What is the integral of dx over dx?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Evgeny.Makarov
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In summary, the conversation discusses the meaning of the integral $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}$ and whether it is a valid expression. The general consensus is that it is not a meaningful notation, but one possible interpretation is that it represents the antiderivative of $\frac{dx}{dx}$. The conversation also touches on the issue of notation in mathematics and the importance of clarity and correctness.
  • #1
Gold Member
What is $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}$? There is a reasonable answer to this question.

Also, does anybody know what this integral is called?
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  • #2
I respect your question (and you), but I think you cannot speak about dx/dx, unless you're some "story teller, spelling in mathematical simbols" callculus pseudoexpert wannabe. (I'm very sure you're not such a person. ;) )
  • #3
To be sure, the question is a little
, but there is a perfectly reasonable answer.
  • #4
As "falsehood implies everything, it implies every reasonable answer." But I'm not polemic! What 1/dx means? Integral(dx/dx) is lacking specific entities, such as a function (like the identity function). It is usually understood from the context. But just make an entire description. You may use Weirstarass Calculus or the HyperReal Numbers of Newton and Cauchy. Just state it clearly and I will answer it.
  • #5
Evgeny.Makarov said:
What is $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}$? There is a reasonable answer to this question. Also, does anybody know what this integral is called?
I will certainly yield to you on any question of logic.
But here is my research area.
Those of us in the H.S.Wall/Gilliam tradition have no idea what $\int f $ means,
We know what $\int_a^b f $ means.

Sorry to say, I find your question meaningless.
  • #6
Well, OK. For $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}$ to make sense, the expression after the integral sign must have a single $dx$ in the nominator. Therefore, $dx$ in the denominator is not a differential, but rather a product of a constant $d$ and a variable $x$. Therefore, $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}=\frac{\ln|x|}{d}+C$.

Edit: And why is it that you know what $\int_a^bf$ means but don't know what $\int f$ means?
  • #7
Evgeny.Makarov said:
For $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}$ to make sense, the expression after the integral sign must have a single $dx$ in the nominator. Therefore, $dx$ in the denominator is not a differential, but rather a product of a constant $d$ and a variable $x$. Therefore, $\displaystyle\int\frac{dx}{dx}=\frac{\ln|x|}{d}+C$.
Sorry, but as an member of what is generally call the "Texas school" I find that a meaningless expressionism.
I understand that logicians take liabilities in defining notations.
But I am not ready to give you free rain with this this one.

Evgeny.Makarov said:
x And why is it that you know what $\int_a^bf$ means but don't know what $\int f$ means?
Some of us have had to give into publishers in order of get textbooks out.
That simply means anti-derivative.
Anti-derivative is not integral,
  • #8
All this is supposed to be a sort of a joke. That's why I referred to "tongue-in-cheek" in post #3.

Plato said:
I understand that logicians take liabilities in defining notations.
This question was told to me by fellow students probably during my first or second year, even before I chose to specialize in logic.

I think also that lateral thinking used here can be useful not so much in mathematics, but in programming, where programs sometimes parse not according to common sense. I don't have a good example right now; if I come up with one, I'll post it here.

Plato said:
That simply means anti-derivative.
Anti-derivative is not integral,
Then I think $\int f$ should denote the antiderivative and $\int^b_a f$ should not make sense.
  • #9
It's tricky the solution. And I did not expected to have such a simple answer.

For an example of how programs parse do you refer to something like this (in C):
(0 && (b=getch()), where if some compiling time optimizations are set, the program will not read b?

/* let's say we know a*a+b*b>0 */
/* let's say we are satisfied with a very rough approximation*/
#define infinity 4294967295
if (( a = getValue() ) && (( b = aVeryResourceIntensiveComputation() ))
{ c = b/a; }
{ c = infinity;}
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  • #10
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Then I think $\int f$ should denote the antiderivative and $\int^b_a f$ should not make sense.
If you can find the first edition of Calculus by Gillman&McDowell you will see that in fact the notation
$\int^b_a f$ is used for an integral.

Gillman is known as a stickler for correctness of notation. After all he was brought to Texas to fill the void created by the forced retirement of R.L. Moore.

If you can find an actual copy of that text, you will see my pick for the best ever calculus textbook. The size of the book is totally reasonable; the typography is beautiful; there is no need for technology.

Most importantly, Gillman develops the integral by way of a betweeness property.

As a side bar: I think that Gillman is the only MAA president who was also a Julliard graduate.

FAQ: What is the integral of dx over dx?

1. What does the integral of dx over dx represent?

The integral of dx over dx represents the area under the curve y = 1, which is equal to the variable x. In other words, it represents the antiderivative of the constant function y = 1.

2. How do you solve the integral of dx over dx?

Since the integral of dx over dx represents the antiderivative of the constant function y = 1, the solution is simply x + C, where C is the constant of integration. This is because the derivative of x + C is equal to 1, which satisfies the integrand dx/dx.

3. Why is the integral of dx over dx equal to x?

This is because the integral of dx over dx represents the antiderivative of the constant function y = 1, which is equal to the variable x. Therefore, the solution to this integral is x + C, where C is the constant of integration.

4. Can the integral of dx over dx be negative?

No, the integral of dx over dx will always result in a positive value. This is because the integral represents the area under the curve, and area cannot be negative.

5. How is the integral of dx over dx related to the derivative of x?

The integral of dx over dx is the antiderivative of the constant function y = 1, which is equal to the variable x. This is similar to the derivative of x, which is also equal to 1. Therefore, the integral and derivative of dx over dx are inverse operations of each other.

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