What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

In summary, the conversation discusses a user's request for help with a math problem involving a graph and finding a "magic" function with a mutating variable. The first step is finding the general multitude of functions and the second step is replacing the mutating unknown with a numerical value. The conversation also includes a discussion about changing the start and end points and figuring out a second function to work with the first one. The conversation ends with the user expressing gratitude for the help and acknowledging the hard work and intelligence of the person assisting them.
  • #1
Long time, no see. From all the forums I'm a member of, I feel this is the most strange to me as my math is very basic. So, here is what I'd be thankful to be helped with:

I'm making a "mechanic" that I'm going to use in game and software developing for tons of times if I'll pull it through (God help!). It would take months for me to solve this and I hope anyone here would be willing to help and of course would know the necessary math for it.
It's about a graph:

I'll do my best to explain what I want. I haven't done math since elementary so I'll use improper language and I'll let the intuition guide me; you can swear - I can't hear you :smile:

Every of the light red, red, green, blue and light blue curves has an unique function, right?
But they have something in common, in fact it's all the same except for one little variable that should... "mutate".
I want to find the magic function and the mutating variable, to work for any of the colored solutions. So it's a 2-step process:

1. Find the general multitude of functions/equations or better said -- the equation with the mutating unknown, when we know:
- start x,y (in our case 0,0)
- end x,y (in our case 8,8)
- the functions have the horizontal and vertical asymptotes (I hardly know from wikipedia what an asymptote means)

2. We further replace the mutating unknown with a numerical value and so find the final equation.
The value to replace the unknown is found like in the following example:
We want to find the magic equation for the blue solution. So, the reference yellow line must cross point(0, end y) and point(end x, 0) that's (0,8) and (8,0). On this line, from the middle of the linear green = (4,4) to the blue solution, we know D = 2* sqrt(2).
So, based on D we find the numerical value for the mutating unknown.
Now I reckon the mutating unknown raises logarithmically as D raises linearly :rolleyes: So I'd use the yellow reference line and D instead of just the mutating unknown, so to be more intuitive/straightforward for the user/player.

So we feed in 0,0; 8,8; 2*sqrt(2) and "compose" the magic equation.
Of course, for any x we feed in the magic equation/function, we get the corresponding y of the blue solution.

If it looks too creepy at least give me a hint on step 1 and I'll die trying to solve step 2 from there.
I thank you even for only getting here with reading.
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
For the first problem, this should be the functions you need to use:


where [tex]n\in ]0,+\infty[[/tex] would be your magic parameter. The function described your curves very well, and in n=1 it gives the linear (green) curve.

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly you mean with the second part of your post, it's a bit hazy...
  • #3
Thank you very much. Man that was fast. What if I change start and end points?
I can't relate them to the function...

Now that I read your reply I realize that the 2nd part is... a separate function by itself.
f(D) = n

I saw your sig in another thread and couldn't ask there. So I do it here: Who said it?
  • #4
mireazma said:
Thank you very much. Man that was fast. What if I change start and end points?
I can't relate them to the function...

Hmm, that's an annoying question :smile: (nothing personal, I'm just bad at these things). Well, if you want to change the end points to (a,a), then the equation becomes


(also I forgot the factor 8 in front of my first equation). If you also want to change the begin point, then it gets a bit more complicated. I'll see if I can figure it out...

Now that I read your reply I realize that the 2nd part is... a separate function by itself.
f(D) = n

Yes, and I think I understood what you wanted to do in your second point. I'll see what I can do.

I saw your sig in another thread and couldn't ask there. So I do it here: Who said it?

Bob Dylan :smile:
  • #5
OK, your general function, with begin points (a,b) and end points (c,d) is


Now, your second question...
  • #6
Thank you so much. You already did very much, Please, don't mind the starting point. And with the second part, don't waste too much of your time. I feel in debt already
Oops! too late.
  • #7
At a second thought, the 2nd part isn't such a big issue. I could simply estimate a rough linear-logarithmic function; the user won't notice too much. The precision isn't crucial.
I know I sound fawning but I totally respect hard work and hard mind. I realize that I'm 2566 posts away from you and the same many time units necessary to compute something.
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FAQ: What is the general equation for a mutating variable in a 3rd degree function?

What is a 3rd degree function?

A 3rd degree function is a polynomial function of the form f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d, where a, b, c, and d are constants and x is the independent variable. It is also known as a cubic function.

What is the general shape of a 3rd degree function?

A 3rd degree function has a general shape of an "S" curve, also known as a cubic curve. It can have either a positive or negative slope, depending on the values of the coefficients.

How many roots does a 3rd degree function have?

A 3rd degree function can have up to three distinct roots, or points where the function intersects with the x-axis. However, it is possible for a 3rd degree function to have fewer than three roots or no real roots at all.

What is the relationship between the degree of a function and its graph?

The degree of a function determines the number of possible turning points, or places where the graph changes direction. A 3rd degree function can have up to two turning points, which can be either local maximums or minimums.

How can 3rd degree functions be used in real life?

3rd degree functions can be used to model various real-life scenarios, such as population growth, financial investments, and projectile motion. They can also be used in engineering and physics to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems.

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