What is the final temp of the lead bullet?

In summary, a 5-g lead bullet traveling at 300m/s in 20 C air strikes a flat steel plate and stops. The final temperature of the bullet, assuming it retains all heat, can be calculated by taking the kinetic energy (KE) of the bullet and adding the specific heat of lead multiplied by its mass and the change in temperature (Tf - 20 C) to equal 0. However, since the melting point of lead is 327 C and the heat of fusion is 24.5 J/g, any additional heat beyond 327 C will go towards melting the lead rather than raising its temperature. Thus, to find the final temperature, we must first calculate the amount of heat needed to raise the
  • #1
A 5-g lead bullet traveling in 20 C air at 300m/s strikes a flat steel plate and stops. What is the final temp of the lead bullet? (Assume bullet retains all heat.) The melting point of lead is 327 C. The specific heat of lead is 0.128 J/g C. The heat of fusion of lead is 24.5 J/g.
a. 227 C b. 260 C c. 293 C d. 327 C

I thought I would be able to solve this by taking the KE + c*m*delta T=0, but it's not working. I'm also not sure how to figure out if the bullet melts or not. I tried that above along with adding the latent heat of fusion for lead*mass, but that's not working either.
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  • #2
Remember that 1J=1kg m^2/s^2, so you have to convert the bullet's mass to kg in order to be consistant in your units. Your method is correct.
  • #3
Thanks for the help, but that's evidently not the problem. The answer is d. 327 C, and I keep getting different answers for some reason. Here's my work so far.

0.5*0.005 kg*(300 m/s)^2 + 5 g*0.128 J/gC*(Tf - 20 C) = 0

Any suggestions?
  • #4
Yeah, I see what the problem is. Once the bullet reaches 327 C, any additional heat goes into the heat of fusion, rather than raising the temperature further until all the lead has melted. What you should do is calculate how much heat it takes to raise the temperature to the melting point. This is (327 - 20)*5*.128=196.48J. This is less than the 225J of KE the bullet had, so it is heated further. Heating it beyond 327 C would require an additional 5*24.5=122.5J, but there are only 225-196.48=28.52J left, so the bullet is only partly melted and remains at 327 C.
  • #5
Great explanation, thank you very much

Related to What is the final temp of the lead bullet?

What is the final temp of the lead bullet?

1. How is the final temperature of a lead bullet determined?

The final temperature of a lead bullet is determined by the initial temperature of the bullet, the amount of energy transferred to the bullet (such as from a firearm), and the specific heat capacity of lead.

2. What is the specific heat capacity of lead?

The specific heat capacity of lead is 0.128 J/g °C. This means that it takes 0.128 Joules of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of lead by 1 degree Celsius.

3. Does the type of firearm used affect the final temperature of a lead bullet?

Yes, the type of firearm used can affect the final temperature of a lead bullet. Different firearms have different amounts of energy that can be transferred to the bullet, which can impact the final temperature.

4. Can the final temperature of a lead bullet be predicted?

Yes, the final temperature of a lead bullet can be predicted by calculating the amount of energy transferred to the bullet and using the specific heat capacity of lead to determine the temperature change.

5. Why is it important to know the final temperature of a lead bullet?

Knowing the final temperature of a lead bullet is important for understanding the potential for heat damage to the bullet or the surrounding environment. It can also provide valuable information for ballistics analysis and firearm safety.

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