What Is the Geometric Meaning of Stokes' Theorem?

In summary: We then add the two expressions together to obtain the final result.In summary, Stokes' Theorem states that the line integral of a derivative over a region is equal to the value of the function at the boundary. It can be interpreted geometrically as the "total amount of swirl" and can be determined by going around the edge and finding how much the flow is following the boundary. This theorem applies to surfaces in any plane and can be proven by summing the line integrals over small boxes in the surface. This interpretation serves as a helpful mnemonic for understanding Stokes' Theorem.
  • #1
Would anyone be willing to explain Stokes' Theorem to me?

I have managed to grasp the concepts of grad, div, curl, and what the text calls "green's theorem", but I cannot seem to grasp the geometric meaning of "stokes theorem." I've been trying to put the theorem together based on the following explanations from my electrodynamics text:

[tex]\int_{S}(\nabla\times\nu)\cdot da = \oint_{p}v\cdot dl[/tex]

"As always, the integral of a derivative (here, a curl) over a region (here, a patch of surface) is equal to the value of the function at the boundary (here, the perimeter of the patch). As in the case of green's theorem, the boundary term is itself an integral--specifically, a closed line integral."

"Geometrical interpretation: Recall that the curl measures the "twist" of the vectors v; a region of high curl is a whirlpool--if you put a tiny paddlewheel there, it will rotate. Now, the integral of the curl over some surface (or, more precisely, the flux of the curl through the surface) represents the "total amount of swirl", and we can determine that swirl just as well by going around the edge and finding how much the flow is following the boundary. You may find this a rather forced interpretation of Stokes' theorem, but it's a helpful mnemonic, if nothing else."

Thanks for any help,
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  • #2
Well, let's look at the line integral of a small box in the x-y plane

\downarrow \hspace{.24 in} \uparrow

Let the coordinates of the center of the box be (x,y). Let the lower left corner be at (x-dx/2,y-dy/2), the upper right corner be at (x+dx/2,y+dy/2).

Let [tex] \vec{v} = [v_x,v_y,v_z] [/tex]. Then we can write the line integral [tex] \oint_{p}v\cdot dl[/tex] as follows, by approximating the vector function as the value at it's midpoint on each side.

bottom line element: vx(x,y-dy/2) * dx
top line element: -vx(x,y+dy/2) * dx

left line element: -vy(x-dx/2,y) * dy
right line element: vy(x+dx/2,y) * dy

We can re-write this as

[tex]-\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial y} dx dy + \frac{\partial v_y}{\partial x} dx dy [/tex]

But [tex] \frac{\partial v_y}{\partial x} - \frac{\partial v_x}{\partial y} [/tex] is just the z component of the cross product [tex] \nabla \times \vec{v} [/tex].

So we've established that the line integral over a small box is the surface integral over a small box.

So we can replace the surface integral [tex] \int_{S}(\nabla\times\nu)\cdot da [/tex] by the sum of the line integrals over all the boxes in the surface.


Now if you draw little arrows inside ach box, you'll see that most arrows occur once in each direction. Only the arrows around the outermost boundary don't cancel out. Thus the sum of the line integrals is the line integral around the whole box.

Which is the result we wanted to prove.

Note: actually, we've only shown Stokes theorem for the special case where we draw the surface on the x-y plane. The result generalizes, however, if you like you can do the same procedure for the xz and yz planes, I am not going to do that personally, though.
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  • #3

Thanks for your reply.

pervect said:
Well, let's look at the line integral of a small box in the x-y plane

\downarrow \hspace{.24 in} \uparrow

Let the coordinates of the center of the box be (x,y). Let the lower left corner be at (x-dx/2,y-dy/2), the upper right corner be at (x+dx/2,y+dy/2).

Let [tex] \vec{v} = [v_x,v_y,v_z] [/tex]. Then we can write the line integral [tex] \oint_{p}v\cdot dl[/tex] as follows, by approximating the vector function as the value at it's midpoint on each side.

bottom line element: vx(x,y-dy/2) * dx
top line element: -vx(x,y+dy/2) * dx

left line element: -vy(x-dx/2,y) * dy
right line element: vy(x+dx/2,y) * dy

We can re-write this as

[tex]-\frac{\partial v_x}{\partial y} dx dy + \frac{\partial v_y}{\partial x} dx dy [/tex]

**** I am good until immediately above, where you rewrite the line integral. ****

Can you explain the intermediary steps? Thanks again.
  • #4
Griffiths eh? It's a good book.
  • #5
OK, consider the the sum of the top and bottom elements

vx(x,y-dy/2) * dx - vx(x,y+dy/2) * dx

We can re-write this sum as


We can re-write this as
-(\frac{\partial v_x(x,y)}{\partial y} dy) dx

The justification for this is similar for saying that in the limt as dx->0

[tex]f(x+dx)-f(x) = f(x+dx/2)-f(x-dx/2) = \frac{df}{dx} dx [/tex]

but in the more comlicated case above we need to use partial derivatives because we have more than one variable.

We can re-write the sum of the left and right elements similarly.

FAQ: What Is the Geometric Meaning of Stokes' Theorem?

What is Stokes' Theorem?

Stokes' Theorem is a mathematical theorem that relates the surface integral of a vector field over a surface to the line integral of the same vector field around the boundary of the surface.

Who is Stokes and why is this theorem named after him?

Sir George Gabriel Stokes was an Irish mathematician and physicist who first published the theorem in 1854. It is named after him to honor his contributions to the field of fluid mechanics.

What is the significance of Stokes' Theorem in physics and engineering?

Stokes' Theorem is essential in the study of vector fields and is widely used in physics and engineering to calculate the flow of fluids, electromagnetic fields, and other physical quantities over a given surface.

What are the assumptions and conditions for Stokes' Theorem to hold true?

Stokes' Theorem holds true for smooth surfaces and vector fields. Additionally, the surface must be closed and bounded by a simple, closed, and smooth curve.

How is Stokes' Theorem related to other important theorems in mathematics?

Stokes' Theorem is a special case of a more general theorem called the Generalized Stokes' Theorem, which includes other important theorems such as Green's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem. It is also related to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in multivariable calculus.

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