What Is the Force Exerted by the Elbow on the Forearm?

  • Thread starter azila
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In summary, the patient's forearm in therapy is lifting a weight of 112.0 N while the biceps muscle exerts a force of 232 N at an angle of 43 degrees above the horizontal. The elbow must exert a force of 136.5 N upward to balance out the weight of the arm and the weight it is carrying. By using vector addition, it can be determined that the magnitude of the force from the elbow is equal to the negative of the y component of vector B, which is estimated to be -33.3 N. A free body diagram may be helpful in visualizing this scenario.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A patient in therapy has a forearm tht weights 24.5 N and that lifts a 112.0 N weight. These two forces have direction vertically downward. The only other significant forces on his forearm come from the biceps muscle (which acts perpendicularly to the forearm) and the force at the elbow. If the biceps produces a pull of 232 N when the forearm is raised 43 degrees above the horizontal, find the magnitude and direction of the force that the elbow exerts on the forearm. (THE SUM OF THE ELBOW FORCE AND THE BICEPS FORCE MUST BALANCE THE WEIGHT OF THE ARM AND THE WEIGHT IT IS CARRYING, SO THE VECTOR SUM MUST BE 136.5 N upward.)

Homework Equations

Ok, there are three vectors.
VECTOR A: magnitude of 136.5 N, angle is 270, x comp: 0, y comp: -136.5
VECTOR B: magnitude of ? , angle is 43, x comp: ?, y comp: ?
VECTOR C: magnitude of 232 N, angle is 43 degrees west of north, x comp: 232sin43: 158.2; y comp: 232cos43 = 169.7.

The Attempt at a Solution

so, since I don't know know what the magnitude of B is, I did this:
136.5 - 169.7= -33.3 which would be the y component of vector B I am guessing. Then I did this:
Bsin43 = -33.3; but my magnitude is a negative. So... What should I do now?

Also, I really do not want to abuse this privilege of getting help from geniuses in physics, but I try my best and if I don't get it, then I ask. If you can just guide me in a path that will get me the answer, I will appreciate that. Thanks again.
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  • #2
you have a diagram?
I would try to get it though without a diag.

Edit: Couldn't get it, so a FBD would be good!
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  • #3
Thanks for replying, I was close to the answer and the software accepted the answer, so thank you so much!
  • #4
oohhh..k, np

FAQ: What Is the Force Exerted by the Elbow on the Forearm?

1. What does "just set me in the right path" mean?

This phrase is often used to express a desire for guidance or direction in a particular situation. It could refer to anything from career advice to personal growth.

2. How can someone set me in the right path?

There is no one definitive way to be set in the right path, as it can mean different things to different people. It could involve seeking advice from a mentor, doing research, or reflecting on your own goals and values.

3. Can setting me in the right path lead to success?

While there are no guarantees in life, having a clear direction and purpose can certainly increase your chances of success. It's important to remember that success looks different for everyone and setting yourself on the right path is a personal journey.

4. Is there a specific time or age to be set in the right path?

The concept of being set in the right path can apply at any age or stage in life. It's never too late to seek guidance and direction, and it's never too early to start thinking about your goals and aspirations.

5. Can I set myself in the right path or do I need others to do it for me?

While others can certainly provide valuable guidance and support, ultimately it is up to you to set yourself on the right path. It's important to take ownership of your own journey and make decisions that align with your values and goals.
