What is the force that causes the misalignment referred to as nutation?

  • Thread starter Robin07
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In summary, when a straight rod is twisted on its' axis, causing it to spin, the top of the rod will tend to go out of center opposite to the bottom end of the rod. This is due to dynamic balance issues, either from imperfections in manufacture or unequal weight distribution. This can create an orbital wobble, also known as dynamic equilibrium, which can continue to oscillate with several nodes. This wobble is sustained by the imbalance, not the cause of it. In the case of spinning a bicycle wheel, the phenomenon is known as gyroscopic precession, where the weight outside of the center axis is responsible for the precession. In the case of a design with a spinning shaft and an off center weight ring, the
  • #1
When a straight rod is twisted on its' axis, causing it to spin, the top of the rod will tend to go out of center opposite to the bottom end of the rod. If this is not torque what is the force called, that causes this miss alignment referred to.

Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm not sure that I understand the question. It sounds to me as if the rod is not perfectly straight and balanced.
  • #3
If it is what I am thinking you are thinking, this is a dynamic balance issue. The rod is either not completely straight (which is almost always true) or there is a weight imbalance that lies off of the rotational axis. Either way, the spinning creates an imbalance which causes the end of the rod to orbit about the axis point. This is why bearings/bushings are needed in every application with a spinning shaft.
  • #4
Aha, Dynamic balance, So, am I to understand that, if the shaft was perfectly balanced it would not tend to come off of center spin axis...correct? Considering variations in speed remains constant.

To be more clear to my original post...when I spin an entire front wheel from a bicycle it tends to rotate around an axis that is parallel to the shaft. If you hold the position of the spinning wheel, one end, compared to the other end of the spinning axis, goes in the opposite direction. Is this also dynamic balance/unbalance? Or is this torque?
  • #5
Sorry, man... you totally lost me on that last question. Are you starting to bring in gyroscopic effects?
  • #6
I'm obviously confused, hence the title.

If one spins a rod on its' axis and that rod is equal in manufacture it will tend not to spin out of its' center axis. The action that causes the the orbital wobble is either due to imperfections in manufacture or is it only due to a weight, or unequal weight distribution, that is spinning tangental to the spin axis?

I imagine that gyroscopic effect would need a weight outside of its' spin axis to be gyroscopic.

My question is other than inperfections in design would a single spin axis tend to wobble if it were not due to weight outside of its' center axis?
  • #7
Robin07 said:
I'm obviously confused, hence the title.

If one spins a rod on its' axis and that rod is equal in manufacture it will tend not to spin out of its' center axis. The action that causes the the orbital wobble is either due to imperfections in manufacture or is it only due to a weight, or unequal weight distribution, that is spinning tangental to the spin axis?

I imagine that gyroscopic effect would need a weight outside of its' spin axis to be gyroscopic.

My question is other than inperfections in design would a single spin axis tend to wobble if it were not due to weight outside of its' center axis?

Are you just looking for a descriptive word? How about 'disequilibrium' or dynamic equilibrium?

Once out of alignment, even a perfect rod will still continue to oscillate. It can even oscillate with several nodes. Usually this is called dynamic equilibrium, but this is not the cause but the sustained effect.
  • #8
No I'm not looking for a descriptive word, as such but I am looking for the principals involved that causes a, so designed, dynamic disequilbrium. Meaning that I would like to be able to... Set a spin axis that has a controlled wobble by placing weight of off its center point of spin.
  • #9
Phrak said:
It can even oscillate with several nodes. Usually this is called dynamic equilibrium, but this is not the cause but the sustained effect./QUOTE]

Interesting..dynamic equilibrium is considered a sustained effect. What are these nodes? do they have there own moments? As in spin axis?
  • #10
I'm not clear on what you mean by wobble. Try this. Place a 3 ft. length of .060 inch diameter piano wire in a drill motor. Be careful, it will whip around at the rotational velocity if the end isn't constrained. Tape a small screw ~1/3 from the motorl end. That should induce it to the first mode of oscillation.
  • #11
By a controlled wobble I guess I mean an oscillation, precession. I would imagine that I would need to place an equal weight all around the spin axis but have the plane perpendicular to some point out side of center spin axis?

What I needed to know on the outset of my post was to determine that the center shaft contributes very little to off center rotation, It is more the so designed weight that contribute to torque...Yes?
  • #12
I'm confused by what you are after, so I read back a little.

Robin07 said:
...when I spin an entire front wheel from a bicycle it tends to rotate around an axis that is parallel to the shaft. If you hold the position of the spinning wheel, one end, compared to the other end of the spinning axis, goes in the opposite direction.

This is gyroscopic precession.
  • #13
Thanks for your patience, yes I must agree that this is gyroscopic precession. What I had to confirm was is the precession, more so due to the spinning shaft or the weight that is housed outside of the center axis that causes this precession. It's pretty clear now that the weight is more responsible than a perfectly balanced shaft, thanks to all that responded.

If I understand this correctly...

My design incorporates a shaft and a weight, much like a gyroscopes ring, but the ring is not perpendicular to the shaft. It is situated so that it touches one side of the axis and touches the opposite of the other end of the shaft. This causes the shaft to spin out of its' center point of axis, a wobble. The end points, of the shaft, that protrudes equally beyond the rings diameter on both sides, will ride in a circular groove(channel) that is housed, perpendicular to the inside wall of a cylinder. When I spin that shaft c/w the off center weight ring the shaft will experience a torque and run on the upper part of the channel while the opposite end of the shaft will run on the bottom of that channel causing the shaft and weight assembly to rotate in the channel as well as spin on its axis.
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  • #15
Thanks for the link and terminologies involved. ...Nutation...

FAQ: What is the force that causes the misalignment referred to as nutation?

What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis. It is typically measured in units of newton-meters (N·m) or foot-pounds (ft·lb).

How is torque calculated?

Torque is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance from the axis of rotation to the point where the force is applied. This can be represented by the equation: torque = force x distance.

What is the difference between torque and horsepower?

Torque and horsepower are related but different concepts. Torque measures the twisting force that causes rotation, while horsepower measures the rate at which work is done. In other words, torque is the force and horsepower is the speed at which that force is applied.

How does torque affect an object's rotation?

Torque is directly proportional to an object's rotation. This means that the greater the torque applied to an object, the faster it will rotate. Additionally, the direction of torque will determine the direction of rotation.

What are some common applications of torque?

Torque plays a critical role in many everyday objects and machines, such as cars, bicycles, and power tools. It is also important in more complex machinery like engines, motors, and turbines. Understanding torque is essential in designing and building these types of equipment.

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