What is the history behind the Abel Group?

In summary: I should probably stop before I get too carried away ;)In summary, On the subject of P121, a physics course that is required for most engineering and science majors, my mind is weary from studying for the night and I muse on a bouncing ball. Then I remember friction and realize that I've forgotten to do my homework for P121. I feel like a failure and a fool and my poetry reflects that.
  • #1
Hello everyone,
I wasn't quite sure which forum to fit this under so if it's the wrong one please forgive me. I recently wrote the following for my campus's humor magazine but I have a feeling like other people here will enjoy it as well. :smile:
For the record, P121 is the physics course on my campus that all the engineering and science majors need to take (ie virtually everyone) which covers basic kinematics. Enjoy!


It's late at night, my mind is weary
Eyes are bloodshot, vision bleary
I know not what I'm really thinking
My sanity is surely winking
Yet I stay up for I am not done
With homework for P121.

My mind's back from a temporary lull
And contemplates a bouncing ball
Then reasons shouts out, with great diction,
"Idiot! You forgot friction!"
So I cross out numbers written there
And hang my head in great dispair.

I am at a lost an panicked too
Because I don't know what to do!
I factor out "t", I integrate
But the mistakes do not abate
I feel like a failure and a fool...
What's life like in the business school?

But I see throught that confusing mist
After all, I am a physicist!
I know the movements of block and book
Using laws from Newton and Hooke
I know the bowling ball's energy
Based on it's squared velocity.

I now see myself years down the line
Where physics glory is all mine
The secret of dark matter I know
Having found the neutralino
My proof is so clear and bold
I win myself some Swedish gold!

But as I start my acceptance speech
I hear a harshly ringing screech
A startling thought to my mind does creep-
Oh my God, I've fallen asleep!
It's eight in the morn, not late at one
And my damned homework's still not done!

I stare at my paper with a frown
And jot some garbled numbers down
And before I can think anymore
It's in my bag; I'm out the door
And as I'm walking I pray my best
That problem won't be on the test!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
aha, a challenge. I'll be back
  • #3
I'm just going to point out its neutrino, not neutralino.

On that subject, damn PG&E to hell for trying to stop us from hosting the neutrino experiment and trying to send it to china. DAMN DIRTY APES! (PG&E, not the Chinese)

Not bad poetry, though I'm sure tribdog will win the rhyme-off.
  • #4
If the rhyme off gets carried away I may have to submit one of my own uber-poems to kill both of you. o:)
  • #5
Rime of the Physics Fan

Day after day, sometimes at night
My eyes behold their favorite sight.
It's blue and white with bits of grey.
I pray it never goes away.
I've watched it grow and watched it change
and thanks to it, I'm not insane.

What is this thing I'm speaking of?
What could have captured all my love?
I'll tell you in a few more lines,
so stick it where no sunshine shines.
I'll tell before this rhyme is past.
So settle down. Or Kiss my ?

Some years ago, say five or four
I learned I'd love to learn some more.
I heard a thing that wasn't right:
"It can't be true! It's only light."
"It can't go through both of those slits."
"Don't lie to me, you piece of..."

But light it seems, does things I can't.
but neither can an elephant.
I jumped online to learn some more,
to find out what else was in store
I'll tell you now, so drum some drums.
The thing I love? Physics Forums.
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  • #6
not a masterpiece, but under an hour. not bad
  • #7
franznietzsche said:
I'm just going to point out its neutrino, not neutralino.

Um, I think he made up a word, for the thing he's going to discover to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. I thought it was intentional. :cool:
  • #8
tribdog said:
not a masterpiece, but under an hour. not bad
Ooooh, a physics RIME-OFF! :-p Or rhyme-off, depending on how late it is, if you've been drinking...

Those were both really great! :approve:

Do we have another challenger??
  • #9
Moonbear said:
franznietzsche said:
I'm just going to point out its neutrino, not neutralino.

Um, I think he made up a word, for the thing he's going to discover to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. I thought it was intentional.
Hey, why must the student be a "he?" :wink:
For the record, a neutralino is a name for a theoretical particle: a type of WIMP for those who want specifics. It's one of the canidates for the identity of cold dark matter and would be incredibly difficult to detect should they exist so it'd definitely win you the Nobel Prize should you discover them!
  • #10
Andromeda321 said:
Hey, why must the student be a "he?" :wink:

:eek: My apologies! Greetings to another female PFer! :biggrin: :smile:
  • #11
Poetry doesn't pay the bills, but physics does

I love writing physics rhymes,
about such things as Mersenne primes.
Two to P then one subtracted
seems easy, but don't get distracted.
You could get cash. I mean a bunch.
If you like to number crunch.
To win the cash you must discover
a ten million digit new prime number.
So start crunching in a jiffy.
If you win, could I get fifty?
  • #12
It beats studying for exams too!

Twinkle twinkle little star
I don't wonder what you are!
Through spectroscopy it has been
Derived you're made of hydrogen
And you shine brighter then day
Too bad you are so far away!

Twinkle twinkle shining bright
Glittering throughout the night
This is caused by, I'm aware,
Your light bending through the air
So you shimmer when I see
Your photons coming to me!
  • #13
Woo hoo! It's a duel! I don't know who to cheer for. tribdog is the favorite, but I feel compelled to support my sisters in science!

Go andromadog! :bugeye: :smile:
  • #14
I'm going to have to root for the won winning with science. Hoo Rah for the underdog! Go Andromeda!
  • #15
Ballad of a Smurf

by Smurf

Adromeda, so sweet and nice
thought up a clever rhyme
tribdog, all sour and spice
responded with a chime

Evo shouted, that whore,
at the top of her voice
let there be war!
I must rejoice

I gripped my pen
and removed the cap
forget about zen
it's time to rap

I started to brainstorm
and scribbled left to right
Ideas came in a swarm
'till my pen ran lite

I filled the paper
With scribbles and scraps
I'd have a caper
and a bunch of traps

All my friends
old and new
and of course franz
I'd include him too

Where to start?
it's quite overdue
I'm a little short
and a little blue too

some call me mean
some call me evil
but I'm really quite clean
not even a weevil

I may be left-wing
I may be anti-democratic
but soon I'll be King
and I'll stuff you in my attic

It's getting dark
I'm off to my turf
this is such a lark
yours truely,
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  • #16
3 Limericks before bed

The people I meet here are rare.
Take, for example, moonbear.
An award she has won
and we're going to have fun
cause I think she's a maiden most fair.

Smurf is another I see
and with him I never agree.
When a blind man walks by
he's the type of a guy
who yells, "Hey you, Look out for that tree."

Lastly I must mention Saint
If he made sense I think I would faint.
He's always so sad
and he's bad as a dad
He's one guy I'm glad that I ain't.
  • #17
Andromeda three two and one
You know that we're just having fun.
sometimes, late at night,
we get into these fights
and we don't stop before we see sun.
  • #18
Tonight I got quite a kick
Now that I've been assured I'm slick
I worked real hard
I get along with Tribdog
because he put me in his limerick
  • #19
I'm not making rhymes like I should
I'd do better if only I could
I should go to bed,
right after I'm fed
so good night, now give me some fhould. (lol, goodnight)
  • #20
Smurf said:
Tonight I got quite a kick
Now that I've been assured I'm slick
I worked real hard
I get along with Tribdog
because he put me in his limerick

Doesn't read right...

Trobdog wins...

Come one Andromeda, where are you? DOn't tell me I'm backing the wrong galaxy!
  • #21
Tribdog is off to the pen
What? but it's only just ten
I'm not batting an eye
Maybe he's a bit shy
A Goodnight Tribdog, Amen.
  • #22
franznietzsche is pissing me off
why, with me, must you scoff?
can't you see my name?
it is always the same.
it's not trobdog, you silly jack-off.
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  • #23
Ahem... and just who are you calling a whore? :devil:

I like "dark" chocolate. Finger hovering over the "delete Smurf for all eternity" button. Oh, and my sisters like dark chocolate too. Fauchon gift boxes would be nice.
  • #24
Looks like Andromeda realized the level of adversary she has here and decided to head for the hills!

Tribdog, flattery will get you everywhere.

(If you say all of the above in a sing-song-y voice and put pauses in all the wrong places, I'll call it free verse poetry). :smile:
  • #25
tribdog said:
franznietzsche is pissing me off
why, with me, must you scoff?
can't you see my name?
it is always the same.
it's not trobdog, you silly jack-off.

Its your own fault for picking a letter so close to 'o' on my keyboard. So i blame you. o:)
  • #26
franznietzsche is the name
he's obviously quite lame
he spells tribdog wrong
and clearly doesn't belong
he doesn't have a single verse and thinks he can proclaim.
  • #27
Evo is out on the prowl
She suddenly let's out a howl
Smurf you were bad
chocolate must be had
I'll delete you for being so foul.
  • #28
I've made a bad mistake
now I'm beginning to shake
I stepped over the line
Evo, would you care to dine?
I appologise, have some chocolate cake :rolleyes:
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  • #29
Moonbear you don't need to rhyme
You being here suits me just fine
someday we will meet
and I'll start at your feet
and kiss upwards towards a good time.
  • #30
Awww...some women can only dream of a man who will write poems for them. :blushing:
  • #31
I've been seen in some people's dreams
but that doesn't meen what it seems.
It doesn't seem fair
that I am a nightmare
and dreaming of me is a scream.
  • #32
tribdog said:
I've been seen in some people's dreams
but that doesn't meen what it seems.
It doesn't seem fair
that I am a nightmare
and dreaming of me is a scream.

:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #33
Tribdog wrote a pretty limerick
Moonbear, who was quite the chick
she let out a small tweet
for he was so very sweet
She didn't realize he was the devil's walking stick
  • #34
Now I really must sleep
so please, not even a peep.
if I don't get rest
I'll be up to my chest
in a pile of s*it that's so deep.
  • #35
Smurf said:
Tribdog wrote a pretty limerick
Moonbear, who was quite the chick
she let out a small tweet
for he was so very sweet
She didn't realize he was the devil's walking stick

Oh, I know, I know. :smile:

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