What Is the Force Law for Stars Moving in the Galaxy?

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of stars in the Galaxy, specifically their orbital speed and potential energy function. It also introduces a scenario with a satellite orbiting a planet and the effects of a rocket motor on its orbit. The first question involves finding the force law and potential energy function for a star's orbit in the Galaxy, as well as the period of small radial oscillations. The second question involves finding the initial angular momentum, kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy of a satellite in a circular orbit, and then calculating these values after a rocket motor changes its velocity.
  • #1
4. For a wide range of orbital radii, stars in the Galaxy (including our sun) move in nearly circular orbits with a speed v0 »220 km/s which is independent of the orbit's radius. Find the force law and the form of the potential energy function for a star moving through the Galaxy (it is not an inverse-square force because the mass of the Galaxy is not all concentrated at the centre; assume it is a central force). Then find an expression for the period of small radial oscillations; apply it to the orbit of the sun (r » 8 kpc) to get a value in years, and compare with the orbital period of the sun around the Galaxy. (A kiloparsec is about $3.086×1016 km.)

5. A satellite of mass m is initially moving at speed v0 in a circular orbit of radius r0 about a planet. Find, in terms of m, v0, and r0, the initial angular momentum, kinetic energy, potential energy, and total energy of the satellite (first, you may need to find the mass of the planet in terms of these quantities.) Then a rocket motor is fired briefly, changing the velocity vector by an amount Dv of magnitude |Dv| = v0/2. Find the angular momentum,
total energy, semimajor axis, and minimum and maximum distance from the planet's centre for the new orbit if Dv is:
a) opposite to v0, or b) radially inward. Give answers in terms of m, r0, and v0. (Hint: For part b), compare the energy and angular momentum at pericentre to the values immediately after the rocket burn, in terms of two unknowns: the speed and radius at pericentre.

Ok so I'm lost for the first question. I have no idea what iot wants me to do.

As for the second question I'm still working on it.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi Gogsey

for the very first part i would ask what mass distribution m(r) gives a potential V(r) that results in a constant orbital velocity (equivalently what is the gravitational acceleration g(r), that gives constnat orbital velocity)

FAQ: What Is the Force Law for Stars Moving in the Galaxy?

What is a central force?

A central force is a type of force that acts towards or away from a fixed point, known as the center of force. This type of force is typically found in systems where there is a central object, such as a planet or a star, exerting a force on smaller objects orbiting around it.

How does a central force affect the motion of planets?

A central force is responsible for the elliptical motion of planets around a central object. According to Newton's Law of Gravitation, the force between two objects is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This force causes planets to move in a curved path around the central object, with the speed varying depending on the distance from the center.

What is the difference between a centripetal force and a centrifugal force?

A centripetal force is a force that acts towards the center of a circular motion, while a centrifugal force is a fictitious force that appears to act outwards from the center of the circular motion. In the case of planet motion, the centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force of the central object, while the centrifugal force is an apparent force resulting from the inertia of the planet.

Can central force be applied to objects other than planets?

Yes, central force can be applied to any object that follows a curved path around a central point. Examples include satellites orbiting around a planet, electrons orbiting around an atomic nucleus, and even objects following circular or elliptical paths on Earth, such as Ferris wheels or roller coasters.

How does the strength of a central force affect the motion of planets?

The strength of a central force, which is proportional to the mass of the central object, determines the speed at which planets orbit around it. The stronger the force, the faster the planet will move. This is why planets closer to the Sun, which has a larger mass compared to other planets, have shorter orbital periods than those farther away.
