What is the future for photovoltaics?

In summary, silicon-based solar cells are becoming more efficient, with 18% average efficiency in commercial devices. They can convert energy from any photons with energy greater then the band gap, but maximum efficiency is usually reached when the photons have energy greater then the band gap energy of the material. Multi-junction cells have the advantage of making wider use of the EM spectrum.
  • #1
Chaos' lil bro Order
Yes, I was wondering if anyone was, perhaps familiar with the industry of photovoltaic cells and how that industry is maturing. In particular, how efficient are the best cells available today. I would guess its measured in something like Watts/Surface Area, or some statistic like that.

Another question I had was about how the cells capture EM energy. Do they collect a wide band of the EM spectrum, like say Gamma to Radio EM, or is it collecting mainly in say the visible 400-750nm spectrum, or mabye just a single wavelength?

Thank you in advance for good answers.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi, I'm sure you'll be able to get some better informed answers then what I'm about to say, however it might be enough to point you in the right direction for your own research. Anyway as far as I'm aware...

Currently the most common photovoltaic cells are Silicon in 3 forms - Amorophous, Multi-Crystaline and Mono-Crystaline. These have efficiencies ranging from 5% to 25% (worst case to best case) depending on the system, Mono crystaline being the most efficient, amorphous the least. The average for commercial use is about 18%.

A photovoltaic cell can generate electricity out of any photons with energy greater then the band gap. However I think that if a photon has energy greater then the band gap energy of the material, then this energy is generally lost as heat. If you google this paper , Shockley and Queisser, Journal of Applied Physics, March 1961, Volume 32, Issue 3. It has a good discussion of this subject, and a derivation of a maximum efficiency.

Most research is now focussing on developing Multi-junction Cells, as well as new compounds and organic dyes with photovoltaic properties. Multi-Junction cells have the advantage of making wider use of the EM spectrum.

I found this book really good. Clean Electricity from Photovoltaics, Mary Archer. ISBN 1-86094-161-3,

Hope that's some help.
  • #3
Excellent reply Barny, just what I wanted. Thanks buddy, I shall enjoy reading your links.
  • #4
No problem!
  • #5
Silicon converts light up to about 1100 nm. It also converts down into the near-u.v., not sure of the exact cutoff wavelength there.

Solar radiation is roughly 1000 W/m^2, and Barny's efficiencies jive with what I've heard (around 15% for typical commercial devices, over 20% for "high-end" photovoltaics).

BTW, over 40% efficiency were achieved in the lab in Dec. 2006, but I've yet to hear of commercially available cells using the new technology.

I can't post URL's since I haven't made 15 posts here yet, but if you Google "Solar Cell Breaks the 40% Efficiency Barrier" (include the quotes) you'll get a link to an article about it.

The article also mentions 30% was achieved as early as 1994. These devices must be quite expensive, as they are used in satellites but you never hear of them being available to homeowners.

Related to What is the future for photovoltaics?

1. What is the current state of photovoltaics technology?

The current state of photovoltaics (PV) technology is rapidly advancing and becoming more efficient and cost-effective. PV panels are now able to convert solar energy into electricity with an efficiency of 20% or higher, and new technologies such as thin-film and organic PV are being developed.

2. How will photovoltaics impact our energy future?

Photovoltaics have the potential to play a significant role in our energy future by providing clean, renewable energy at a lower cost than traditional fossil fuels. As PV technology continues to improve and become more affordable, it is expected to become a larger part of our energy mix, reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources.

3. What are the main barriers to widespread adoption of photovoltaics?

The main barriers to widespread adoption of photovoltaics are cost, limited efficiency, and the intermittency of solar energy. While the cost of PV panels has been decreasing, it is still more expensive than traditional energy sources. Additionally, PV panels can only produce electricity when the sun is shining, which makes it difficult to rely on as a sole source of energy.

4. What advancements can we expect to see in photovoltaics in the near future?

In the near future, we can expect to see continued advancements in PV technology, leading to higher efficiency and lower costs. There is also ongoing research and development in storage solutions for solar energy, which could help address the issue of intermittency and make PV a more reliable source of energy.

5. How can individuals and communities contribute to the growth of the photovoltaics industry?

Individuals and communities can contribute to the growth of the photovoltaics industry by installing PV panels on their homes or businesses, supporting policies and incentives that promote the use of solar energy, and educating themselves and others about the benefits of renewable energy. Additionally, choosing to purchase electricity from companies that use renewable sources can also help drive the demand for PV technology.

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