What is the formula for calculating water jet reaction force?

In summary, the individual is working on a project that involves using a pump to create a jet of water to maneuver a small boat. They have found formulas in a fire fighting textbook to calculate the jet reaction force and to determine the nozzle diameter based on the pump's flow and pressure. They have also considered potential losses due to pipe work friction and higher pressure at the outlet. Another user on the forum suggests using the formula F = dp/dt = d(mv)/dt = v(dm/dt) + m(dv/dt) to calculate the force, and using Bernoulli's principle to determine the speed of the water. The individual applies these suggestions to their example and finds that the results match their original calculations. They express
  • #1
Hi all,

my first post on here and just wanted to check something I'm working on for a project.

The project is to use a pump to create a jet of water to manouvre small boat.

I have found a formula to work out the jet reaction force in a fire fighting textbook which gives:

R = 0.157 * P * d^2 where R = Reaction force in Newtons
P = Pressure in bar
d = nozzle diameter in mm

To avoid buying and testing different pumps and nozzles empirically to find the best reaction force I wanted to link a given pumps flow and pressure to find nozzle diameter and then using this and the pressure and the above formula to get the reaction force.

I have been using

L = 2/3 * d^2 * sqrt P where L = flow l/min
d = nozzle diameter in mm
P = pressure in bar

re-arranged to give

d = sqrt (L/ (2/3 * sqrt P))

this gives d in mm then putting this and the same pressure back into the above reaction formula to get reaction in Newtons.

as an example:

a pump giving P = 1.52 bar
Q = 450 l/min

d = sqrt (450/ (2/3 * sqrt 1.52))
= 23.4 mm


R = 0.157 * P * d^2
= 0.157 *1.52 *23.4^2
=130 N


Are the formulas I'm using valid? If so could someone show me how to get to them from first principles or just tell me they're ok :) If not then why?Other losses: I have thought about losses due to pipe work friction but if the nozzle is underwater what sort of losses could I expect due to reduced flow because of higher pressure at/just after outlet

Thanks in advance for any help.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF acebaraka!

You could try using: F = dp/dt = d(mv)/dt = v(dm/dt) + m(dv/dt). If the speed of the water jet is constant (ie. dv/dt=0), the force is given by f = v(dm/dt) where v is the speed of the water exiting the nozzle and dm/dt is the mass flow rate out of the nozzle. The mass flow rate is the volume flow rate x mass/unit volume of water (1 kg/l).

You can determine the speed of the water using Bernoulli's principle: ##\Delta \frac{1}{2}\rho v^2 = -\Delta P## (the change in kinetic energy per unit volume is equal and opposite to the change in pressure).

  • #3
Andrew Mason said:
Welcome to PF acebaraka!

You could try using: F = dp/dt = d(mv)/dt = v(dm/dt) + m(dv/dt). If the speed of the water jet is constant (ie. dv/dt=0), the force is given by f = v(dm/dt) where v is the speed of the water exiting the nozzle and dm/dt is the mass flow rate out of the nozzle. The mass flow rate is the volume flow rate x mass/unit volume of water (1 kg/l).

You can determine the speed of the water using Bernoulli's principle: ##\Delta \frac{1}{2}\rho v^2 = -\Delta P## (the change in kinetic energy per unit volume is equal and opposite to the change in pressure).

Thanks for your reply, do I have this right ?

delta P would be:

system pressure at or just before the nozzle - (for the sake of ease at the moment) atmospheric pressure

which would be 1.52bar but in SI

so SqRt (P / (0.5*density)) would give v

v = SqRt (152000 / (0.5*1000))
=17.43 m/s


F= v * (dm/dt) for 450l/min (dm/dt) = 450/60 = 7.5 kg/s
= 17.43 * 7.5
= 130N

which rather wonderfully comes out to the same as what I had with the other equation, to good to be true? :)
  • #4
Acebaraka said:
Thanks for your reply, do I have this right ?

v = SqRt (152000 / (0.5*1000))
=17.43 m/s


F= v * (dm/dt) for 450l/min (dm/dt) = 450/60 = 7.5 kg/s
= 17.43 * 7.5
= 130N

which rather wonderfully comes out to the same as what I had with the other equation, to good to be true? :)
Not at all. I expect that the formulas you had were derived the same way.


Related to What is the formula for calculating water jet reaction force?

1. What is the Water Jet Reaction Force?

The Water Jet Reaction Force is a phenomenon that occurs when a high-pressure stream of water is directed at a surface. As the water particles hit the surface, they exert a force in the opposite direction known as the reaction force.

2. How is the Water Jet Reaction Force calculated?

The Water Jet Reaction Force can be calculated using Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that the force of the water jet pushing on the surface is equal to the force of the surface pushing back on the water jet.

3. What factors affect the Water Jet Reaction Force?

The Water Jet Reaction Force is affected by several factors, including the velocity and mass of the water jet, the angle at which it hits the surface, and the properties of the surface itself. For example, a softer surface will absorb more of the force, resulting in a lower reaction force.

4. How is the Water Jet Reaction Force used in real life?

The Water Jet Reaction Force has many practical applications, such as in water jet cutting machines, where the high-pressure water jet is used to cut through materials like metal and stone. It is also used in cleaning processes, such as pressure washing, and in firefighting, where it can be used to knock down flames.

5. Can the Water Jet Reaction Force be dangerous?

Yes, the Water Jet Reaction Force can be dangerous if not used properly. The high-pressure stream of water can cause serious injuries if it comes into contact with the skin, and the force of the water jet can also damage surfaces or equipment. It is important to follow safety precautions and use proper protective gear when working with water jets.

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