What is the formula for the perimeter of an ellipse?

In summary, there is no exact algebraic formula for the perimeter of an ellipse based on eccentricity or semi-major and semi-minor axes. The best approach is to use an approximation formula or to numerically integrate the arclength formula. Some possible approximations can be found on the Math Forum website.
  • #1
Could anyone direct me to an analytically correct algebraic formula for the Perimeter of an Ellipse based on either the eccentricity or the Semi-Major and Semiminor Axes other than the Elliptic Integral ? If so, how accurate will it be for relatively high eccentricities such as 0.9-1.0 ? Thanks.
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  • #2
Given those properties of a given ellipse, you should be able to define a function, f(x) which describes the top half of the ellipse. The perimeter of the ellipse would be twice the length of f(x) on the interval on which it exists. The length of f(x) on that interval, let's call it [-a,a], is:

[tex]L = \int _{-a} ^a \sqrt{1 + [f'(x)]^2}dx[/tex]
  • #3
To see why this works, think of f'(x) as dy/dx. Now, put the "dx" under the square root, and you'll get:

[tex]L = \int _{-a} ^a \sqrt{{dx}^2 + {dy}^2}[/tex]

Now, if you consider an infinitessimal piece of the function, you can treat it as a straight line segment. If you think of this segment as the hypoteneuse of a triangle with sides dx and dy, then clearly, the length of this hypoteneuse is the integrand. Sum the lengths of these tiny segments over the desired interval, and you get the length of the function on that interval.
  • #4
I have a handbook that lists the perimeter of an ellipse as approximately:


a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively. No idea on the accuracy.
  • #5
OK I am with you on the Arclength Formula, do you know the function if given a (S-maj), b (S-minor), or c (Focus to center) ? Thanks a lot.
  • #6
Won't the arclength formula lead to the elliptic integral? You already said you don't want that.

Edit: There is no exact solution for the perimeter of an ellipse. You either have to numerically integrate this:

[tex]4a\int_0^{\pi/2}\sqrt{1-e^2\sin^2 t}\,dt}[/tex]

(where e is the eccentricity)

Or use an approximation like the one I gave in my earlier post.

Edit Edit: This page seems to have some better approximations listed at the bottom:

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FAQ: What is the formula for the perimeter of an ellipse?

1. What is the formula for finding the perimeter of an ellipse?

The formula for finding the perimeter of an ellipse is 2π√((a²+b²)/2), where a and b are the lengths of the ellipse's semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively.

2. Can the perimeter of an ellipse be calculated using the same formula as a circle?

No, the formula for finding the perimeter of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius, while the formula for finding the perimeter of an ellipse takes into account the different lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes.

3. Does the shape of an ellipse affect its perimeter?

Yes, the perimeter of an ellipse is affected by the lengths of its semi-major and semi-minor axes, so changing either of these values will result in a different perimeter.

4. Can the perimeter of an ellipse be infinite?

No, the perimeter of an ellipse can never be infinite. The longest possible perimeter for an ellipse is when one of its axes is infinitely long, which results in a semi-circle with a perimeter of πr (where r is the length of the semi-major axis).

5. How is the perimeter of an ellipse related to its area?

The perimeter of an ellipse is not directly related to its area. However, there is a formula for finding the area of an ellipse using its perimeter: A = πab, where a and b are the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively.
