What is the Initial Phase Angle and First Maximum Current in an AC Circuit?

  • Thread starter steveandy2002
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In summary, the conversation discusses a homework problem involving the calculation of initial phase angle in radians and degrees, as well as determining the current at the first maximum value. The equations used include i=A*sin(ωτ+∅) and 100∏τ+0.6=∏/2. The final answer is 4.970178926*10^-3. However, there is an algebraic mistake in the solution for part b).
  • #1

Homework Statement

i = 15 sin(100π.t + 0.6)
a) I need to state the initial phase angel in rads and degrees.
b) I also need to work out current at first maximum value.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a) ∅=100∏*0+0.6
∅= 0.6 rads. ∴0.6*180/∏=34.37746771°

b) first current max =∏/2 rad's
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You've made an algebraic mistake in your part b), but yes, you are on the right track. By the way, a thread like this belongs in the "Introductory Physics" forum, not the Calculus forum.
  • #3
Steely Dan said:
You've made an algebraic mistake in your part b), but yes, you are on the right track. By the way, a thread like this belongs in the "Introductory Physics" forum, not the Calculus forum.

where abouts did i go wrong?
  • #4
steveandy2002 said:

  • #5

i=12.93224277 amps

a) The initial phase angle is 0.6 radians or 34.37746771 degrees.
b) The current at the first maximum value is 12.93224277 amps.

Related to What is the Initial Phase Angle and First Maximum Current in an AC Circuit?

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