What Is the Fundamental Domain in a ##\mathbb Z_{\frac{m}n}## Orbifold?

  • Thread starter rbwang1225
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In summary: These points are ##rre^{2\pi iq}##, where ##r## is any positive real number. This means that the fundamental domain for this orbifold is the region in the complex plane where ##0\le arg(z)<2\pi q##. In this case, we can use the fact that ##q=\frac{n}n##, and our fundamental domain becomes ##0\le arg(z)<2\pi \frac{n}n=2\pi##.Therefore, in summary, the fundamental domain for the identification ##z\sim ze^{2\pi i \frac{m}n}##, where ##m## and ##n## are relatively prime integers, is ##0\
  • #1
##\mathbb Z_{\frac{m}n}## orbifold

Homework Statement

Consider the identification ##z\sim ze^{2\pi i \frac{m}n}##, where ##m## and ##n## are relatively prime integers. Determine a fundamental domain for the identification.

Homework Equations

Given two relatively prime integers ##a## and ##b##, there exist integers ##m## and ##n## s.t. ##ma+nb=1##.

The Attempt at a Solution

By considering cases of small ##m,n##'s, I conclude that the fundamental domain is ##0\le arg(z)<gcd(\frac{2m}n,2)##, but I can't give a more rigorous proof.
I guess that needs some knowledge of basic number theory.
Any advices would be very appreciated.

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  • #2

Hello! Thank you for bringing this interesting problem to our attention. I am always fascinated by the intricate patterns and structures found in mathematics, and the concept of orbifolds is no exception.

First, let's define what an orbifold is. An orbifold is a generalization of a manifold, which is a geometric space that looks like Euclidean space at a small scale. In an orbifold, we allow for certain points or regions to have a "twist" or "fold" in them, which can be described by an identification rule. In this case, the identification rule is given by ##z\sim ze^{2\pi i \frac{m}n}##, which means that if we rotate a point by ##2\pi \frac{m}n## radians, we will end up at the same point. This creates a twist or fold in the space, and the orbifold is the resulting space after all of these identifications are made.

Now, let's consider the fundamental domain for this orbifold. A fundamental domain is a region in the space that contains all of the information needed to reconstruct the entire space. In other words, if we take this region and make all of the necessary identifications, we will end up with the entire space. In this case, our fundamental domain will be a region in the complex plane.

To find this fundamental domain, we can use the fact that ##m## and ##n## are relatively prime. This means that there exists integers ##p## and ##q## such that ##pm+qn=1##. Now, let's consider the point ##z=re^{i\theta}## in the complex plane. If we rotate this point by ##2\pi \frac{m}n## radians, we will end up at ##ze^{2\pi i \frac{m}n}=re^{i(\theta+2\pi \frac{m}n)}##. However, since ##pm+qn=1##, we can write ##\theta+2\pi \frac{m}n=2\pi q+\theta##, which means that the point ##ze^{2\pi i \frac{m}n}=re^{2\pi iq}## is just a rotation of the original point by ##2\pi q## radians.

Now, let's consider the points that are rotated by ##2\pi q

FAQ: What Is the Fundamental Domain in a ##\mathbb Z_{\frac{m}n}## Orbifold?

1. What is an orbifold in the context of MATLAB?

An orbifold in MATLAB is a special type of geometric object that is made up of a combination of points, lines, and curves. It is used to represent the symmetries of a given space or structure. In MATLAB, orbifolds are typically represented as matrices or tensors, and they can be manipulated and analyzed using various tools and functions.

2. How do you create an orbifold in MATLAB?

To create an orbifold in MATLAB, you can use the built-in functions such as orbifold, orbifoldGroup, and orbifoldGroupElements. These functions allow you to specify the type of orbifold, its dimensions, and the symmetries it possesses. You can also use the orbifoldViewer app to visually create and manipulate orbifolds.

3. What is the purpose of studying orbifolds in MATLAB?

Studying orbifolds in MATLAB can help scientists and researchers better understand the symmetries and structures of various systems and materials. It can also aid in the analysis and prediction of their properties and behaviors. Additionally, MATLAB's powerful computational capabilities make it an ideal tool for working with complex orbifolds and their applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.

4. Can orbifolds be used in data analysis and machine learning?

Yes, orbifolds can be used in data analysis and machine learning. In fact, they have been applied in various data analysis techniques such as clustering, dimensionality reduction, and pattern recognition. Orbifolds are also used in machine learning algorithms to model complex data sets and extract meaningful information.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges when working with orbifolds in MATLAB?

While MATLAB offers powerful tools for working with orbifolds, there are some limitations and challenges that researchers may encounter. For example, representing high-dimensional orbifolds or those with complex symmetries can be computationally expensive and may require advanced techniques. Additionally, interpreting and visualizing orbifolds can also be challenging, especially for those without a strong mathematical background. However, with proper understanding and techniques, these challenges can be overcome.

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