3! - [tex]x^3[/tex]/3! -...((-1)(-2))/2!(X)^2 +...

so B_1 =-1/2, B_2= -1/3!, B_3 = -1/4!.

B_2 and B_3 are obviously wrong but i don't know where I'm going wrong?
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  • #18
tim_lou said:

[tex]j^j=e^{j\cdot jx}=e^{-x}[/tex]

so what should be the answer? (certainly not -1)

yes, okay, cheers, i get the picture :rolleyes:

:biggrin: (<-- this is my favourite smiley)
  • #19
Why does B_2=-1/3? What happened to the higher powers of X (a bad choice. Y would be better). You have only take the contribution from X^1, not X^2 or higher.

and 1/(1+s) is 1-s+s^2-s^3+s^4+...

Now put s = x/2!+x^2/3!+x^3/4!+...
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  • #20
i still get a negative for B_2 i know what the answer is uppossed to be but i just can't see how...if i don't see why i don't sleep well!

i'm tired, you know I'm just going to live with the fact that I'm never going to get this question...

the thing is there is a minus outside the s and s^2 and the rest don't matter...


thank you very much for your time and help!
  • #21
well maybe it's a dumb idea and you just have to use derivatives.

FAQ: What is the Exact Value of j^j?

1. What is a complex exponential function?

A complex exponential function is a mathematical function of the form f(z) = ez, where z is a complex number. It is an extension of the real exponential function, which has the form f(x) = ex. The complex exponential function is used to describe exponential growth or decay in situations where the input or output values are complex numbers.

2. How is a complex exponential function different from a real exponential function?

The main difference between a complex exponential function and a real exponential function is that the input or output values of a complex exponential function are complex numbers, while the input or output values of a real exponential function are real numbers. Additionally, the complex exponential function has a complex variable in the exponent, while the real exponential function has a real variable in the exponent.

3. What are the properties of a complex exponential function?

Some common properties of complex exponential functions include:- The complex exponential function is periodic, with a period of 2πi.- The complex exponential function is entire, meaning it is analytic over the entire complex plane.- The complex exponential function has no zeros.- The complex exponential function is one-to-one, meaning each input has a unique output.- The complex exponential function is differentiable, with the derivative equal to the function itself.- The complex exponential function satisfies the functional equation f(z1 + z2) = f(z1)f(z2), which is known as the addition formula.

4. How is a complex exponential function used in real-world applications?

Complex exponential functions have numerous applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. Some examples include:- In electrical engineering, complex exponential functions are used to describe alternating current (AC) circuits.- In quantum mechanics, complex exponential functions are used to describe the wave function of a particle.- In signal processing, complex exponential functions are used to represent sinusoidal signals.- In fluid dynamics, complex exponential functions are used to describe the behavior of fluid flow.- In finance, complex exponential functions are used in the Black-Scholes equation to model stock prices.

5. How can I graph a complex exponential function?

Graphing a complex exponential function can be done using the same methods as graphing a real exponential function, with some additional considerations. Since the input and output values of a complex exponential function are complex numbers, the graph will be in the complex plane, with the real part of the output on the x-axis and the imaginary part on the y-axis. Additionally, the graph will be a spiral shape, with the number of spirals depending on the value of the complex variable in the exponent. Graphing software or calculators can also be used to plot the function and visualize its behavior.
