What is the Exponential Inverse for Identity Element 1?

  • Thread starter JKaufinger
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In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of exponential inverse and how it differs from inverse in addition and multiplication. The identity element in exponentiation is 1, and the goal is to find the value of "what" in x^what = 1. The only solution to this is 0, but it is not satisfactory as it is not related to x. The conversation also explores the idea of using root and logarithm as the exponential inverse, but they do not work in this scenario. Ultimately, it is determined that there is no fitting number for the exponential inverse in the real number system.
  • #1
What is the exponential inverse? And first let me explain what I mean when I am talking about inverse.

I am not talking about anything where f(f-1(x)) = x

What I mean is in one operation, when that operation is applied onto the inverse of that operation it equals the identity element of that operation.
For example, 5 + -5 = 0 because 0 is the identity element in addition (x+0=x), and negative is the inverse.
Also for example, 5 * (1/5) = 1 because 1 is the identity element in multiplication (x*1=x), and reciprocal or 1/x is the inverse.
In matrices, [matrix] * [inverse of that matrix] = [identity matrix]

So, what is this for exponentiation?

Let me define what I want to use for identity element: anything, that when that operation is applied to it, it equals the original number. So in exponentiation, the identity element is 1 because x^1 = x;

So now, we want x^what = identity element; And since the identity element of x is 1 then this can become: x^what = 1?

I have considered 0 as the answer, but that doesn't make any sense. Even though x^0 = 1, and thus the identity element, how is 0 the exponential inverse of x? All of the other inverses for addition and multiplication (-x, 1/x) all include x. So why, here, is 0 the inverse; what makes exponentiation and 0 so special?

In addition, root and logarithm do not work. Root doesn't work because x^(x^(1/anything)) does not equal 1 (unless x = 1). and neither does x^logx(anything)

So x^what = 1, where "what" can't be zero, a root, or a logarithm.
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  • #2
Oh and let me also add that taking a higher operation, and applying the negative, will result in the lower operation's inverse.

x * -1 = the additive inverse = -x
x ^ -1 = the multiplicative inverse = 1/x

So to find the exponential inverse, then that would be the negative tetration (the operation higher than exponentiation).
  • #3
In the system you have defined y = 0 is the only solution to x^y = 1 so that is all you have.
  • #4
How are you thinking of exponentiation? xn as a function of x for fixed n? Or ax for fixed a? If the former then the inverse function is the nth root. If the latter then it is the logarithm base a.
  • #5
Let me explain why I think log and root don't work for this, but first let me reiterate some things:

In addition and multiplication, the inverses have this property: When they are added (or multiplied) to the original, non-inverted number, they equal the identity element (0 and 1 respectively).

So if we try to apply this using exponentiation, then how can we do that?

[x] [operation] [inverse x] = [identity element]
x + (-x) = 0
x * (1/x) = 1
x ^ [exponential inverse x] = 1

what is exponential inverse of x that will fit here? (except 0)

While it is true, that to get the original x, root and logarithm can apply. sqrt(x^2)=x and logarithm works too. Allow me to explain my reasoning below.

The reason the inverse function works in addition and multiplication is because of the original property I defined above, where doing that operation on the inverse will equal the identity element. So for x+5, to get x you would make it x+(5+(-5))=x. In multiplication, x*5, you would do x*(5*(1/5))=x. Following this, then for x^2, to get x you would need to do sqrt(x^2); seems pretty obvious. But notice how in the examples for multiplication and addition, the inverse we are doing never touches x. The 5 and 1/5 cancel out, and the 5 and -5 cancel out. x is left alone. But here, the square root DOES affect x, and so this doesn't follow the pattern. What I mean is that the square root is ((x^2)^1/2). Here, you can just multiply 2 and 1/2 and they become 1, thus making it x^1=x; Great. It all works out fine. So what is the problem? Well, we are not exponenting 2^1/2, but we are exponenting the entirety of x^2, which we will then root. But we want x^(2^(whatever)). Essentially, in multiplication and addition, x is not affected when the inverse is done; In exponentiation, to get the original x, you need to affect x. What I want, is a number [defined as "whatever"] which only affects the 2. The only solution to this is 0, because x^2^0 = x^1 = x; Ok, that's great. We found it, it is 0. Now where's the problem? We want something other than 0, since 0 is not related to x; it is the same for all x; Whereas -x and 1/x include x, 0 does not include x;

Do you kind of understand my point a bit better?
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  • #6
You should realize that in [tex] \mathbb{R} [/tex] the exponential function [tex]f(t) = a^{t} [/tex] is injective, so there is only one t for which [tex] a^{t} = 1 [/tex], which is 0. So in the 2-variable function [tex] g(x,y) = x^y [/tex], if and only if y = 0 does [tex] g(x,y) = 1 [/tex], whatever the choice of x. Even in [tex] \mathbb{C} [/tex] it doesn't make a difference because it will only work for [tex] y \in \{2{\pi}k : k \in \mathbb{Z} \} [/tex] which does not 'depend' on x either.
  • #7
The only solution to this is 0, because x^2^0 = x^1 = x

Not true, it would be (x^2)^0 = 1. You have to apply it to the entire function. This doesn't matter with addition/multiplication because they're communicative but it does here.

So for x+5, to get x you would make it x+(5+(-5))=x ... But notice how in the examples for multiplication and addition, the inverse we are doing never touches x

This is because addition commutes. What you're actually doing is
x+5 = k
(x+5) + (-5) = k + (-5)
x+(5+(-5)) = k + (-5)
x + 0 = k + (-5)
x = k + (-5)No number fits your description. For real X and n, the only way to have X^n = 1 is to have n=0 (and [itex]X \not= 0[/itex]).
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FAQ: What is the Exponential Inverse for Identity Element 1?

1. What is the inverse of exponentiation?

The inverse of exponentiation is called "logarithm". It is the opposite function of exponentiation and is used to find the power or exponent that a given number needs to be raised to in order to get a specific result.

2. How do you calculate the inverse of exponentiation?

The inverse of exponentiation can be calculated by taking the logarithm of a number with a base that matches the base of the exponentiation. For example, if the exponentiation is done with a base of 2, then the inverse would be calculated by taking the logarithm with a base of 2.

3. What is the relationship between exponentiation and its inverse?

The relationship between exponentiation and its inverse, logarithm, is that they "undo" each other. Exponentiation raises a number to a power, while logarithm finds the power that a number needs to be raised to. They are inverse operations of each other and can be used to check each other's results.

4. What are some real-life applications of inverse of exponentiation?

The inverse of exponentiation, logarithm, is used in a variety of scientific and mathematical fields such as finance, physics, and biology. It is used to solve exponential growth and decay problems, calculate the half-life of radioactive elements, and in financial calculations such as compound interest and population growth.

5. Are there any rules or properties for working with inverse of exponentiation?

Yes, there are rules and properties for working with inverse of exponentiation, which are similar to those for exponentiation. Some of these rules include the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and change of base rule. These rules can help simplify logarithmic expressions and solve equations involving logarithms.

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