What Is the Highest Redshift for Star Formation?

In summary, the question is asking for the highest redshift at which gas must be cooled to below 100 K in order for stars to form. This is related to the concept that a hot gas will not collapse to form stars and that the temperature of a gas scales linearly with redshift. The necessary equations to solve this problem would likely involve the redshift, temperature, and the fact that temperature scales linearly with redshift. This is important to understand in order to determine the redshift at which star formation is possible.
  • #1
If gas has to be cooled below, say, 100 K, in order for stars to form, what is the highest redshift
for star formation?

What would be the necessary equations to solve this problem??
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't understand. In order for stars to form, you need enough hydrogen at and a sufficiently high temperature, in the order of millions of degrees. What does this have to do with redshifts, or cooling the gas?
  • #3
It's somehow relating it to the CMB, What I'm not understanding is the procedure to solve the question. Do I use Friedmann equations?

full text

Gas temperature and star formation. Gas, immersed in the CMB photon bath
continuously, behaves like the Earth in problem 1 and is heated up to a temperature
comparable to the CMB temperature. CMB photons are a blackbody with temperature 
3000K at a redshift of 1100. And the blackbody has been cooling down as T(t) / 1=a(t),
since the expansion of the universe redshifts the wavelengths of CMB photons. If gas has
to be cooled below, say, 100 K, in order for stars to form, what is the highest redshift
for star formation? For reference, the galactic halo star HD 1523-0901 is determined to
have an age of 13:2 Gyrs, corresponding to a redshift of approx 10 in our current cosmological
  • #4
damasgate said:
If gas has to be cooled below, say, 100 K, in order for stars to form, what is the highest redshift
for star formation?

What would be the necessary equations to solve this problem??
You only need to know the redshift and temperature at one point, and the fact that temperature scales linearly with redshift (well, z+1). That is, if you halve the redshift, you halve the temperature.

This sort of idea is sensible, by the way, because a hot gas will not collapse to form stars. A gas needs to cool sufficiently before its atoms are slow enough to fall into gravitational potential wells.
  • #5

The maximum redshift for star formation can be determined by using the relationship between gas temperature and redshift. As the universe expands, the wavelength of light from distant objects is stretched, resulting in a higher redshift. This can be described by Hubble's law, which states that the redshift (z) is proportional to the recessional velocity (v) of an object: z = v/c, where c is the speed of light.

To determine the maximum redshift for star formation, we can use the relationship between the gas temperature and the redshift known as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. This effect describes the distortion of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation by hot gas in galaxy clusters. The amount of distortion is dependent on the temperature of the gas, which is in turn related to the redshift.

Therefore, we can use the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect to determine the maximum redshift for star formation by calculating the temperature of gas at different redshifts. The temperature of the gas can be estimated using the Planck's law, which describes the energy distribution of blackbody radiation. By comparing the estimated gas temperature at different redshifts to the required temperature of 100 K for star formation, we can determine the maximum redshift at which gas can cool enough for stars to form.

In summary, to solve this problem, we would use the equations for Hubble's law, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, and Planck's law to calculate the maximum redshift for star formation based on the required gas temperature of 100 K. This would provide valuable insights into the conditions for star formation in the early universe and help us understand the evolution of galaxies over time.

FAQ: What Is the Highest Redshift for Star Formation?

1. What is the relationship between gas temperature and star formation?

The temperature of gas plays a crucial role in the process of star formation. As gas cools down, it becomes more dense and gravitational forces cause it to collapse into a smaller volume. This collapse leads to an increase in temperature and pressure, eventually triggering nuclear fusion and the formation of a star.

2. How does gas temperature affect the size of stars?

Higher gas temperatures lead to more energetic and faster-moving gas particles, which can overcome the gravitational pull of the collapsing gas cloud. This results in larger stars being formed, as the gas particles have enough energy to resist being pulled together too tightly.

3. Can gas temperature determine the type of stars that are formed?

Yes, the temperature of the gas can determine the type of stars that are formed. Higher temperatures are needed for the formation of more massive stars, while lower temperatures are more suitable for smaller stars. This is due to the amount of mass and energy required for nuclear fusion to occur.

4. How does gas temperature vary in different regions of a galaxy?

In general, the temperature of gas is higher in the central regions of a galaxy where there is more gas and dust density. This is because there is more gravitational pull and energy from nearby stars and other sources. In the outer regions of a galaxy, the gas is cooler and less dense, making it more difficult for star formation to occur.

5. Can changes in gas temperature affect the rate of star formation?

Yes, changes in gas temperature can significantly impact the rate of star formation. If the gas temperature is too high, it can prevent gas clouds from collapsing and forming stars. Conversely, if the gas temperature is too low, it can slow down the process of star formation. The ideal temperature range for efficient star formation is typically between 10 and 100 Kelvin.

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