What is the gauge group of general relativity?

In summary: I think the point I was trying to make is that the diffeomorphism group cannot be a gauge group, because it is not a symmetry of the space.In summary, the gauge group of GR is not Diff(M).
  • #1
I tried to convince myself it is Diff(M), but I failed.

Most books say Bianchi Identities reduce the independent equations in Einstein's equations by 4, therefore there are some redundancies in the metric variables. As a result, there could be many solutions that correspond to one physical state. There are two arguments which show the gauge group is Diff(M).

Hole argument: a diffeomorphism that preserves a Cauchy surface and moves other points will cause the Cauchy data to not have a unique evolution, therefore two metrics related by a diffeomorphism must correspond to one physical state. Objection: the set of all diffeomorphisms that preserve a Cauchy surface is not Diff(M), there exists diffeomorphisms that move all points around.

Dirac constraint analysis: GR has two first class constraints, one corresponds to 3D diffeomorphism of the hypersurface (Diffeomorphism constraint), one corresponds to diffeomorphism that moves forward in time (Hamiltonian constraint). Objection: the two constraints generate diffeomorphisms on a hypersurface (at an instant of time), not the whole of M.

So I believe the gauge group of GR is not Diff(M), it should be a subset of it.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Gauge transformations are defined at a fixed spacetime (or base space) point, but the diffeomorphism group maps points in spacetime to other points in spacetime. It seams to me that if you want to preserve the geometric formulation of gauge theories in general relativity the diffeomorphism group cannot be by any means a gauge group. Surely others can expand or explain on this point better than me.
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  • #3
Sl(2, C)
  • #5
Sorry for the terse answer -- was in a hurry. What I should have said, is that it is *possible* to create a theory of gravity, which is identical to Einstein's GR in all current predictions, such that it is a gauge theory, and its gauge group is SL(2,C), which is the double cover of SO(3,1) (and they share the same Lie algebra -- the crucial bit of information). The gauge theory is (of course) not Yang-Mills theory. Furthermore, it's possible to come up with non-gauge theories, or even perhaps (but I don't know of any) as gauge theories with a different gauge (actually, don't the teleparallel formulation use translations, and the Cartan one use Poincare+translations?)
  • #6
This thread, particularly posts #2 and #3, is relevant, although it might not answer kakarukeys' questions.
  • #7
I believe you are giving me an internal gauge group of GR, made manifest because of a reformulation. E.g. for spinor formulation, we have SL(2,C), LQG, we have either SO(3), or SU(2).

I just want to know the status of Diff(M).

I saw the thread before...can't find my answer

Gauge transformations are defined at a fixed spacetime (or base space) point, but the diffeomorphism group maps points in spacetime to other points in spacetime. It seams to me that if you want to preserve the geometric formulation of gauge theories in general relativity the diffeomorphism group cannot be by any means a gauge group. Surely others can expand or explain on this point better than me.

Here I talk about gauge theory in broadest sense not in the Yang Mill's sense, gauge freedom = redundancy in the description of the system.
  • #9
yes I read that one too...

FAQ: What is the gauge group of general relativity?

1. What is a gauge group?

A gauge group is a mathematical concept used in physics to describe the symmetries of a physical system. In general relativity, the gauge group refers to the group of transformations that leave the equations of general relativity invariant.

2. How is the gauge group related to general relativity?

The gauge group of general relativity is directly related to the symmetries of the theory. These symmetries represent transformations of the spacetime coordinates that do not affect the underlying physics. The gauge group allows us to understand how these transformations relate to the equations of general relativity.

3. Why is the gauge group important in general relativity?

The gauge group is important in general relativity because it allows us to understand the fundamental symmetries of the theory. These symmetries are crucial for understanding the behavior of spacetime and the gravitational force. The gauge group also helps us make predictions and test the validity of general relativity.

4. How is the gauge group of general relativity different from other gauge groups?

The gauge group of general relativity is different from other gauge groups in that it is non-abelian, meaning that the order of operations matters. This is because the transformations of spacetime in general relativity are not commutative. Additionally, the gauge group of general relativity is also infinite-dimensional, unlike many other gauge groups.

5. Can the gauge group of general relativity be changed?

Yes, the gauge group of general relativity can be changed. This can be done by modifying the underlying assumptions and symmetries of the theory. For example, some alternative theories of gravity have different gauge groups than general relativity. However, changing the gauge group can lead to different predictions and must be carefully studied and tested before being accepted as a valid theory.

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