What is the Functionality and Mechanical Advantage of Different Pulley Systems?

  • Thread starter m.medhat
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of simple pulleys and their mechanical advantage and velocity ratio. It then introduces the block and tackle system, which consists of multiple pulleys and has a larger mechanical advantage and velocity ratio. The Archimedean system of pulleys is also mentioned as another type of pulley system.
  • #1
The simple pulley :-
A simple pulley consists essentially of a wheel with a rope round it which it contained in a suspended framework . suppose W is the load or weight in lb.wt. attached to one end of the rope , and P is the effort in lb.wt. applied downwards at the other end which can just raise W . if the rope is very light and there is no friction round the wheel , the tension in the rope is W lb.wt. , and P must hence equal W . however , there is considerably less strain in pulling the rope of a pulley downward to lift heavy loads than in raising them to the same height by a direct upward force , and the hauler can also use his own weight in this case .
The mechanical advantage (M.A.) of a machine is defined as the ratio (load / effort) = W/P . we shall see later that the load raised in a practical system of pulleys is much greater than the effort , so that the mechanical advantage is much greater than one . in the case one of the simple pulley , however , W = P , neglecting friction ; hence the mechanical advantage , W/P , is one .
The velocity ration(V.R.) of a machine is defined as the ratio r/s , where r,s are the distances moved by the effort and load respectively in the same time . in general , the effort (applied force) moves a much greater distance than the load when the latter is raised , and the velocity ratio is thus much greater than one . in the simple pulley , the distance (r) moved by the effort is equal to the distance (s) moved by the load , since the rope which raises the weight is also used to apply the effort . thus the velocity ratio , r/s , is one in this case . it should be carefully noted that the magnitude of the velocity ratio , unlike the mechanical advantage , is not affected by friction in the pulley system .

The block and tackle :-
In practice , pulleys are designed to provide a large mechanical advantage , so that a large load or weight can be raised with a small effort . this figure :-
illustrates a useful system of pulleys , known as a block and tackle system , which contains tow sets of pulleys with one continuous rope round them . the load of weight W is attached to the lower set of pulleys , which is movable , while the upper set is supported from a beam and is fixed in position . assuming that the pulleys and rope are light , and that no friction is present , the tension in every part of the rope is equal to P , the applied effort . hence , since there are four portions of rope round the lower set of pulleys , which support W , it follows that 4P = W . thus the mechanical advantage , W/P , is 4 in this case . in practice the mechanical advantage is less than this figure , since there is friction between the rope and the pulleys , and , moreover , the pulleys have weight . for example , if the two lower pulleys in the figure above have a total weight of 50 lb.wt. , then 4P = W+50 , considering the equilibrium of the two lower pulleys . consequently 4P is greater in magnitude than W , so that W/P is less than 4 .
to find the velocity ratio (V.R.) of the system of pulleys , suppose that the weight W is raised a distance x when the effort P is applied . if we imagine the lowest pulley A raised this distance from QR to PS (in the figure below :-)


, the length of rope made available = PQ + SR = x + x = 2x . the upper pulley , also rises a distance x , so that the movement of this pulley also makes a length 2x of rope available . thus a total length , 4x , of rope slips round the pulleys when the load is raised a distance x , and hence 4x is the distance moved by the effort .
then V.R. = distance moved by effort / distance moved by load in same time = 4x/x = 4 .
this is the magnitude of the (V.R.) obtained even when friction and the weights of the pulleys are taken into account , since the distance moved by the effort must always be 4x when the load is raised a distance x . it should again be noted that the magnitude of the mechanical advantage is affected by friction and the weights of the pulleys .
in general , the V.R. of this system of pulleys is n , where n is the total number of pulleys in the system . the mechanical advantage is also equal to n when friction and the weights of the pulleys are neglected . in the case of an odd number of pulleys , the upper fixed block has one more pulley in it than the lower movable . thus , if there were 5 pulleys , the upper fixed block in the first figure would have 3 pulleys , and the string would be connected to the lower limb at the lower block . this system of pulleys is used at railway stations and engineering works for hauling heavy loads .

archimedean system of pulleys :-
the basic form of another pulley system , sometimes known as the Archimedean or first system of pulleys , is shown in the figure(a) :- http://www.m5zn.com"

the load W is attached to a pulley a A1 , which has a rope passing round it . one end of the rope is attached to a fixed point on a beam , while the downward effort P is applied to the other end of the rope with the aid of a small fixed pulley F .
suppose that the pulleys are light and smooth , and that the rope is light . the tension in the rope is then equal to P lb.wt. the upward tensions in the two portions of the rope on either side of the pulley A1 support the load W , and hence W = 2P . the mechanical advantage is thus ideally 2 , although in practice it is less . the V.R. can be deduced by imagining W raised a distance y , when a length 2y of rope moves round the pulley A . the effort , P , thus moves a distance 2y , and hence the V.R. is 2y/y , or 2 . it will be noted that the fixed pulley F offers a convenient means of applying the force P in a downward direction ; as it is fixed , F is not a part of the pulley system , which comprises only A1 in this case .
a more practical form of the same pulley system , often used by builders , is shown in figure (b) . in this case there are three movable pulleys , A1 , A2 , A3 , with a load of weight W attached to the lowest pulley . we shall assume the pulleys are very light and that friction is absent . the relation between the effort P and W can be found by noting that the tension in the rope round A1 is W/2 , since the tension in the two parts of the rope round A1 support W . the two parts of the rope round A2 must each supply a tension of ½ of W/2 , or W/4 , by considering the pulley A2 ; and , similarly , the tension in the rope supporting the pulley A3 must be ½ of W/4 , or W/8 . but the tension in the latter rope is P , the effort applied . thus P = W/8 . consequently a theoretical mechanical advantage of 8 is obtained with this pulley system .
by considering the lowest pulley A1 and the attached weight W to be raised a vertical distance x , and then following the lengths of rope moving round A1 , A2 , A3 , it can be shown that the effort P moves a distance 8x .
in general , the V.R. is 2^n , where n is the number of pulleys ; thus if n = 3 , as in the figure above , the V.R. is 2^3 , or 8 . the mechanical advantage is 2^n only if friction and the weights of the pulleys are neglected .

sources :-
1- principles of physics .
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  • #2
There are a lot of words here. Is there a question?
  • #3
no there is not a question.

FAQ: What is the Functionality and Mechanical Advantage of Different Pulley Systems?

What are some examples of simple machines?

Some examples of simple machines include levers, pulleys, inclined planes, wedges, screws, and wheels and axles.

How do simple machines make work easier?

Simple machines make work easier by reducing the amount of force needed to move an object. They also change the direction of the force, making it easier to lift or move objects.

What is the difference between a simple machine and a compound machine?

A simple machine is a single mechanical device that helps to perform work, while a compound machine is a combination of two or more simple machines working together to perform a task.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using simple machines?

The advantages of using simple machines include making work easier, reducing the amount of effort needed, and increasing efficiency. However, they also have limitations, such as being unable to create energy and requiring maintenance.

How do simple machines affect our daily lives?

Simple machines play a crucial role in our daily lives by making tasks easier and more efficient. They are used in various industries, such as construction, transportation, and manufacturing, and are also found in household items like scissors, ramps, and wheelbarrows.

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