What is the history of quadratic reciprocity and its symbols?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary, a number n is a quadratic residue mod m if there exists a number a which, when squared mod m, gives n. The Legendre symbol is a tool used to determine if a number is a quadratic residue mod a given odd prime. It is multiplicative and follows the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity. This law does not apply to non-prime numbers, but there are generalizations such as the Jacobi symbol and Hilbert symbol. The theory of congruences and the use of symbols such as ##\ mp## and ##\ equiv## were developed by mathematicians such as Carl Friedrich Gauss and Christian Goldbach. Qin Jiushao also had knowledge of congruences in his book published in 1247
  • #1

A number n is a quadratic residue mod m if there exists some number a which, squared mod m, gives n.


Definition of the Legendre symbol, for any number a and for any odd prime p:
[tex]\left(\frac ap\right)=\begin{cases}
1&\exists n:n^2\equiv a\pmod p\\
-1&\nexists n:n^2\equiv a\pmod p

The Legendre symbol is multiplicative:
[tex]\left(\frac{ab}{p}\right)=\left(\frac ap\right)\left(\frac bp\right)[/tex]

The Law of Quadratic Reciprocity, for any odd primes p and q:
[tex]\left(\frac qp\right)=(-1)^{(p-1)(q-1)/4}\left(\frac pq\right)[/tex]

Extended explanation

For example, 0 1 4 5 6 and 9 are quadratic residues mod 10 because the squares of "ordinary" numbers (which are "base 10") can end in 0 1 4 5 6 or 9.

2 3 7 and 8 are not quadratic residues mod 10.

The law of Quadratic Reciprocity, of course, does not apply mod 10, because 10 is not a prime.

A generalisation of the Legendre symbol for odd non-primes p is the Jacobi symbol.

There is also a Hilbert symbol.

There are extensions of the law of Quadratic Reciprocity for non-prime p and q.

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  • #2
Legendre symbols are an important tool in number theory, and nowadays also in cryptology as some encryption schemes rely on the difficulty of factorization as e.g. RSA.

The theory of congruences was developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his 1801 published work "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae". The term congruence was used by Christian Goldbach as early as 1730 in letters to Leonhard Euler, but without the theoretical depth of Gauss. In contrast to Gauss, Goldbach used the symbol ##\ mp## and not ##\ equiv##. Even the Chinese mathematician Qin Jiushao already knew congruences and the associated theory, as in his book published in 1247 "Shushu Jiuzhang ("Mathematical treatise in nine chapters').

FAQ: What is the history of quadratic reciprocity and its symbols?

Question 1: What is quadratic reciprocity?

Quadratic reciprocity is a fundamental theorem in number theory that describes the relationship between two quadratic residues. It states that the quadratic residue of a prime number p modulo another prime number q is equal to the quadratic residue of q modulo p, as long as both p and q are not congruent to 0 modulo 4.

Question 2: Who discovered quadratic reciprocity?

The theorem of quadratic reciprocity was first proved by the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1796. However, it was later refined and extended by other mathematicians, including Adrien-Marie Legendre and Carl Gustav Jacobi.

Question 3: What is the significance of quadratic reciprocity?

Quadratic reciprocity has many applications in number theory and cryptography. It is also an important tool for solving problems in algebraic number theory and is used in the construction of efficient algorithms for certain mathematical operations.

Question 4: Can quadratic reciprocity be extended to non-prime numbers?

Yes, quadratic reciprocity can be extended to composite numbers using the Chinese remainder theorem. However, the resulting reciprocity law is more complicated and less useful compared to the original quadratic reciprocity theorem for prime numbers.

Question 5: Are there any open problems related to quadratic reciprocity?

Yes, there are still many open problems and conjectures related to quadratic reciprocity, such as the Artin conjecture and the generalization of the reciprocity law to higher degree polynomials. These problems continue to be a subject of ongoing research in number theory.

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