What is the Expected Number of Heads in a Coin Toss Experiment with 20 Coins?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter karush
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In summary, Tim conducted an experiment where he tossed 20 coins together and recorded the number of heads shown. He repeated this experiment 10 times and obtained the following results: 11, 9, 10, 8, 13, 9, 6, 7, 10, 11. Using this data, we can calculate the probability of obtaining a head by adding up the heads and dividing by the total number of tosses. This gives a probability of 0.47. If Tim were to toss the coins for the 11th time, we would expect him to get 9 heads by multiplying the probability from the previous calculation by the number of coins and rounding to the nearest integer. When tossing the
  • #1
Gold Member
Tim carried out an experiment where he tossed 20 coins together and observed the number of heads showing. He repeated this experiment 10 times and got the following results


a) Use Tim's data to get the probability of obtaining a head.
the ans to this was .47 but I don't know how that was derived

b) He tossed the 20 coins for the 11th time, How many heads should he expect to get?
I would guess 9 but not sure what the mathematical calc would be

c) He tossed the coins 1000tmes. How many heads should he expect to see.
since this a much longer data base I would think this would smooth out to
50% or 500 heads
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
a) add up the heads, and divide this by the number of times a coin was tossed (number of coins times number of tosses). What do you get?

b) multiply the result from part a) times the number of coins, and round to the nearest integer.

c) He is tossing 20 coins 1000 times, so there are 20,000 outcomes. What do you think you need to do with this number?
  • #3
Are you familiar with the binomial distribution? Questions 1 and 2 might require its use unless I've misinterpreted the problem (damn statistics, arr)

The last question doesn't - the probability of one coin being heads is 1/2, so the expected value of 20 * 1000 coin flips is 1/2 * 20000 = 10000 heads (and thus 10000 tails). Or, you can also use the fact that the binomial distribution is symmetrical for p = 1/2.
  • #4
Are you familiar with the binomial distribution?

Um no, statistics is a very primitive subject to me, but need to learn it:cool:
  • #5
You don't need the binomial distribution here...if you had been asked what is the probability of getting a certain number (or range) of heads, then you would need it.
  • #6
MarkFL said:
You don't need the binomial distribution here...if you had been asked what is the probability of getting a certain number (or range) of heads, then you would need it.

I would like to ask for clarification, if you would be so kind :) I'm interpreting what you wrote as you don't need to use the binomial distribution here to get the correct answer but you could if you wanted to. Is that correct?

The design is set up where each trial has 20 flips so this isn't the typical binomial distribution situation, but since since we're just counting the total number of heads and they flips are independent we can say this experiment is analogous to flipping each coin individually.

If every one agrees with that then we have a random variable, $H$, which represents the number of heads, then it's a binomially distributed random variable or \(\displaystyle \text{Bi}(n,.5)\) and it's expected value after $n$ trials is $E[H]=np$ or $E[H]=.5n$. For $n=20000$ we have $E[H]=(.5)(20000)=10000$.

Now this is exactly what everyone said but to put it in the context of a binomial distribution might be overkill for karush, especially if this isn't how the class is being taught. I just wanted to comment on what I think Bacterius was going for. :)
  • #7
Jameson said:
I would like to ask for clarification, if you would be so kind :) I'm interpreting what you wrote as you don't need to use the binomial distribution here to get the correct answer but you could if you wanted to. Is that correct?...

I don't know how I missed this...yes, that is exactly what I meant. :D

FAQ: What is the Expected Number of Heads in a Coin Toss Experiment with 20 Coins?

1. What is the "Another coin toss problem"?

The "Another coin toss problem" is a mathematical probability problem that involves flipping a coin multiple times and recording the results. It is a variation of the classic coin toss problem, where the goal is to determine the likelihood of getting a certain number of heads or tails in a given number of flips.

2. How is the "Another coin toss problem" different from the original coin toss problem?

The "Another coin toss problem" differs from the original problem in that it allows for the possibility of multiple coins being flipped at the same time. This adds another layer of complexity to the problem and changes the potential outcomes.

3. What factors can affect the outcome of the "Another coin toss problem"?

The outcome of the "Another coin toss problem" can be affected by several factors, including the number of coins flipped, the number of times the coins are flipped, and the probability of getting a specific result on each coin (e.g. heads or tails).

4. How can the "Another coin toss problem" be used in real-life scenarios?

The "Another coin toss problem" can be used to model and analyze various real-life scenarios, such as predicting the likelihood of winning a game of chance or determining the probability of a certain event occurring in a series of trials.

5. What are some strategies for solving the "Another coin toss problem"?

There are several strategies for solving the "Another coin toss problem", including using mathematical equations to calculate the probabilities, creating a chart or table to visualize the outcomes, and conducting simulations or experiments to gather data and analyze the results.
