- #1
Gold Member
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this had ahttps://mathhelpboards.com/threads/2-2-21-ivp.27772/ but wanted to add tikz graph
orifinally authored by Klazs van Aarsen
[declare function = {radius(\phi)=sqrt((3*sin(\phi)+cos(\phi)) / (sin(\phi)^3 -cos(\phi)^3)); },]
% \draw[help lines] (-3,-2) grid (3,4);
\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (3.4,0);
\draw[->] (0,-2) -- (0,4.2);
%\draw foreach \i in {-3,...,3} {(\i,-0.1) node[fill=black!5,below] {$\i$}};
%\draw foreach \i in {-2,...,4} {(-0.1,\i) node[fill=black!5,left] {$\i$}};
\draw[domain=50:{atan(-1/3)+179.99}, variable=\phi, red, smooth, ultra thick] plot ({radius(\phi) * cos(\phi)}, {1 + radius(\phi) * sin(\phi)});
\draw[domain=-130:{atan(-1/3)-0.01}, variable=\phi, red, smooth, ultra thick] plot ({radius(\phi) * cos(\phi)}, {1 + radius(\phi) * sin(\phi)});
Ok I tried various modifications to this but tried to scale the graph to .6
and only put (x,y) where the slopes are vertical line and endpoints of the curve
Much Mahalo
orifinally authored by Klazs van Aarsen
[declare function = {radius(\phi)=sqrt((3*sin(\phi)+cos(\phi)) / (sin(\phi)^3 -cos(\phi)^3)); },]
% \draw[help lines] (-3,-2) grid (3,4);
\draw[->] (-3,0) -- (3.4,0);
\draw[->] (0,-2) -- (0,4.2);
%\draw foreach \i in {-3,...,3} {(\i,-0.1) node[fill=black!5,below] {$\i$}};
%\draw foreach \i in {-2,...,4} {(-0.1,\i) node[fill=black!5,left] {$\i$}};
\draw[domain=50:{atan(-1/3)+179.99}, variable=\phi, red, smooth, ultra thick] plot ({radius(\phi) * cos(\phi)}, {1 + radius(\phi) * sin(\phi)});
\draw[domain=-130:{atan(-1/3)-0.01}, variable=\phi, red, smooth, ultra thick] plot ({radius(\phi) * cos(\phi)}, {1 + radius(\phi) * sin(\phi)});
Ok I tried various modifications to this but tried to scale the graph to .6
and only put (x,y) where the slopes are vertical line and endpoints of the curve
Much Mahalo