What is the impact of Michael Shermer's bias on his role as a skeptic?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: So he's saying that there are hundreds of millions of people who have had such experiences.In summary, the conversation involves a disagreement about the definition of superstition and the validity of psychic experiences. The person speaking believes that Shermer often misrepresents issues and has a bias towards debunking rather than skepticism. They also question Shermer's use of a poll on psychic experiences and argue that the number of claims does not prove or disprove their existence. The other person argues that the belief in psychic experiences is based on perceived experiences and that coincidences do not count as proof. They also mention that they have not personally heard hundreds of millions of testimonies, but Shermer's statement suggests that there are many people who claim
  • #36
Now you say:
somasimple said:
but messages remain ionic flows which are not decyphered.

Aren’t those signals binary? Meaning that the signal either fires or it doesn’t? And each time it fires, the signal is the same size? Information gets encoded at the frequency at which the signal is sent. In other words what do you mean by not deciphered?

somasimple said:
PET has the same limitations and fMRI too, you see neurons that are working but that's all.

So what’s the problem, we see neurons interacting and sending signals to one another.

somasimple said:
At lest, a colored image shows an area that works but I can't take my colours and translate them to a comprehensive human thing.

Can’t you? I take it you mean that you can’t translate those patterns into thoughts, or brain functions, or movements. That’s not what I’ve read.

Anyway, it is indeed an interesting subject, but we’ve probably strayed off topic. Thanks SGT for the reminder, we still need to find a mechanism to propagate signals at a distance, and until someone mentions something, I don’t see telepathy being possible.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37

I didn't say anyway that I agree with telepathy.

I just wrote that if telepathy existed (that's against the physics principles = absurd hypothesis) thus discarding the understanding of the sub-systems' functioning that could compose this complex systemic skill will be a huge/definite barrier to a logical/scientific explanation of it.
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  • #38

Aren’t those signals binary? Meaning that the signal either fires or it doesn’t? And each time it fires, the signal is the same size? Information gets encoded at the frequency at which the signal is sent.

Binary, just no. Some neurons send their information in a kind of binary thing but sommations may occur, inhibition (subtractions) too. then there is another coding than simple binary one. Once the message is sent and compounded, it is translated with neurotransmitters. the neuron is able to make 20000 different neurotransmitters/peptides. The involved quantities give few change to understand the message sent.

That’s not what I’ve read.
  • #39
somasimple said:

I didn't say anyway that I agree with telepathy.

I just wrote that if telepathy existed (that's against the physics principles = absurd hypothesis) thus discarding the understanding of the sub-systems' functioning that could compose this complex systemic skill will be a huge/definite barrier to a logical/scientific explanation of it.
I realized from the beginning that you probably didn't believe in telepathy and were playing the Devil's advocate. But if nobody challenged your ideas we would have lost a lot of interesting informations.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think neural information is not binary. It seems that it is not only the fact that a neuron is firing, but the intensity of the stimulus is also important. Computer neural networks use analog information (binary coded, but still analog) in training and in finding information.
I know that a computer algorithm is not a good example of a living system, but the people that developed the theory tried to mimic the functioning of the human brain, even if we don't know exactly how it works.
  • #40
SGT said:
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think neural information is not binary.
Frequency, patterns, duration are certainly playing a role while coding information.

We know (well) 80 neurotransmitters,
take the previous info (quite binary message)
Multiply it by some quantity of some 80 chemical
Add the ability to change the quantity (and thus sensitivity) of ions channels

And you get a final mess!

Call it brain!

I know that a computer algorithm is not a good example of a living system,
Nature created its computer in some hundred millions years, Bill will have some decades for improving Windows.
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  • #41
Questions of the mind are not so simple to answer as some would have us believe.

Spin-Mediated Consciousness Theory: Possible Roles of Oxygen Unpaired Electronic Spins and Neural Membrane Nuclear Spin Ensemble in Memory and Consciousness

A novel theory of consciousness is proposed in this paper. We postulate that consciousness is connected to quantum mechanical spin since said spin is embedded in the microscopic structure of spacetime and may be more fundamental than spacetime itself. Thus, we theorize that consciousness is connected with the fabric of spacetime through spin.[continued]

For many more papers from the real experts see esp posts 10, 11, and 12 in the credible anomalies napster
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  • #42
Ivan Seeking said:
Well, I see this as nitpicking since it was the point of the study to determine the truth about what people believe.
To replace the word claim with the word testimony creates the false impression the belief is very deep and certain: strong enough to "testify" about. To merely "claim" you believe you've had a psychic experience is indication of a much more casual thing. If someone asked me if I'd ever had a psychic experience, I could easily say I think I probably have. I would never, however, present them to anyone on the level of testimony that psychic phenomena exist.

You can't jump from "claim" to "testimony" in describing the results of this poll without falsly coloring the implied depth of the belief from the original statement of it. To switch from saying 200 million peope have "claimed" they had a psychic experience, to characterizing them as having "testified" to it, is an obvious overstatement of what the polls imply, intended to make the skeptics look more foolish for having dismissed what all these people have "testified" to. The original statement about the number of people who believe it contains no such information about the depth or casualness of their belief.
Strictly speaking, no doubt about it, the number of claims does not increase the chances that the beliefs are true, however it establishes as fact the most people believe that it's true.
So one implication is that in fact psychic events are common.
No. You've made a big jump here. The only reasonable conclusion to draw is that what are assumed to be psychic events are common.
And no one is in position to say that everyone is wrong here, so the demand on science is of a social and not statistical nature. Science has a responsiblity to listen. There may not be much to be done, but denial based on personal bias is certainly not an option.
I agree with this, but not with the implication that there's all this denial based on personal bias going around. So many things reported to be psychic experiences have been proven to be hoaxes, scams, and misperceptions of coincidence that it is irresponsible not to encourage people to think more critically, and look first for ordinary explanations. The corner Psychic And Spritual Advisor and Tarot Card Reader and Palm Reader continue to scam gullible people all the time.

That is another issue all together. I agree completely that the scam artists are well targeted by the debunkers, but 2/3 of the country are not scam artists, yet the skeptics almost always fail to make this distinction. we are not talking about Cleo here, we are talking about your family, friends, and neighbors.
Who got all their priming from the scam artists, and popular culture: movies like Ghost, and the works of Stephen King, and TV mediums who make a good living at it, and so on. It's very persuasive to see one of these guys put a middle aged woman into tears by telling her her dead son is standing by her side right now and wants her to know he forgives her for everything, and she only needs to forgive herself. That's some fantastic and powerful theater! And it's no wonder my friends, family, and neighbors are moved to belief. No, all these people aren't scam artists, they are the victims of the scam artists: After watching John Edwards everyday for a year, Aunt Judy decides her vase was moved by the spirit of Uncle Joe trying to make contact with her, and Cousin Edith "realizes" that the hangup call she got the day her Dad died was an "alert" from the other side. And so, when polled as to whether they've ever had a psychic experience, of course they say "Yes."
edit: These beliefs have been around a lot longer than Cleo.
Yes, I mentioned that the scams have been around since anient times: witness the ambiguous riddle-prophecies of the Greek and Roman Oracles.
  • #43
I'll be back when I can; too much work to do right now.
  • #44
Ivan Seeking said:
Questions of the mind are not so simple to answer as some would have us believe.


For many more papers from the real experts see esp posts 10, 11, and 12 in the credible anomalies napster
I am not a biologist, but some affirmations in the paper seem a little exaggerated:
One of the most immediate purposes of our respiratory and circulatory systems is to deliver oxygen to the brain [19].
I think the purpose of those systems is to deliver oxygen to all cells in the body, from the brain to the bowels.
Therefore, we strongly believe that Nature have utilized quantum mechanical spin in constructing a conscious biological mind.
If the spin theory is true, it is true for all living matter, from humans to bacteria. Do bacteria contribute to the universal mind?

The postulates presented belong to the field of metaphysics, not of science. Empirical science uses observations, not postulates.
Several experimentally testable predictions can be drawn according to the theory of consciousness proposed herein:
(1) Any agent or mean that significantly perturbs or interferes with the oxygen
pathway inside the neural membranes will diminish or block consciousness;
(2) Any agent or mean that significantly perturbs the structure or dynamics of the
neural membranes will alter or disrupt the normal functions of consciousness;
(3) Any agent or mean that significantly interferes with the dynamics of the proton nuclear spin ensemble will interfere with the conscious functions of the brain;
(4) Any mean that significantly replaces hydrogen atoms of the neural membranes with those with zero nuclear spin such as deuterium will interferes with or totally block the conscious functions of the brain; and
(5) Any mean that stops oxygen flow through neural membranes will disrupt
conscious functions of the brain even if everything else in the brain functions
Even if (1), (2) and (5) are observed, this does not mean that the spin theory of consciousness is true.
  • #45
:smile: :smile:

One of the most immediate purposes of our respiratory and circulatory systems is to deliver oxygen to the brain [19].

Yes, it is true. Brain consumes around 1/3 blood supply and oxygen delivered.
But I can't conclude in the way of the paper. The only conclusion is already known! Neurons die in 3/5 minutes without blood supply and oxygen. A skin cell may continue to live without oxygen more than 1/2 hour. It is metabolism question.

Therefore, we strongly believe that Nature have utilized quantum mechanical spin in constructing a conscious biological mind.
Nature isn't a living entity. Nature ignores Mathematics and Physics. Nature solves elegantly the problems with any of our axiom.

If tomorrow we theorize another physics law, automatically Nature will follow our dictatorship. :biggrin:

A the beginning of the 20th century some determinists scientists thought that movements of atoms were pre-determined. And some philosophers thought that free will do not exist. With quantum physics, we do not know!
  • #46

I will be back...only time for quicky posts right now.

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