What is the Hodge dual and how does it work?

  • Thread starter AlbertEi
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    Dual Wedge
In summary, the conversation revolves around understanding the Hodge dual and its application in gauge theory and general relativity. The conversation also mentions different resources for learning about differential forms, such as Sean Carroll's book, Nakahara, Frankel, Spivak, Kobayashi, and Fecko. There is a discussion about the definition of the Hodge dual and its compatibility with different forms.
  • #1

I'm trying to get my head around the Hodge dual and how it exactly works. In the book "Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity" by John Baez and Javier P. Muniain they define:

\omega \wedge * \mu = \langle \omega , \mu \rangle \mathrm{vol}

for two p-forms. This implies that:

\omega \wedge * \mu = * \mu \wedge \omega

Therefore, if we consider a vector space with basis dx, dy, dz, and

\omega = \omega_x \mathrm{d}x

*\mu = \mu_y \mathrm{d} y

Then the definition by Baez and Muniain yields:

\omega_x \mu_y \mathrm{d}x \wedge \mathrm{d} y = \mu_y \omega_x \mathrm{d} y \wedge \mathrm{d}x

However, if I would try to calculate the above equation using 'anti-commuting' property of the wedge product, then I get:

\omega \wedge * \mu = \omega_x \mu_y \mathrm{d}x \wedge \mathrm{d} y = - \omega_x \mu_y \mathrm{d}y \wedge \mathrm{d} x \neq * \mu \wedge \omega

So clearly, I am going wrong somewhere, but I can't see where I'm going wrong.
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  • #2
[itex] \omega[/itex] and [itex] \mu[/itex] have to be p-forms. In your example one is 1-form, the other is a 2-form.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply, I will think about it over the next couple of days. I've the feeling that in my example they are both 1-forms so they should satisfy that equation.
  • #4
AlbertEi said:
\omega \wedge * \mu = \langle \omega , \mu \rangle \mathrm{vol}

for two p-forms. This implies that:

\omega \wedge * \mu = * \mu \wedge \omega

If you interchange ##\omega## and ##\mu##, shouldn't the second line be ##\omega \wedge * \mu = \mu \wedge * \omega## ?

Winitzki gives something like that in the first equation at the top of the right column on p4 of https://sites.google.com/site/winitzki/linalg.
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  • #5
AlbertEi said:
Thanks for your reply, I will think about it over the next couple of days. I've the feeling that in my example they are both 1-forms so they should satisfy that equation.

You have made ##\ast \eta## a ##1##-form. Thus ##\eta## is then a ##n-1##-form.
However, you also made ##\omega## a ##1##-form. This is incompatible.
Both ##\omega## and ##\eta## should be ##1##-forms.
  • #6
Ok, thank micromass, that makes sense.
  • #7
atty, yeah but in other sources I have also seen

(*\omega) \wedge \mu = \langle \omega , \mu \rangle \mathrm{vol}

so I think they are equivalent (although it seems that everybody is using different conventions so I might be wrong). However, what micromass said made sense, so I think that is where I went wrong.
  • #8
AlbertEi said:
I'm trying to get my head around the Hodge dual and how it exactly works.
Are you looking for a definite, mathematically rigorous way of thinking of it, or are you looking for intuition? Intuition is often good for wrapping your head around something, but I get the feeling that you aren't looking for that.
  • #9
Yeah, it would be nice to have a more rigorous way of thinking about it. If you have any good sources where I can learn this stuff then that would be great (I thought Sean Carroll's book was quite disappointing regarding differential forms, so now I have the aforementioned book from which I try to learn it). Thanks

Edit: FYI I study physics and am mainly interested in their application in gauge theory and general relativity.
  • #10
I would recommend Nakahara for a physics oriented viewpoint (it is primarily gauge theory) as well as Frankel. I personally don't know of any GR text that treats differential forms in a completely modern (i.e. index free) way. Wald's GR text has a nice appendix on differential forms but it is index based hence rather classical in nature.

If you want something on the pure math side, Spivak and Kobayashi are the reigning kings.

Links: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0471157333/?tag=pfamazon01-20
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  • #11
Thanks WannabeNewton for your recommendations!
  • #12
Another very good book is by Marian Fecko "Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists". In particular the Hodge dual is discussed there.

FAQ: What is the Hodge dual and how does it work?

1. What is the purpose of using wedge products in mathematics and science?

The wedge product, also known as the exterior product, is a mathematical operation that allows us to combine two vectors to create a new vector perpendicular to both of the original vectors. This is useful in many areas of mathematics and science, including differential geometry, physics, and computer graphics.

2. How is the wedge product related to the cross product?

The wedge product is a generalization of the cross product in three dimensions. While the cross product only exists in three-dimensional spaces, the wedge product can be defined in any number of dimensions. Additionally, the cross product returns a vector, while the wedge product returns a more general mathematical object called a bivector.

3. What is the Hodge dual and how is it related to the wedge product?

The Hodge dual is an operation that converts a k-vector (a vector with k components) into a (n-k)-vector in an n-dimensional space. It is closely related to the wedge product, as it is defined as the wedge product of a vector with a special vector called the dual basis. The Hodge dual is useful in differential geometry and electromagnetism, among other fields.

4. How are wedge products and Hodge duals used in differential forms?

Differential forms are mathematical objects that generalize multivariable calculus to arbitrary dimensions. The wedge product and Hodge dual are essential tools in the manipulation and integration of differential forms. They allow us to simplify expressions and solve problems in a more elegant and efficient way.

5. Can you provide an example of how wedge products and Hodge duals are used in physics?

In electromagnetism, the electric and magnetic fields are described by the electromagnetic field tensor, which is a differential 2-form. The Hodge dual of this tensor is the electromagnetic potential, which is a 1-form. The wedge product of these two forms gives us a 3-form, which represents the electromagnetic field's energy density. This is just one example of how wedge products and Hodge duals are used in physics to simplify and generalize mathematical expressions.

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