What Is the Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure for an Ideal Gas?

In summary, the problem involves an ideal gas with 1023 point particles, a constant pressure of 3x105 Pa, and 200J of heat flowing into it. The question is asking for the heat capacity at constant pressure, CP. The equation CV = (ΔU + PΔV)/ΔT can be used to find CP, but since ΔT and ΔV are not given, the next part of the problem will be needed to find them. Upon further research, it is found that the heat capacity for all ideal gases is identical.
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Homework Statement

I have an ideal gas of n=1023 point particles with a constant pressure of P = 3x105 Pa as 200J of heat flows into it. What is the heat capacity at constant pressure, CP?

Homework Equations

CV = (ΔU + PΔV)/ΔT

The Attempt at a Solution

Okay... So I have N, P and Q. I'm not sure if I'm missing something but I have no idea how to even begin finding this without ΔT or ΔV.

(Also, the next part of the problem involves finding delta T, which can be found using Q/C, so I'm assuming I shouldn't be finding it in this part of the question.) This is one part of a multiple part question and I can do the rest of them quite easily -- I feel like I'm missing something.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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FAQ: What Is the Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure for an Ideal Gas?

What is heat capacity at constant pressure?

Heat capacity at constant pressure, also known as specific heat capacity, is a measure of the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius while keeping the pressure constant.

How is heat capacity at constant pressure different from heat capacity at constant volume?

Heat capacity at constant pressure takes into account the work done by the substance as it expands, while heat capacity at constant volume does not. In other words, heat capacity at constant pressure considers the changes in volume of the substance, while heat capacity at constant volume assumes no change in volume.

What factors can affect the heat capacity at constant pressure of a substance?

The heat capacity at constant pressure of a substance can be affected by its molecular structure, mass, and temperature. Substances with more complex molecular structures tend to have higher heat capacities, while substances with higher mass require more heat energy to raise their temperature. Additionally, heat capacity at constant pressure tends to increase with temperature.

How is heat capacity at constant pressure measured?

Heat capacity at constant pressure can be measured experimentally by applying heat energy to a substance and measuring its resulting temperature change. The heat capacity at constant pressure can then be calculated using the formula Cp = Q/mΔT, where Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure, Q is the heat energy applied, m is the mass of the substance, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

What are some real-world applications of heat capacity at constant pressure?

Heat capacity at constant pressure is an important concept in many fields, including chemistry, physics, and engineering. It is used to design and optimize heating and cooling systems, as well as to understand the behavior of substances in various processes, such as in chemical reactions and phase changes. It is also used in the development of new materials and in the study of climate and weather patterns.
