What is the Inner Product of <+z|+n>?

  • Thread starter danJm
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In summary, the homework statement given is that given |+n> = cos(θ/2)|+z> + e^(i*phi)sin(θ/2)|-z>, the equation to be solved is <+z|+n> = cos(theta/2) . The attempt at a solution is to use the axioms of the inner product to compute <+z|+n> = cos(theta/2). Using the values of <+z|+z> and <+z|-z> at hand, the expectation value for this problem is sin^2(θ/2).
  • #1

Homework Statement

given |+n> = cos (θ/2)|+z> + e^(i*phi)sin(θ/2)|-z>

i'm asked to find out what <+z|+n>=

Homework Equations

<+z|+z> = 1
<+z|-z> = 0

The Attempt at a Solution

I am just unsure what <+z| is..

computing the inner product of the 2 quantum states to get the probability amplitude is not the issue. I know i need to use the <+z|+z> = 1, <+z|-z> = 0 to find it, but I'm just not sure how to approach it.

i feel like I'm just missing something really simple, please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
danJm said:
computing the inner product of the 2 quantum states to get the probability amplitude is not the issue.
It seems to me that it's ALL of the issue. The inner product <z+|n+> is all you're asked to compute.
(By the way, you DO know what <z+| is. Since you know what it does to the basis {<z+|,<z-|}, you know what it does to all vectors in the space.)
  • #3
ok.. well the solution i come up with is <+z|+n> = cos(theta/2)

i just have no idea if that's right
  • #4
Yeah, that's all you need.
  • #5
Welcome to PF, danJm! :smile:

danJm said:
ok.. well the solution i come up with is <+z|+n> = cos(theta/2)

i just have no idea if that's right

As to why it is right...

You are applying <+z| to |+n>.
You can replace |+n> by the expression you have for it.

What you need to use is that the operation of <a| on |b> is a so called inner product.
The axioms for an inner product state that it is linear for addition and scalar multiplication in the first argument.
See for instance: wiki.

Note that you still need to be careful with a scalar in the second argument, which you have, since that requires a conjugate (see wiki page).
Do you see why that is not a problem here?
  • #6
i assumed the second term would go away because of <+z|-z> = 0
  • #7
Yes it does.

The proper way to do it, is to apply the axioms/propositions of the inner product.
First you can split it in a summation of 2 inner products.
Then you can get the scalars out.
Since they are in the second argument, you need their conjugates.

That leaves you with:
(cos(θ/2))* <+z|+z> + (e^(i*phi)sin(θ/2))* <+z|-z>​
where * denotes the conjugate.

In this expression you can substitute your values for <+z|+z> and <+z|-z>.
  • #8
further, the expectation value for this problem would just be
<+z|+z>|^2 = cos^2(θ/2)h(bar)/2
  • #9
You seem to have left out some information.
Can you supply us with the full question?

In particular |<+z|+z>|^2 = 1^2 = 1.
  • #10
Suppose that a measurement of Sz is carried out on a particle in the state |+n> what is the probability that the measurement yields (i)h(bar)/2 and (ii)-h(bar)/2?

i wrote the inner product incorrectly, i assume that Sz = |<+z|+n>|2

so that would follow cos2(θ/2)(h(bar)/2)
  • #11
Hmm, I can't quite say.
I do not know what was intended with Sz.

From your context I tentatively assume Sz can either be ##\frac \hbar 2## or ##- \frac \hbar 2##.
Do those outcomes perhaps correspond to the states |+z> respectively |-z>?

If that is the case, the observable Sz might be ##\frac \hbar 2## if the state of the particle is |+z>.Btw, your question does not seem to include an "expectation value"...?

Either way, in the probability for such a measurement, ##\hbar## would not play any role.
It seems you are mixing up probabilities and expectation values...?
  • #12
ah, you i did, wow, thanks for the help.
i believe Sz is the spin in the z direction.

so the probability to find the particle in the +ℏ/2 is cos^2(θ/2)
and for the -ℏ/2 = e^(2*i*phi)sin^2(θ/2)
  • #13
Ah, we're starting to get there... :)

The probability for -ℏ/2 would be |<-z|+n>|2.

What is <-z|+n>?
And what is |<-z|+n>|?

Btw, did you know that probabilities are supposed to be real?
And that they are supposed to add up to 1?
  • #14
ah, this is when you square it, you do the complex conjugate. leaving me with sin^2(θ/2) for the probability of -ℏ/2

ya i knew that, i just failed at thinking... sigh..
  • #15
Congratulations! :smile:

FAQ: What is the Inner Product of <+z|+n>?

1. What is the quantum bra/ket problem?

The quantum bra/ket problem is a mathematical concept in quantum mechanics that deals with the representation of quantum states and operators using bra and ket notation. It involves the use of vectors and linear algebra to describe the behavior of quantum systems.

2. How is the bra/ket notation used in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, the bra/ket notation is used to represent quantum states and operators. The bra notation <ψ| represents a vector in a complex vector space, while the ket notation |ψ> represents the dual vector in the same space. These notations are used to calculate the inner product between two vectors and to represent quantum operators as linear transformations.

3. What is the significance of the bra and ket vectors in quantum mechanics?

The bra and ket vectors in quantum mechanics represent the dual nature of quantum systems. The bra vector represents the "before" state of a quantum system, while the ket vector represents the "after" state. The inner product of these vectors gives the probability amplitude of a quantum system transitioning from one state to another.

4. How is the quantum bra/ket problem solved?

The quantum bra/ket problem is solved using mathematical techniques such as linear algebra and the Dirac notation. By representing quantum states and operators as vectors and matrices, the problem can be solved by performing operations such as inner products, tensor products, and matrix multiplications.

5. What are some real-world applications of the quantum bra/ket problem?

The quantum bra/ket problem has many applications in the field of quantum mechanics, including quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum information theory. It is also used in the study of quantum systems such as atoms, molecules, and subatomic particles to understand their behavior and interactions.
