What is the g-factor in the BMT equation?

  • Thread starter pomaranca
  • Start date
In summary, the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation includes a g-factor, which is defined as the magnetic moment divided by the spin. In this equation, the g-factor for electrons is -2.0023193043622 and for protons it is 5.585694713. The BMT equation uses the absolute value of the g-factor, not the negative value. The magnetic moment is always in the opposite direction of the spin for electrons and in the same direction for protons. The g-factor in the BMT equation is equivalent to the Lande factor. The symbol μ_B represents the nuclear magneton, which is equal to {e\hbar\over2m_P} for protons.
  • #1
in Bargmann–Michel–Telegdi equation
{\;\,dS^\alpha\over d\tau}={e\over m}\bigg[{g\over2}F^{\alpha\beta}S_\beta+\left({g\over2}-1\right)U^\alpha\left(S_\lambda F^{\lambda\mu}U_\mu\right)\bigg]\;,
there is [itex]g[/itex]-factor present. I'm a bit confused about its definition. If it is defined as
\boldsymbol{\mu}_S = \frac{g_{e,p}\mu_\mathrm{B}}{\hbar}\boldsymbol{S}\;,
where for electron it is [itex]g_e=−2.0023193043622[/itex] and for proton [itex]g_p= 5.585694713[/itex], then in BMT equation one should probably use its negative [itex]g=-g_{e,p}[/itex] and not the absolute value.
Is this correct?
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  • #2
μ is always in opposite direction to spin for electron and in same direction for proton.one always use the magnitude of g while dealing with it.
  • #3
So in BMT g is the absolute value of g-factor?
  • #4
yes,it is always the absolute value.I hope it is same as the lande factor.However what is μB in your eqn.
  • #5
In my case [itex]\mu_B[/itex] is nuclear magneton [itex]\mu_N={e\hbar\over2m_P}[/itex] as I'm dealing with a proton. Thanks for your answer.

FAQ: What is the g-factor in the BMT equation?

What is the G-factor in the BMT equation?

The G-factor, also known as the gyromagnetic ratio, is a constant that relates the magnetic moment of a particle to its spin angular momentum. In the BMT equation, it is used to describe the precession of a charged particle in a magnetic field.

How is the G-factor calculated?

The G-factor is calculated by dividing the magnetic moment of a particle by its spin angular momentum. It is a fundamental property of a particle and can be experimentally determined through various methods.

Why is the G-factor important in the BMT equation?

The G-factor is an essential component of the BMT equation as it determines the frequency of the particle's precession in a magnetic field. This is crucial for understanding and predicting the behavior of charged particles in various experimental setups.

What is the difference between the G-factor and the gyromagnetic ratio?

The G-factor and gyromagnetic ratio are often used interchangeably, but technically, the G-factor is the ratio of the magnetic moment to spin angular momentum, while the gyromagnetic ratio is the ratio of the magnetic moment to the particle's mass.

How does the G-factor affect the motion of charged particles in a magnetic field?

The G-factor determines the frequency of the particle's precession in a magnetic field, which in turn affects the particle's trajectory and motion. A higher G-factor results in a faster precession and a more pronounced curvature in the particle's path.
