What is the final velocity of a bouncing ball after hitting a wall?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the final velocity of a ball after bouncing off a wall, taking into consideration the conservation of momentum. The math shows that the final velocity is equal to the initial velocity multiplied by the mass ratio, with the assumption that the wall has an infinitely large mass, resulting in a negligible velocity for the wall.
  • #1
I've seen the solution to finding the velocity after a ball bounces off of a wall.

If a ball of mass m1 and velocity v1 hit a massive wall, what is the final velocity. I understand the math. What I find a little confusing is reconciling the math and how the equation
m1v1 = m1v2 + MV satisfies conservation of momentum if v1 = -v2 and V = 0.

Is it that the massive wall of mass M moves will an infinitesimally small velocity such that MV balances the
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  • #2
Yes, you can see this by solving it for a finite M and then taking the limit as M goes to infinity.

FAQ: What is the final velocity of a bouncing ball after hitting a wall?

1. What is momentum?

Momentum is a property of an object that describes its motion. It is the product of an object's mass and velocity.

2. How is momentum related to a bouncing ball?

Momentum is related to a bouncing ball because as the ball bounces, it changes direction and therefore changes its velocity. This change in velocity results in a change in momentum.

3. Does the momentum of a bouncing ball change?

Yes, the momentum of a bouncing ball changes as it moves up and down. When the ball is at its highest point, its momentum is zero. As it falls back down, the momentum increases, reaching its maximum at the point of impact with the ground.

4. How is momentum conserved in a bouncing ball?

Momentum is conserved in a bouncing ball because the total momentum of the ball before and after the bounce remains the same. This means that the downward momentum of the ball before the bounce is equal to the upward momentum after the bounce.

5. What factors affect the momentum of a bouncing ball?

The factors that affect the momentum of a bouncing ball include the mass of the ball, the velocity at which it is thrown, and the surface on which it bounces. These factors ultimately determine the height and speed of the bounces.

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