What is the Ground-State Energy of 24 Noninteracting Fermions in a 1D Box?

In summary, the ground-state energy of 24 identical noninteracting fermions in a one-dimensional box of length L, when each spatial state can be occupied by two fermions, is given by E=2E_1+2E_2+...+2E_{12} where E_n=h^2n^2/8mL^2 is the energy level of a particle in a box.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is the ground-state energy of 24 identical noninteracting fermions in a one-dimensional box of length L? (Because the quantum number associated with spin can have two values, each spatial state can be occupied by two fermions.) (Use h for Planck's constant, m for the mass, and L as necessary.)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Since the question states that each spatial state can be occupied by two fermions, I thought it would be 48h^2/8mL^2, simplifying to 6h^2/mL^2. However, this is incorrect. Any help would be much appreciated. The fact that two can occupy the same state is throwing me off.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
w3390 said:

Homework Equations


I don't understand this equation; I thought the energy levels of a particle in a box were proportional to [itex]n^2[/itex]:



The Attempt at a Solution

The fact that two can occupy the same state is throwing me off.[/QUOTE]

Well, the first two fermions can occupy the [itex]n=1[/itex] state, but the next two will have to go in a higher energy level, [itex]n=2[/itex], and the next two will have to go in the [itex]n=3[/itex] level, and so on...

So the total ground state energy level will be [itex]E=2E_1+2E_2+\ldots 2E_{12}[/itex], right?
  • #3
Thanks. I got it.

FAQ: What is the Ground-State Energy of 24 Noninteracting Fermions in a 1D Box?

1. What is the ground-state energy of fermions?

The ground-state energy of fermions is the lowest possible energy level that a system of fermions can have. This energy level is determined by the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two fermions can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously.

2. How is the ground-state energy of fermions calculated?

The ground-state energy of fermions can be calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of particles at the quantum level. The equation takes into account the mass, position, and interactions of the fermions to determine their ground-state energy.

3. What factors affect the ground-state energy of fermions?

The ground-state energy of fermions can be affected by various factors, including the number of fermions in the system, the strength of the interactions between them, and the shape of the potential well in which they are confined. These factors can all influence the energy level of the fermions in the ground state.

4. How does the ground-state energy of fermions relate to the stability of a system?

The ground-state energy of fermions is directly related to the stability of a system. A lower ground-state energy indicates a more stable system, as the fermions are in their lowest energy state and do not have enough energy to transition to a higher energy state. Higher ground-state energies can lead to instability and potential changes in the system.

5. Can the ground-state energy of fermions be changed?

Yes, the ground-state energy of fermions can be changed by altering the factors that affect it, such as the number of fermions, interactions, and potential well. Additionally, external forces or interactions with other particles can also impact the ground-state energy of fermions. However, the ground-state energy of fermions can never be reduced to zero due to the Pauli exclusion principle.
